Day 342: What's the Controls Again? (Nov. 10)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hello, my friends! Today is Saturday and it's time for a round of Fortnite, because why not! It's been a while since I played the game so I'm gonna give it a try again. (turns to the boys) You guys want to play after I go through a round?

Jaden: Nah, it's okay. You go on ahead.

Yusei: I'd like to give it a try.

Yugi: Me too, me too!

Lizzy: Okay! I wish that we had a way to do two players on one Switch, but that's not possible!

Yusei: If only.

Lizzy: If you're wondering how we've been able to play Mario Kart, well we got Switch Pro Controllers to help us with that.

Jaden: Controllers are great to use.

Lizzy: They are great to use. Anyway, it's time for me to jump out of my balloon ride and into the arena!

Jaden: Go Lizzy!

Yusei: Make sure you get supplies so that you can fight.

Lizzy: I will but I also have a plan!

Yugi: You mean to hide in a building until you are forced to fight other players?

Lizzy: Correct!

Jaden: But that's lame!

Lizzy: However, it's also smart!

Yusei: (laughs) That is true.

Lizzy: So let's do it!


Lizzy: Okay, I played my round of Fortnite and I passed it off to my buddies. I didn't do too bad and I hope that my friends can do better than I did!

Yusei: What's the controls again?

Lizzy:......Oh dear. You might want to go to the menu to do that, buddy.

Yusei: Okay.....I'll just hide in a small building to figure this out.

Lizzy: Okeydokey.

Yugi: You don't remember the controls, Lizzy?

Lizzy: I remember some of it but not all of it. It's weird because I'm so used to pressing the random buttons that I just figured it out.

Yusei: You mean you don't actually know what buttons to press?!

Lizzy: Maybe.....but I'll help you figure it soon as I close out this journal.

Yusei: Hurry, please.

Lizzy: Okay! (turns camera to herself) Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

23 days until One Year!!!!!!!

That's the end of the journal! Thanks for reading and see you on the next one. :)

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