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"Mr. Stark, I'm fine. Really," Peter whined, climbing off his bed.

"You're not going, Peter," Tony assertively said, trying to be somewhat intimidating. He figured if Peter was staying with him for so long, he had to get better at this "dad" thing. Tony insisted he wasn't a dad, though. He was just a "cool relative".

"C'mon, I have  three tests today, I can't miss them. I feel fine, anyway," Peter protested.

Tony shook his head. "Nope, a 209 degree fever is too close for comfort." (Farenheit, btw). Peter was usually at a good 190-195 degrees. But he had come down with a fever, which typically didn't happen. Most people got sick around 102, but Peter had an enhanced metabolism and functions, increasing his temperature much higher than the average human body temperature.

Peter groaned and sat back down on his mattress. Mr. Stark was right about him feeling awful, but Peter hated missing school. Sure, Flash bothered him a bunch, but Ned and MJ kept him sane, and he had too much work to miss out on.

Tony nodded, acknowledging that he'd won and gave Peter a meaningful look. "If you need me, tell FRIDAY and I'll be right over.

Peter nodded, and Tony walked off.


Around 11:30, Peter received a text from Ned.

N: Dude, where are you today?

P: I'm sick

N: you never miss school, even when you're sick

P: Mr. Stark made me stay home

N: okay, I'll send you the homework file for the Chemistry homework

P: thanks

Peter put his phone down and looked up at the ceiling. I'm bored.

He climbed out of bed and sauntered into the hall, then proceeded to climb up the wall and ceiling of the living room. He needed a stretch. He wasn't allowed to swing in the house, though. Only crawl. He inched into the living space and went to the corner, then spun himself a few webs to hold him up in a hammock-like fashion. As he climbed in, he heard a ding.


Out the elevator stepped Natasha, Clint, Steve, Bucky, and Pepper. What were they doing here?!

Tony hadn't told the others about Peter's identity yet, though he claimed he'd get around to it. Only him and Pepper knew out of the bunch.

Peter was out of sight-for now. But the moment someone turned around...

He hastily and silently stuck to the ceiling and tore the webs using the special blades built into his slingers (courtesy of Mr. Stark himself). Then, he stretched his limbs as far as they would go repeatedly as to crawl quickly, but not loudly.

The group settled on the couch, putting them 90 degrees closer to seeing Peter. One jerky move and they'd see him.

Move by move, he had to move slower and slower. It eventually got to the point that he was in plain sight. All any one of the Avengers had to do was move their head.

"What the hell?!"

Shit! No!

Peter turned his head nervously over to the group. Natasha, of course, was the one to notice him. She was pointing a revolver at him, clearly tense. Suddenly, a flicker of realization flashed in her eyes. "Peter?"

Peter knew Natasha, but Spiderman didn't. Tony had introduced Peter to the redhead months ago as his intern. Natasha had grown a liking to the boy, so this was a shock.

"Nat, put the gun down!" Pepper instructed, hastily getting up from the couch. All eyes were glued on Peter. Pepper pushed Natasha's arm down, glaring at the boy on the ceiling. "Peter, get down here, please."

Peter surrendered and dropped down.

"Pepper, why the hell was the kid on the ceiling?" Steve asked suddenly, clearly shocked.

"Peter, what were you doing out of bed, anyway?" Pepper grabbed Peter by the shoulders, ignoring Steve.

"I got... bored."

"Oh, no," Pepper put her head in her palm.

"Pepper, I swear to-"

"A moment, please!"

"Is he the Spi-"


Everyone shut up.

"Peter, care to tell our friends your little secret?" Pepper asked, looking down at Peter. The boy gave an awkward smile.

"Uh, I may or may not be Spiderman." He looked down a bit.

The room filled up with voices again. Peter winced at the sound. It was louder than he'd have liked. Spider senses enhanced more than just body temperature.

"Everyone hush. Tony was going to tell you eventually, but he knew you'd react like this," Pepper calmed them. "You should all learn not to lose your cool so quickly."

Clint was clearly bewildered, and Bucky was giving Peter a glare. Not a super threatening one, but a you better have a good explanation look. Peter averted his eyes from him.

"Pepper's right, guys. We should let the kid explain," Steve announced. Everyone sighed and looked over to Pepper and Peter. Pepper nodded at the teenager.

"Uh, there isn't a lot to say. Sorry, I guess."

Steve looked at Peter. "Wait, I dropped a gangway on you," he realized, looking horrified. "You're the Queens kid. But I didn't think you were really a kid."

Peter tilted his head. "Then why'd you call me a kid?"

"I'm a century old, everyone's a kid to me."

Peter laughed a tiny laugh, but no one else seemed amused by Steve's comment.

"Well, Peter's very sick, I think he'd better get to bed," Pepper gently grabbed Peter's arm to lead him off to his room again.

"Wait, but-" Clint tried to chime in.

"Not now, Clint. He needs to rest."

Pepper continued to pull the boy to his room.


Hours later, Peter was still in his room, watching Netflix on his phone when the door opened. Nat and Steve were there, in the doorway.

"May we enter?" Steve asked.

Peter nodded.

The two stepped in, revealing that Bucky was behind them. He stood in the doorway as the other two walked up.

Peter sat up as they knelt down.

"Hey," Nat started. "I just wanted to say sorry about the gun."

Peter smiled. "Oh, that's okay."

Nat raised her eyebrows. "Forgiveness for holding you at gunpoint? That's a first."

"Yeah, uh, we talked to the team." Steve said. "They get it, kinda. I don't even get the whole thing, but they know as much as I do."

Peter nodded.

"Also," Steve continued, "sorry about the gangway, again."

Peter shook his head. "That's fine, it wasn't too heavy."

"What? You must be ripped for a high schooler," Steve joked.

"Kinda, but I can lift 20,000 pounds."


"Spiders are weird, man. I don't know."

Steve chuckled.

"We'll let you rest now, just wanted to say that," Natasha smiled and stood up.

They walked to the doorway, and Steve patted Bucky's back. "Let's go, Buck."

"Gimme a sec with the kid, I'll be out in a minute," Bucky said.

Steve gave him a look. "Alright, just don't kill him."

Bucky nodded. Steve and Natasha left, leaving the metal-armed man and the teen alone.

Bucky raised his eyebrow at Peter. Peter was intimidated, of course. He was alone with a highly trained, once brainwashed super-soldier assassin.

"20,000 pounds, huh?" He questioned.

Peter nodded."Yeah."

Bucky paused a moment, then lifted his metallic arm.

"How about an arm wrestle sometime?"

Peter was taken aback my the lighthearted challenge. "Um, yeah, sure."

Bucky winked at Peter with a tiny smile, then left the room.

At least that's over with, don't have to hide my secret anymore.

But Peter still felt sick.

Ugh, I think I'm gonna pass out.

Hope you liked it! You know I had to add Bucky being cute haha. Suggestions?

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