chapter 37

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"Let's check the house, and wake him up now," Felix ordered sternly, then watched as Anti went to go do so. Anti walked into his and darks room and woke up dark, telling him what happen. Dark got up and walked out of the room to help look for kenzie. (Kenzie POV) kenzie sat in front of the little boy and smiled, "hi! I'm kenzie!" She said smiling. The little boy looked up at kenzie and smiled, "hello! I'm Luke!" He said smiling. "Ok, hey Luke?" Kenzie said smiling. "Yeah?" Luke said looking at kenzie. Kenzie smiled more, "wanna play?" Felix checked every corner of the house, but there was no sign of Kenzie. "You don't think she left the house, do you?" Felix asked nervously. Dark and anti looked at each other and then at Felix. (Kenzie POV) while kenzie and the boy were playing, his mom said they had to leave. Luke told kenzie and hugged kenzie a goodbye before walking away with his mom. Kenzie smiled and got off the ground and started walking. "I guess we'll have to go see," Felix shrugged. "One of us will stay just incase. But I'm gonna go." Dark stayed put while anti and felix went to go look for kenzie. (Kenzie POV) kenzie was getting hungry again so she walked into a bar/ restaurant because it was closer. She walked in and sat at a table by herself. A waitress came over and took her order. After the waitress left, a guy started walking over to kenzie. ' What the fuck is she doing?' wondered Felix as him and Anti walked down the street. The drunk guy sat next to kenzie tried to flirt with her. She wanted this guy to leave her alone and she smiled when she got an idea. Kenzie looked at the drunk guy and said, "why don't you come with me, so we can be somewhere private~". She smiled more when the guy nodded and got out of the seat. She got out of the seat and the two walked to somewhere private away from anyone. The guy looked around making kenzie smile as she pulled out her knife. The guy looked at kenzie and screamed before kenzie stabbed him in the neck repeatedly until he was dead. Kenzie smiled at the died body and grabbed it and dragged it to a trash and dropped it in. Its a good thing she had a hoodie on she took it off and wrapped it around her waist before she walked back into the bar to see her wings on her table making her smile and sit ain her seat and eat them

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