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The house was filled with the lively beat of the latest songs on the radio and a bunch of seniors with either a red plastic cup in each of their hands or a beer bottle for those who has better drinking tolerance or rather, the drunks. Most of them had their hands in the air, moving their body to the rhythm of whatever is playing at the moment. Some had their hands around the leg of a person while they took the challenge to drink at the keg stand for as long as they could, while the rest had their hands on the skin of someone else's.

A group of people were seated in a circle beside the fireplace. A plump hand spun an empty bottle in the middle of them. A few seconds later, the mouth of the bottle was pointing at a boy who had his hair dyed a greyish blue. 

"Truth or dare?" The girl who spun the bottle earlier shouted over the voice of her friends in the group. 

"Dare." A girl standing behind them said after she gulped down a bottle of beer. None of them heard her, but she smiled anyway. Then, she felt someone pulling on her hand, so she moved her wobbly legs and followed the person's guide.

William was leading a tipsy girl with hair the colour of chestnut through the sweaty crowds. His hand pulling onto her free hand as he made way for them up the stairs. She was sipping on the liquor from the glass bottle in her other hand while he knocked on the first two doors down the hallway. Grumpy voices responded him from both of the rooms, so he led her further down the hallway until they reach the last room on the right side of the hallway.

He pulled her in and locked the door immediately, preventing anyone from entering the room, especially the star of the football team who he hated for stealing his spotlight all the time. They were the best players on the team, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't be better than him. He was always second.

"Daniel?" The girl called out before throwing herself on the bed, spilling a bit of the liquor in the process, "Where are you?"

He turned away from the door and looked at her, annoyed that she chose that bastard over him.

"Daniel!" She shouted as she pushed herself up to a sitting position on the bed. Her gaze darting around the room aimlessly until she was staring directly into William's eyes and giggled as she lifted her index finger at him, "There you are."

He shook his anger away as a thought stroked him, exchanging it with a smirk on his face. He made his way over and sat down beside her, his hands pulling her closer so he could touch her baby soft skin with his lips.

"Go away!" She grumbled and swung the bottle at him, but her actions were slow. She felt his hands around her wrist and the bottle getting away from her grip. She glared at him and shook her hands out of his grip. She tried to walk to the door with her clumsy feet, knocking into the furnitures around in the process. She got to the door and fiddled with the knob with her clumsy hands.

He took a sip from the bottle before walking towards her. He pushed her against the grey cabinet beside where she was standing, his hands on both sides of her, blocking her from walking away. He gulped the remaining beer down his throat after she placed her arms on his shoulders, making her frown disapprovingly.

"Why didn't you leave some for me?" She whimpered in annoyance.

"Forget that, you can have something even better," The stench of the alcohol coming out from his mouth rushed into her nostrils as he leant towards her.

"What is it?" She slurred as the alcohol disrupted her systems, allowing him to touch her lips with his even though she felt the difference between this kiss and the ones she always had with Daniel.

She felt his hands on the spaghetti straps of her navy blue dress. He slid the straps down her smooth shoulders and moved to kiss the skin on her neck.

"Stop it," she giggled as her hands tried to push his away, but she was feeling extremely weak after an evening of beer. Her hands slipped away from his and she groaned in irritation.

He ignored her and moved his hands to the zipper behind her back, taking his time to pull it down as her hands kept trying to push his away.

"Who are you? Get Daniel here instead." She grumbled before letting out a burp and laughing at it.

"Screw Daniel, he's nothing but a pain in the neck," Willian said as the zipper of her dress reached the end of its path.

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