Hounds and Highschoolers

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Headcanon I had where Tony had a bright idea... (Short but FLUFFY!!!)

Tony Stark was a certified genius. He was one of the smartest engineers in the world in fact. I mean, not just anyone could create a flying suit made of gold-titanium alloy with a self-learning AI.

But this—this had to be his best idea yet. He was sure of it.

Zach, that's gay- (line break)

Peter had been having a really horrible day. Every class was a drag, he had to present in front of people, and he had tons of new homework.

He sauntered into the tower, dead tired and ready to sit around in the lab with Tony.

As the elevator doors opened, he was met with a sight that took him by surprise.

Steve and Bucky were on the floor laughing their asses off, being licked by a dog.

A dog.

D O G G O !

Peter was immediately feeling better, but was completely confused.


Through laughs, Steve glanced over and smiled one of the brightest smiles Peter had ever seen. "Tony got 'em for us!"

"There's more?!?"

The dog was ecstatic to be there. She was a silvery gray Pit Bull with a splotch of white in her chest.

Peter immediately dropped his bag and ran over onto the floor.

"What's her name?"

"Tessa," Bucky said, grinning.

"You should see Tony's lab," Steve joked.

Peter's eyes widened. He gave Tessa a few more pets before standing up.

"Tessa, we're gonna be best friends."

Then, he was off to the lab.

Actually, Meghan, I can't sit ANYWHERE-

Peter ran into the lab, and Tony looked up immediately.

"Hey, kid. How are you?"

"Great. Now wHERE ARE THE DOGS?"

Tony chuckled and whistled.

From behind the desk came a large dog. Like, huge. He was bigger than any dog of his breed should be, tall and excitable.

He was cream white and looked extremely soft, and Peter was desperate to pet him.

"C'mon, kid. I'll explain in a sec,"

Peter nodded eagerly and ran to the dog, who was thrilled to have company who would pet him (Tony's hand were busy with tools and such).

"His hair's almost as unruly as yours, Pete."

Peter laughed and ran his hands through the dog's wavy hair that stuck out everywhere.

"Why are there dogs in the tower? Is that allowed?"

"Kid, I own the building. I own the company. I can do whatever I want."

"Right," Peter mentally kind that again. Sometimes it shocked him how accustomed he'd become to being around Tony.

I mean, it's Tony Fucking Stark!

"To answer your question," Tony shook Peter from his thoughts, "I thought dogs might help out a bit. With trauma and stuff."

"So... like comfort animals?"

"Pretty much," Tony laughed. "Also did it to 'do good' and whatnot, made sure to get some underprivileged dogs. That one's Teddy. (Yes, I worked both Tom's dog AND my dog into this story. No regrets.)

"Wow, Mr. Stark! That's awesome, I love them!"

A distant padding took hold of Peter's attention. Another dog.

In bounded a smaller honey-golden dog with a white snout, chest, and stomach. Even white paws like gloves.

"Aaaaandd there's Dodger!" (HAHAHAHAH DON'T THINK I FORGOT CHRIS EVANS) Tony's eyes we're back to his work a moment later.

Peter was practically vibrating with joy. "DODGER I LOVE YOU SO MUCH-"

The dog interrupted him with a kick to the nose.

There were faint padding footsteps coming from the entrance of the lab. Tony looked up to see Natasha sauntering in, a tired look on her face. She was barefoot and in ripped jeans and a tucked in band t. Unusually casual for her, but Tony dared not joke about it.

Suddenly, her face changed from a look of exhaustion to one of fondness. She saw Peter with the two dogs on the floor, laughing uncontrollably and the two animals bounced around excitedly and let him pet them.

"Nice call, Stark. Seems to make everyone pretty happy."

"Sure does, Romanoff. You sure you don't want to play with them?"

The assassin looked like she was about to object, but something inside of her couldn't say no.

"Y'know what, I think I'll try."

She walked over to Peter and the canines, earning Peter's gaze. He looked up at her, somewhat confused. "Uhm, hi..."

Peter didn't know Nat very well. She'd always seemed indifferent toward him.

Then, she did something. She smiled. And it was a warm and kind and something Peter could definitely get used to.

"Mind if I join?"

Peter hesitated before shaking his head. "No, go ahead, miss Romanoff."

"Thanks. And it's Nat."

Peter smiled and nodded.

Natasha pet the dogs, who were happy to have another friend. Then, she glanced up at the boy across from her.

"So, you're Spider-Man, if I remember correctly. Peter, right?"

Peter nodded slowly. "Y-yeah, I am. And you're Black Widow, but you know that," he laughed awkwardly.

Nat laughed. This boy was growing on her. "I remember you from Germany, and I've also seen the news. You've got skills, kid." (yOu'vE gOt gIftS, pArkEr)

Peter grinned again. "Thank you. You're pretty awesome, too. My girlfriend is practically in love with you."

Tony's voice interrupted the conversation.


"Mr. Staaark!"

"Just sayin I'm proud of you, kid. I told you she'd say yes."

Peter gave Tony a look that said 'thanks, now let me talk to Nat.'

Tony put his hands up in defense and got back to work.

Peter turned back to Natasha. "Sorry. Yeah, MJ is a fan. She idolizes you."

"I'll have to meet her" Natasha smirked.

"She'd love that, let me tell you."

Peter scrunched his face (rather adorably) as Teddy licked him.

Click, click, click, click click click clickclickclickclickclickclick-

Tessa bolted in to join the party.

Peter and Nat has ceased talking in favor of laughing.

Tony smiled at his kid and friend. They both looked so happy, it made him feel better about—well—everything.

Tony Stark may not've been great at the whole "talking about feelings" thing, but he had his ways to show he cared.

Yeah, this was a good idea.

Hope this cheered you up if you've been having a bad day❤️ We could all use a little fluff (and fur) every now and again.

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