chapter 36

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Anti and dark went to bed while Felix tried to fix the computer, kenzie was watching him. Felix was tired, but he's had insomnia many times, and would often go a while without sleep. So he stayed up, trying to get Jay out of the system. Kenzie watched as Felix got mad at the laptop a bit. The night rolled on, and Felix finally gave up as he sun came. "Great..." Kenzie watched as Felix walked into his room to do something. After Felix left the room, kenzie smiled and grabbed one of the wing bones from the plate and tried to unlock the cage. She succeeded and pushed the cage softly open. Then she smiled more and carefully walked over to a draw and opened it and grabbed a knife, she smiled and put in her pocket before walking to the front door and opened it and walked out of the house and started running off. Felix couldn't sleep for an hour, and he just got up then without sleep. Anti woke up and yawned a bit and sat up. He got off the bed and walked into the kitchen to see kenzie's cage open. His eyes widen and ran upstairs to try and look for kenzie. Felix stepped out of a temporary room he saw was unoccupied and noticed Anti freaking out. "What's wrong?" Anti looked at Felix, "kenzie, she's missing!" He said. "What?!" Felix could barely believe what he was hearing. "I walked into the kitchen to see her cage open" anti said. "This is just fucking great," Felix mumbled. "Whatever. Where's Dark? "He's still asleep" anti said. (To kenzie's POV) kenzie kept running until she came a park and walked inside the park and looked around. She noticed a little boy playing by himself and his mom wasn't even watching him. She walked over to the little boy.

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