Day 200: A Big Q&A (Jun.21)

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(video camera turns on in the living room)

Lizzy: Hello friends!! Today is Thursday and it is the 200th journal!

Everyone: (cheers)

Jarod: It's three numbers with a number 2 at the front. Can you handle it, sis?

Lizzy: I definitely can handle it!

Jaden: (eats a donut nonchalantly)

Lizzy: And as Jaden eats a donut, we are gonna go ahead and start answering some questions. The first question, or actually the first two questions, come from a person named James. (JamesHaynes123 )

James: It's not me! It's a different James.

Lizzy: Yeah, it wouldn't be you because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't ask about this. The first question goes to Tristan!

Tristan: Me?

Lizzy: Yes! This person asks: How do you feel about the April Fools event in Duel Links that centered around you?

Tristan: I don't know why they added me in the first place! I'm not that good of a duelist!

William: Maybe they wanted to be fair with everyone?

Joey: If they wanted it to be fair, they should've left you out of the game.

Tristan: Hey!!...well, it's kind of true though.

Téa: I'm sure you'll get better.

Yusei: When are my friends and I gonna get added in?

Everyone else: (shrugs)

Lizzy: Anyway, the second question from the same person goes to Joey!

Joey: Sweet! What is it?

Lizzy: Apparently, we have to watch a video for it.

Bryan: Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting.

Lizzy: Indeed. Let's watch it.


Everyone: (is laughing)

Lizzy: (giggles) I wasn't sure if it was the song or the 30 second video, so I just went with the song. What do you think, Joey?

Joey: You know, I imagine myself singing some of it. But there are other parts of the song that I wouldn't sing. But hey, it was pretty good.

Tristan: I'm gonna sing that song just to bug you, Joey.

Joey: Oh no, you won't!!

Jarod: Get to the next question before they beat each other up!

Lizzy: Got it! The next question is from our buddy Will.

William: Woo!

Lizzy: (chuckles) Will asks Jaden: Why do you like shrimp so much?

Yugi: (laughs) That's a good question.

Jaden: Because it's delicious!!

William: I know that but you eat so much of it! What makes you like it so much?

Jaden: I don't know!!

Ryan: You're practically asking what the meaning of life is when you ask people these questions.

Summer: Are you sure? Maybe it's just his taste buds.

Jarod: It's like that one food or drink that you can have forever and never get tired of it.

Jesse: Sounds about right.

Lizzy: (nods) Does that answer your question, Will?

William: Yeah, that satisfies me.

Lizzy: Good! The next question comes from our buddy Ryan. He asks: Why did you guys never changed your dorm arrangement since the one in freshmen year was hacked? That's a good question because all four of us, referring to me, Yugi, Jaden, and Yusei, had a chance to do so, but me just decided not to.

Yugi: I was comfortable with the arrangement after a while.

Yusei: Same here. It was awkward at first since there was one girl, Lizzy, but she does make our lives more interesting.

Lizzy: Hehehehe! I am amazing!!

Jarod: You sure are, in your own special way.

Jaden: I was too lazy to change to another dorm room.

Everyone else: (stares at Jaden)

Jaden: What?

Yusei: Is that the only reason?

Jaden: It's a big reason. But the other reason is that I like you guys! (grins)

Jewel and Melody: Awwwww!!

Lizzy: Two very good reasons.

Yugi: What about you, Lizzy?

Lizzy: My answer is pretty much what Yugi and Yusei said but I also like a good adventure or two.

Yusei: You call that an adventure?

Lizzy: Of course! Now onto the next question. I know who asked this question but it will remain anonymous for now.

Jaden: For now?

Lizzy: Yes.

Luna (EclipseLunamoon ) and Alex: (nod)

Lizzy: The question goes like this: Jaden, who do you have a crush on?

Jaden: (tilts his head) A what?

Jesse: It means a girl. Do you like a girl?

Jaden: Uh..............I don't know. Am I supposed to?

Lizzy: That choice is up to you, buddy. And now onto the last question, which is from Alex. (xXSteam_Punk_GirlXx )

Alex: Yay!!

Lizzy: Alex asks: Where would you go on a dream vacation and why?

Mrs. Wood: (yells from the background) Tahiti!!

Everyone: (laughs)

Lizzy: Mama, I know you want to go there. It's for the beaches, right?

Mrs. Wood: Yes!!

Yusei: I don't think I've ever thought of it before...

Keiza: I wanna go to France because I'd get to see the Eiffel Tower.

Summer: Ain't that a place for romance?

Keiza: (giggles) Yup!

Jaden: I'd go somewhere in Europe. Just for fun!

Jarod: I wanna go to Canada!

Everyone else: Canada?

Jarod: Yeah! I've never been there before, so why not?

Lizzy: Interesting! Anyone else have a place they'd like to go?

Aaliyah: For me, it's more of just a place to relax rather than a place to go.

Yusei: That's something I would enjoy.

Jewel: I wanna go to Japan!

Summer: You probably will in a few years, sis. You gotta be patient!

Jewel: (pouts) But I can't wait that long!!

Lizzy: (laughs) You'll get there. Anyway, that's the end of the questions and I'm gonna end it off here. If you have any questions that you'd like us to answer, we will do it when the next Q&A comes around. Thank you for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!!

Jaden: (holds up a donut) DONUT!!!

(turns video camera off)
(turns back on immediately)

Lizzy: Wait, I forgot today is the Summer Solstice!!!!! So enjoy the long day today!! Thanks for watching again. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

And that's the end of the journal! Phew, it's a long one this time around. I hope you enjoy it! If you have a question for the gang, don't hesitate to comment. And don't forget to vote too if you've liked this journal. Thank you so much for reading and see ya next chapter! :)

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