chapter 19

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\kenzie POV/
I sat on my bed and opened the journal again, the page had drawings and stuff about anti

'What the....' I thought. I flipped to the next page to see stuff and drawings about dark

The person who wrote this talks about dark and anti in a way I don't like 'I don't like this author very well' I thought. And they draw anti and dark that look almost like them. 'Is the author scared or trying to scare me' I thought. I jumped when I hear the door handle being pushed on, I put the book somewhere no one except me would find it. I then saw dark walk in, "you wanna some cake?" He asked. I nodded and jumped off the bed, we walked into the kitchen dark cuts the cake and puts it on a plate before handing it to me. I go over and sit next to anti on the couch
To eat my cake. Dark, anti, and i talked while eating our cake, then there was a knock on the door.

(Hey guys kenzie here and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Also of the drawings are not mine! So yeah! See ya!)

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