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"You do know I'm only good at getting punch and not the other way round, right?" Owen asked as Daniel stopped the car at a red light. Owen had always been the punching bag when it comes to William. He had to take the long way to get to class every day just so he could avoid him, but there's still the times where he couldn't and had to endure another one of his ridicule.

"I know, but you're not alone this time, so there's a chance you get to be the one doing the punching instead."

"Why didn't you call your other buddies instead?"

"You're my best friend, although I don't know how we got there, but you are," He said whilst changing the gear to drive after the light changed to green. "Plus, I don't want any more people to know about what happened in case he mentioned it. I don't want her to get hurt any more than that."

"Fine, but I do agree with you on the part of how we, a nerd and best target to get bully by Jocks and an actual authentic Jock, can become friends," He chuckled and Daniel faked punch him while laughing.

After a half an hour drive through the coastal areas, they arrived the beach where they had their class trip last summer.

The sea breeze of the late afternoon was blowing through their short hair the moment they step out from Daniel's car. A flock of seagulls flew in the red-orange sky. The sun that looked like an egg yolk was slowly making its way behind the greenish mountains, as if unwilling to say goodbye to the sea.

"Where is he?" Owen asked as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and looked around him.

"Up there," Daniel pointed to a rocky cliff in front of them.

"What were you guys doing at a cliff back then?"

"Not the cliff, nerd." Daniel rolled his eyes and waved for Owen to follow him. "The trees by the hill. We were exploring the nature back when we're not trying to kill each other."

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Owen lifted his left arm and looked at the two pointy fingers on his watch.

5:56 p.m.

William should have been here twenty minutes ago, but he's still nowhere to be seen until this minute. He had a history quiz on Monday and he really wanted to just go home and start studying instead of being here, where his guts were sending alarm bells to him.

He walked away from the trees to the cliff and stood there. The sun was already halfway down the mountains across the sea. The remaining sunray cast gloomy shadows everywhere. A few seconds later, he heard voices coming from the trees and took a deep breath before making his way back.

"I thought you were too scared to show up," Daniel mocked as soon as he caught sight of William.

"You're kidding me, right? I wouldn't pass up the chance to make sure you know how much my nose hurts." He said and subconsciously touched his nose.

William turned his head to the right as Owen appeared from behind a stout tree trunk. He scoffed and shook his head.

"Seriously? Are you too afraid to face me alone?" He gave another look at Owen and let out a laugh, "And you chose to bring a sissy. At least bring your girlfriend, so I could finish my business with her and maybe consider whether to forgive you."

"Stay away from her, you shameless trash!"  Daniel yelled and balled up his fist before swinging his arm towards him.

William didn't have time to react and stumbled backwards as his fist made contact with his jaw. He growled in pain while pulling a knife from under his t-shirt. He tore off the paper that was protecting its sharp end before brandishing it at Daniel.

"Why the hell do you have a knife?" Owen screamed with trembling hands. His eyes darted back and forth between the knife and Daniel. Maybe I should call for help. He thought.

"To make sure this is fair game," He glared at Daniel before leaping to Owen with the sharp end of the knife pointing at him.

Owen's breath quicken and his eyes grew wide as he was rooted at the spot.

"Move, you idiot!" Daniel shouted at him. A second later, he grunted in annoyance and ran towards them.

He attacked William from the back and tackled him to the ground. William struggled against his grip while he was trying to get the knife away from him. With a burst of adrenaline, William managed to slit his arm, giving him the chance to exchange places with him, pinning him to the ground instead.

Daniel winced in pain as blood came rushing out of his arm. He stared in horror as William lifted his arm up, preparing to stab him with it. With a swift motion, he blocked the arm from going any closer to his face, but fatigue was starting to slip into his bloodstream. He bit into his lips and forced the strength to come back to him.

Owen was finally able to steady his breath and he blinked his eyes a few times to clear his mind. He heard grumblings and turned towards the sounds. William is trying to kill Daniel?!

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and squinted into the nearby bushes and trees, trying to find something to aid him with his attack. He knew very well he wasn't his opponent. He couldn't even fight him even if he was given an advantage over him.

His gaze landed onto a huge rock that was bigger than his palms. He went and grabbed it, realising his own palms were wet with cold sweat. He steadied himself and walked as quiet as a mouse towards the duo.

He stopped directly behind William's back, his broad shoulders moving while he struggled to get the knife into Daniel. A sudden gush of anger boiled in him. Who does he think he is? Why does he get to go around hurting anyone he wants? Why can't I go to school without fear and why can't I end school without bruises?

He heard the swishing sounds of blood rushing inside him as he lifted the rock with his hands, aiming at his head before slamming it down.

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