chapter 12

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\Kenzie POV/
I slowly woke up and looked down to see anti still asleep, I tiredly got off the couch without waking him up. I walked over to my room, i layed in my bed and soon fell asleep again.

~anti POV ~
I woke up and sat up a bit, I noticed that kenzie was gone 'maybe she went in her room to sleep' I thought. I got off the couch and started to walk past the bigger couch until I saw dark there. I looked at him and saw that his hair was a bit messy, I put my hand in his hair and started to fix darks hair without waking him. Then I felt something pull me on the couch with them, I look up to see dark smiling at me. I blushed making dark laugh and ruffled my hair, that's when I noticed my hat was gone. "Dark?" I asked nervously. "If you are worried about your hat, I put it on the counter" dark said. "YOU FUCKER!!!!" I yelled slapping his arm, he knows that I don't like it when people take my hat but he does it anyway. "Calm down, you'll wake up the kid" dark said laughing a bit. I sighed and calmed down a bit. Me and dark soon fell asleep on the couch.

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