chapter 11

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~anti POV ~
I felt something on my shoulder and looked to see kenzie asleep. I sighed a bit and put on my head on the armrest. I watched TV until I fell asleep.

|dark POV|
I walked into the living room to see anti and kenzie sleeping on the couch together, I smiled at how adorable it was. I took my phone and took a picture of the them, I walked over to the two and took anti's hat off and walked in the kitchen. I put anti's hat on the counter and walk back over to anti and kenzie who were still sleeping on the couch, I played with anti's brown hair making him move up a bit. "Anti stop taking the covers...." Kenzie said sleepily. I laughed a bit and couldn't help but play with kenzies hair a bit making kenzie tiredly push my hand away, I laughed again and looked at the two again. I noticed kenzie's hand was still holding my arm making me smile, I took kenzie's hand off my arm. When I did she frowned, I ruffled her and walked over to the bigger couch and that's where I fell asleep.

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