chapter 20

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\kenzie POV/
Dark got up and opened the door, then I saw a man around dark and antis age with dirty blonde hair and was wearing a tan lab coat with a green sweater and Black pants and brown boots, too and he had glasses. Dark closed the door, "Hello" the man said harshly to anti and dark, then he looked at me. "Who are you?" the man asked me sternly. His hair looked messy and unkept, and his voice was dashed with a bit of a Swedish accent. "I'm kenzie, I'm a friend of darks and anti's" I said nicely looking at the man. "Friend?" the man asked quietly. His icy blue eyes were cold. "How can they be your friends? After what they did to me-!" He cut off and faced Dark and Anti. "How long has this girl been here?" He looked back at me. "I'm Felix, and all I can say is that these two aren't who they say they are!" Dark got in front of me, "hey! She has only been here for a couple of weeks, leave her alone" he said, I could see the anger in his eyes. "And you've been tricking her into believing she can call you two friends?!" Felix barked. "I know you two, and you aren't at all friendly! Do you remember what happened? That incident! You weren't being 'friends' then, now were you?!" Dark snarled, but backed away from Felix anyway. Anti glared at Felix, but when Felix returned it with his cold eyes, Anti looked away. I looked at Felix, "they didn't trick me into anything!" I said honestly. "They're called tricks for a reason," Felix grumbled. "Don't you have any family? Why're you here alone with these two? Do you know how dangerous they are?!" I sighed, "yes, I do have a family. I have my older brother, mike and my older sister, mack. I don't live with them anymore, they were fine with me living here by myself." I answered calmly. Felix sighed. "I see. You can't trust them, though. I know, because I lived here before. I know these two, and they have a side that almost killed me." He spat the word 'killed'. I could see anti and dark give each other a look before looking at me and Felix, "so why r u here anyways?" I asked confused.

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