I Told You I Work Here

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Inspired by a prompt. Enjoy!

Peter laughed at Mr. Stark's sarcastic remark.

"Yeah, sounds awful."

The two turned the corner to the cafeteria. It was fairly busy, as it usually was on Saturdays. Mr. Stark was going to oversee the kitchen and dining area, just to make sure everything was in shape. Sure, he could hire someone else to do it, but he trusted himself more than anyone.

Peter put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and looked up ahead at the area. There were employees eating, along with some tour groups who whispered excitedly. Tony nodded at them with a friendly smile and went through the door that lead to the kitchen.

The chefs looked up and said quick, kind hellos, as did the janitors. The kitchen was actually very clean, with cleared off counters and washed dishes. Tony nodded in approval, and Peter was interested for  a few minutes before he grew very, very bored.

"Mr. Stark, I'm gonna go out and sit down," he said, already turning away.

"Uh, Yeah, you do that, kid." Mr. Stark didn't even turn to look at Peter. He was checking the cupboards.

Congrats on your new profession in health inspection.

Peter walked out of the kitchen and sat at an empty table in the corner. A small explosion of silent conversation sounded from a few tables over. Peter looked up to see a few of his classmates, newly seated at the table.

Right. Forgot they were doing that.

Peter's science class had a weekend trip organized for anyone interested. Peter wasn't exactly paying attention while his teacher announced it. He just heard "trip" and "Stark tower on Saturday."

MJ was in the group. She smiled and waved to Peter, then turned back to her book.

Peter averted his eyes after that. He didn't need anyone talking to him, it would only cause trouble. And Flash would taunt him about "holding up the lie" or force him to get him a meeting with Tony.

Speak of the Devil.

Mr. Stark walked out of the kitchen and scanned the cafeteria. Finally, his eyes met with Peter's and he went to the table, knowing he was safe from being mobbed by the tour groups (thanks to the security guards).

Peter eyed his classmates. Oh boy.

"Something wrong, Pete?" Tony asked, trying to see what Peter was looking at.

Peter turned to face Mr. Stark. "Uh, no. Everything's fine."

Tony nodded is suspicion and continued to talk to Peter about the invention they were working on in the lab.

"Well," Peter started, "can't you just program it to?"

"No, it needs something steadying it."

"Well, we'd need to write something down to figure it out, so let's just talk about something else," Peter suggested.

"Okay," Tony said contently, "who are those kids you keep eyeing over there?"

Peter gave him an urgent look. "Anything but that."


"I know them, Mr. Stark."

"Don't they know you work here?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Then let's go talk to them."


It was too late. Tony was already out of his chair, headed toward the group of teens.

Peter shook his head and stood seated at the table.

The eyes of the teens went wide in disbelief as Tony approached.

"Hello, students. You come from Midtown Tech, correct?" Tony smiled, looking at their dropped jaws and mystified expressions.

"Yeah," They all mumbled nervously.

"Ah, very cool. What brings you all here?"

"Science field trip," a few voices said.

"Very cool. I know a kid from Midtown, he's over there. Nice kid."

Peter hid his face when he saw Tony gesture at him.

"You know him?"  Tony questioned.

The kids nodded. "Kinda."

Tony turned. "Pete, get over here and say hi."

Peter groaned and got up.

"Hey," he said quietly as he stopped next to Mr. Stark.

"Hey, Peter," MJ smiled kindly.

"Hey, MJ."

Tony continued. "Peter's staying with me for six months, did he tell you that? He's doing some work with me."

"Uh, Mr. Stark, maybe we should go-" Peter stopped when he heard a kid speak.

"Wait, he's staying with you? Like, at your penthouse?" A kid named Julian asked.

Tony nodded. "Yes, siree."

The kids stared at Peter in confusion and awe.

Tony turned to Peter. "You know kid, you're right, it's time to go. Let's head up and grab some lunch. Pepper'll be home soon." He looked at the students. "Nice to meet you all."

With that, he walked away from the table and towards the exit.

Peter hesitated for a moment, looking at Mr. Stark, then at the students. They were giving him wide eyed looks.

"What? I told you I work here. I posted this on my Instagram." Peter turned and followed Mr. Stark out.

Cheesy, I know, but I like it. Also, forgive any grammatical errors, please! (Although I don't think I made any...)

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