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All of a sudden, the door flew open and hit the wall with a loud bang. Daniel searched the room with anxious eyes and sprinted to William as soon as he spotted him. He smacked his fist against his nose, sending him stumbling to the space behind him. Daniel followed his movements with fire in his eyes as he took huge steps towards the girl. 

"What the hell were you trying to do?!" He yelled at him as he kneeled beside the girl, who by now, was sitting on the floor against the closet, an idiotic smile plastered on her face.

"Joan?" He said as he pulled her away from the cabinet, letting her lean into him instead. His hands pulling the zip of her dress back and making sure she wasn't hurt. 

"Joan, wake up!" He urged as he gently shook her once more, but all she did was glanced at him and giggled like a little kid before closing her eyes again.

William pushed himself up with his right arm while groaning in pain. He lifted his left hand and wiped the blood that was coming out from his nose with the tips of his fingers. He saw Daniel making an attempt to wake Joan up and saw a chance to have his revenge. He walked over and punched him on the side of his temples, sending him falling onto his sides.

Daniel growl under his breath as he blocked another punch with his right arm. From the corners of his eyes, he spotted a guy with black rimmed glasses coming into the room with a phone in his hands. 

William had already raised his hands above Daniel, ready to give him another blow, but Owen threw himself at him before he could swing it down.

"Owen, get her out of here!" Daniel shouted at him as he grabbed William by the collar and returned a powerful punch back at him, making him stumbled against the desk by the window.

Owen nodded and rushed over to Joan, who was sleeping soundly, unaware of all the chaos happening around her. He carried her in his arms and made his way out of the room, shouting at Daniel to meet him at the front of the streets.

"I swear you're going to pay for what you did!" Daniel roared and gave a kick in William's stomach before stomping out of the room.

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The view of a familiar room greeted Joan as she opened her eyes the next morning. She stretched her legs before adjusting herself to a sitting position. The room was familiar, but it wasn't hers. She pressed the sides of her head as a pain shot through. She took another look at the room and her heart started to calm down when she realised this was her boyfriend's room.

Ugh, I hate hangovers. She thought in her mind and groaned as she noticed beer stains on the front of her dress. 

"Hey, babe!" Daniel said as he walked into the room with a cup of peppermint tea. "Here, drink this."

"Thanks, I was starting to feel the pain from yesterday's thrill...what happened to you?" She asked as she extended her arms to the bruise near his eyes.

"It's nothing...are you okay?" He placed his hands over hers and shifted it to the cup instead.

"Erm...except for this horrible hangover and the beer stain on one of my favourite dress? No." She took the cup and paused to look at the bruise again, "How did you get that?"

"Did you forgot what happ—" Daniel was cut off when her phone began ringing.

"Hello?" She said into the speaker after cocking an eyebrow at the number on her phone. Her phone didn't show a name above the number neither did she recognised it.

"Hey, want to catch up? We didn't get to finish what we were doing last night. Daniel interrupted us." A taunting voice said.

"William? Is that you? How the hell did you get my number?" She said in a vexing tone, "And what the hell did we do last night?" 

"Give me the phone," Daniel whispered and extended his hand to her, "Don't worry, go freshen up and wait for me downstairs."

Joan looked at him dubiously and he urged her to do as told. She handed him her phone and slowly made her way out of the room.

"Hey, rhino skin, I don't care how you got her number, but she's my girlfriend, so stop harassing her!" Daniel barked into the phone.

"Where is she? Oh, and talking about rhino skin, I hope you have one because I'm going to turn you into mince meat for breaking my nose!"

"Trust me, you're too weak for that," Daniel laughed.

"Oh yeah? We'll see." There was a pause before William started to speak again, "Meet me at the beach tomorrow where I almost made the worst decision in my life."

What for? Daniel thought for a few seconds but agreed anyways. His ego was too strong to decline any challenge thrown at him. Especially from William.

"Fine. I'm glad I didn't become friends with you either." He said and ended the conversation.

He grumbled under his breath to the empty room. What should I do if he starts any trouble? I'm not as strong as he is. The only reason I could get away from punching him last night was because he was a bit tipsy.

He was making his way downstairs when an idea hit him and he turned around to head back to his room.

"Daniel, breakfast's ready!" His mum called from the kitchen.

"Just a sec, you guys can go ahead."

"Well, make it quick. Don't make your girlfriend wait."

"Sure thing, mum!" He shouted before closing the door softly. He took his phone from his pocket and dialled his friend's number.

"Hello?" Owen's voice came in after five rings.

"I need help."

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