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Jaehyun's P.O.V

My alarm went off, signaling it was time to get up. I reached over and shut it off and looked at the time, 6:00, I had to be at my new job at 7:00. I got up stretching and walked over to my closet to grab a dark blue button up shirt and an undershirt. I walked to my wooden dresser and opened the top drawer and grabbed a pair of socks and a pair of underwear. I lazily made my way to my bathroom and grabbed a towel from my cabinet and hand it on the shower rack and set my clothes on the sink countertop. I turned on my shower to my desired temp and sighed, I undressed out of my night shirt and pajama pants and boxers and slid them to the corner of the room with my foot and I got in and enjoyed the warm water.
What if I do something wrong today?
What if my first patient gets scared of me? I massaged my shampoo/conditioner combo in my hair as my thoughts flew around in my head. I shouldn't be worried, I've studied for this for endless months and years. I'll be alright. I washed my body and rinsed and shut off my shower. Time to get dressed and head out.

I was driving away from my apartment building tapping my hands on the wheel, I have to admit I'm nervous. Sure I've been in a ward during training but I'll be doing this on my own this time. I saw I was approaching the hospital and I entered the parking lot and parked in the employee lot. I reached into my leather bag and grabbed my I.D. and put it around my neck. I turned off the engine and got out grabbing my bag and I shut my car door and locked it. I gulped and took a big breath and walked towards the entrance and walked in, it smelt clean and it most of it was porcelain white and big glass windows were in the front. I walked to the staff room and saw a man in there and he looked at me he smiled widely.
"Ah! You must be Jung Yoon Oh, correct?" He handed over a doctors coat and I put it on and nodded.
"Please call me Jaehyun" I smiled back at the man and he nodded. I looked at his I.D. and saw his name was Qian Kun and he smiled.
"Call me Kun, let me introduce you to Jungwoo. He is a nurse here and he'll show you your office, I'm busy at the moment and came in here to grab some things." I nodded and we walked out and we approached someone in a pair of scrubs, his hair was honey brown and he was talking to another staff member.
"Kim Jungwoo, this is Jung Jaehyun" Kun said and I offered my hand and Jungwoo took it and shook it.
"Nice to meet you Jaehyun" he said and smiled. I nodded.
"Jungwoo please show him to his office and grab the patient records for him" Kun said and Jungwoo nodded.
"Right this way" he said and I followed him to a large door and he unlocked it with a passkey and we walked down a large hall with white tile and white walls, some paintings hung on the walls. He stopped at a door and turned the handle, I noticed a plaque with my name on it on the door. He opened it and guided me in.
"I hope you don't mind the furniture, you may redecorate if you wish and bring some belongings in here" he said and fixed a blue pillow and the grey cloth couch. The walls were a light grey and the floor was birch wood. There was a white desk and a swivel chair and behind the desk were drawers with locks on them. In front of the couch was a glass coffee table with a small plant and across the table was the same grey cloth but an arm chair. I nodded.
"It's great, thank you Jungwoo." He nodded and bowed.
"Oh!" He said and took a key out of his front pocket of his shirt and unlocked the first drawer and grabbed a vanilla file and handed it to me.
"You're first patient is a guy named Kim Dongyoung; here's the key to your room" he held up a key and put it in my hand "and the key to the drawers" he set the other key in my hand and I took them.
"When your done getting settled come back to the lobby and I'll give you a tour" he smiled. I'd noticed his voice was soft, did he use it for the patients or did he usually talk like this? I nodded and he left shutting my door quietly. I looked around the room and sat my bag down behind my desk and I sat in the chair and spun it around once. I faced forward again and sat the folder in front of me and slipped the keys in my pocket. I should probably get the tour. I got up and exited my office and made sure to lock it behind me. I walked back to the lobby and saw Jungwoo behind a counter looking at some files.
"Jungwoo?" I asked and he looked up and smiled.
"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. He left from behind the lobby desk and guided me down the corridor to a large door, he grabbed his passkey card and put it in front of the sensor and the door unlocked and he opened it and held it open for me, I thanked him and was greeted yet again with a corridor but it was smaller this time and only had a few rooms. "These are some other offices" he motioned to the doors with plates with names on them and I nodded. He led me into a large room with huge glass windows showing a garden outside with a small coy fish pond. I noticed a bunch of comfy chairs and tables and some chess tables and card games and a large TV, some people in patient clothes sat in the chairs or chatted with some staff members or with each other. "This is where the patients can relax and watch TV or play games." I nodded and I saw a large boy stand up from one of the couches and he walked over to us. I noticed he was in patient clothes and he had a wide smile.
"Jungwoo hyung!" His smiled wider and I raised a brow.
"Hello Lucas, how have you been feeling?" He asked. The boy named Lucas was going to answer but then he turned to me and eyed me up and down.
"Who is he?" He asked, he had a slight attitude in his tone.
"This is Jung Jaehyun, he is a new doctor here. Make sure to call him 'hyung,' he's older than you" Jungwoo said and smiled at me. He nodded and turned back to Jungwoo.
"I've been alright, look! They're healing!" He held out his arm and I saw a bunch of scars that went all the way up his forearm. Jungwoo smiled brightly and gently took the boy's hand and looked at his arm.
"Good job Lucas!" Lucas smiled feeling accomplished with the praise. "I have to go now Lucas, I have to show hyung around" Lucas nodded and sat back down by a boy and Jungwoo signaled me to follow him. We walked outside of the large doors, after unlocking it, and into the garden.
"Is Lucas a patient of yours?" I asked and Jungwoo turned towards me.
"In a way, I'm a nurse so I aid all the patients but I'm not a psychiatrist." I nodded. "This is the garden where the ones who have good behavior can go, it's considered a privilege" I nodded and he walked back inside and we let the door close behind us. He led me down a hallway with a lot of doors. "These are the patients rooms, their are more down those two hallways" he pointed at them. He seemed to think for a moment.
"Would you like to meet your first patient?" I gulped and raised a brow.
"Right now?"
"If you're comfortable" he smiled.
"M-maybe not now" I said worriedly. He nodded and didn't press on.
"Well the tour is over, I promised I'd play chess with a patient in the lounge room. I think Kun is done with his session" he paused to check his watch and nodded "he should be in his office, it's down the same hallway where your office is." I nodded and followed the shorter back to the lounge and he waved goodbye. I saw him sit across a chess table with a boy who had raven colored hair and sharp eyes. I walked back into the main lobby and Kun met up with me and handed me a key card.
"Sorry I forgot to give this to you" I took it.
"No worries" I said and he nodded.
"You should go over Doyoung's folder, you'll be meeting him today" he said and led me back down the hall to my office.
"I thought it was Dongyoung?"
"He likes being called Doyoung better" he said and I nodded. I unlocked my door and entered and sat at my arm chair in front of my couch grabbing the folder. "Don't stress out, it's kind of like a meet and greet. Get to know each other, if he doesn't open up right away it's alright." I nodded.
"I'll be back with him" he left the room closing the door. What if he doesn't like me? I was flipping through his files but couldn't pay attention due to my thoughts of worry. I heard the door click open and Kun came back in with someone. I looked to see it was the same ravenette that had sat across Jungwoo.
"Doyoung, this is Doctor Jung Yoon Oh. He'll be your new therapist" Kun said and I got up and offered my hand.
"Nice to meet you Doyoung" I smiled and he looked at my hand and into my eyes and then looked away. He kept his hands folded in front of him. I retreated my hand and Kun smiled.
"Alright, I will let you two talk." He left and I looked at the boy.
"Please take a seat," I said and I sat down and he sat on the couch across from me and held one of the pillows to his chest.
"So Doyoun-" I was about to talk but he cut me off.
"I'm older." He said simply. My eyes widened.
"I'm older."
"O-oh, I'm sorry I didn't know." I apologized quickly and bowed slightly.
"Nurse Jungwoo told me, didn't you look through my file?" He asked judging me. I gulped and nodded.
"I'm sorry, I should've paid closer attention" I said and he nodded so I continued. "Doyoung hyung you can call me Jaehyun. How about we get to know each other" I smiled and crossed my legs. He nodded. He didn't say anything after that so I started talking. "Well a fact about me is I went to Neo Culture College for psychology," I paused "any facts about you?"
"My real name is Kim Dongyoung" he said. I already knew that. I nodded.
"Do you have a favorite color?" I asked, may as well start basic right?
"...blue" he said after hesitating.
"I like blue too, reminds me of the ocean" I said. He nodded. There was an awkward silence.
"Do you have any hobbies Doyoung?" I said. He looked at me, I felt his sharp eyes picking me apart slowly and I shivered internally.
"I like sleeping," he said and looked away. I nodded.
"It's always good to get enough sleep" I said.
"When are you going to ask?" He said and then looked at me again, he started to glare.
"Ask?" I question. He's kind of scary.
"Why I'm in the hell hole, why I am sitting across from a shrink, why all the other therapist dropped me" he said. I sat up straight and looked him in the eyes.
"I'm not going to force you to tell me anything, we're just getting to know each other right now. I don't know why your other therapist dropped you and I don't want to know" I hesitated but continued "all I know is they must be incapable of working here if they leave a patient like that, they must of been pricks" I stopped and cursed myself.
Why did I say that? Holy shit what did I do? Oh god oh god oh god. Then I heard it. I snapped my head up to see Doyoung laughing and covering his mouth trying to contain it. He had a gummy smile and his face was flushed from the lack of oxygen. I let out a light chuckle and he managed to calm down.
"Jaehyun-ah you're funny" he wiped his eyes. "You have to promise me something doctor." He said and leaned over his legs and looked at me, I gulped. "Don't leave like the others" he lifted his hand up and extended his pinky. A pinky promise. I lifted my hand and hooked our pinkies. He didn't let go. "And if I leave this hell hole... let's be friends." I nodded unable to get out of the promise.
"Promise." I said and he smiled and let go.
"It's a promise then."

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