Day 341: The Tendency To Sleep During Classes (Nov. 9)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hi, friends! Today is Friday and the end of the school week.

Jaden: Yes!

Yusei: Thank goodness.

Lizzy: So now we can take it easy after doing all of our homework.

Jaden: We had homework?

Yugi: (sweatdrops) Jaden, we always have homework for the weekend.

Jaden: But no one ever tells me these things!

Yusei: The teacher would usually say if we have homework or not. Weren't you paying attention?

Jaden: Kind of.

Lizzy: You were kind of paying attention while you slept?

Jaden: (whines) It's hard to stay awake in classes!

Lizzy: For you, yes it totally is. (turns to the camera) Teachers have been trying to keep him awake in classes for the longest time. There hasn't been any success, and it's usually not because he stays up late. He doesn't stay up that late!

Yusei: Yeah, that's my job.

Lizzy: (laughs) It's your job to be the one that stays up late?

Yusei: Yup.

Jaden: (sniffles) No matter how hard I try, it's difficult to stay awake.

Yugi: Maybe they just need a different approach for you since you have a tendency to sleep during classes.

Jaden: what did we have for homework?

Lizzy: Don't worry, we'll tell you.


Lizzy: It's a bit later now and Jaden, including the rest of us, are done with homework for the weekend. Good job, everybody! Now we can do nothing productive for the entirety of the weekend and not feel guilty about it!

Jaden: (cheers)

Yugi: That's a good thing?

Yusei: To us, that is a great thing.

Lizzy: Indeed. (turns to the camera) I'll stop the journal right here. Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

24 days until One Year!!!!!!!!

That's the end of the journal! Thanks for reading and see you on the next one. :)

Sorry that this is late. I was really busy these past few days.

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