Day 199: The Event Starts! (Jun. 20)

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(video camera turns on in the hallway)

Lizzy: (walks over to the gaming room to see everyone still asleep) Seriously, guys? It's already noon.

Jarod: (whispers) They're probably suffering from the long plane ride still. Let them get more sleep.

Lizzy: (whispers) But the pancakes are gonna get cold.

Jarod: Then just put the pancakes in the microwave, or even the oven!!

Lizzy: You put the pancakes in the oven?

James: Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Lizzy: I'm not that desperate, James. But I will take the oven thing into consideration.


Lizzy: By the way, hello friends! Today is Wednesday and our friends have finally awoken. Yay!!

Yusei: (yawns) It's not our fault that we have jetlag.

Lizzy: True. Oh, before I forget...(hands Yusei a wrench) I believe this is yours.

Yusei: (smiles) Thanks, I've been looking for this! Where did you find it?

Lizzy: For some reason, it landed in my box and Jewel found it while we were unpacking.

Yusei: Heh. I must've put it in the wrong box.

Jack: Of course you would.

Yusei: (slightly glares at Jack)

Lizzy: By the way, there's...a few more people here.

Bryan: A few?! There's a ton!

Lizzy: (sweatdrops) Yeah, I'm starting to think that meeting up here was a bad idea.

Ryan: (sarcastic) Oh really? I didn't notice!

Aaliyah: Oh shut it, Ryan! At least we have a plan this time.

Lizzy: Very true.

Mr. Wood: (looks around) Wow, it's like a little camp for a card game.

Jarod: This is pretty much what it is!

Lizzy: I'll just skip to where we are at the place we need to be.


Lizzy: We made it! (turns camera to a stadium) This is where it's all gonna take place!...or at least the tournament.

Alex (xXSteam_Punk_GirlXx ): Isn't that a football stadium?!

Lizzy: (grins) Of course!

Luna (EclipseLunamoon ): (squeals) I'm so excited!

Jaden: Me too!

Joey: Then let's get this show on the road!

Everyone: (cheers)


Lizzy: It's break time from the events and some of us decided to get sushi. (turns camera to Yami) And I haven't seen your face in ages!!

Yami: (having trouble with chopsticks)

Jaden: You okay, dude?

Yami: How do you people use chopsticks so well?!

William: It takes a whole lot of skill, dude.

Yami: (gets very frustrated)

Lizzy: We'll help you, my friend.


Lizzy: Whew! After a long day, it's time for today to come to a close. I don't think I mentioned it before but the first week of this event is when the big tournament is going on and the second week is when the little convention happens. Anyway, thank you so much for watching and see you tomorrow...for the 200th journal. Bye!!

(turns video camera off)

And that's the end of the chapter!!! Thanks for reading and see ya next chapter for Day 200!!!! XDD

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