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Jaehyun's P.O.V

Doyoung and I had talked for awhile until he was ready to go back to the lounge area. I escorted him out and watched as he walked down the hall. I smiled to myself, I was glad that I managed to get to know my first patient. I heard from others he was a challenge but he didn't seem to be. He told me his favorite animal and what he liked to do in his free time. I went back to my office and looked around, it felt empty. I'll have to bring some things in tomorrow. I sighed and walked out deciding to look for Kun and locked my door behind me and smoothed out my coat. I walked down the hallway and I unlocked the lounge area door and walked in, I saw the boy from earlier named 'Lucas' approach me. He looked at me, I felt a bit worried.
"Hey again Doctor Jaehyun" he said and smiled. I nodded and smiled back.

"Hello Lucas, can I help you?" I asked. It's my first day, am I allowed to help patients yet?
"Can you do something for me?" he asked, this time a bit quieter and rubbed the nape of his neck.

"Sure, what can I do for you?" I frowned my brows and looked at the taller.

"Could you get some flowers for Jungwoo hyung for me?" he asked and I raised an eyebrow and cocked my head.
"Lucas, I don't think I can do that..."

"It's not anything like what you're thinking! Hyung has just looks really sad lately" he said and I saw him pick at a scab on his arm.
"I'll see what I can do" I smiled at the male. I'll have to ask Kun. He nodded and bit his lip.
"Thank you hyung."

"No problem Lucas, I'll be going now. I'm looking for Doctor Qian. You wouldn't know where he is would you?" I asked and he shook his no and excused himself. He went back to sit on a couch and I saw him fold his long legs sitting crisscrossed. I walked away and looked around the large room and was unable to find the male. I ended up face palming with a sigh. His office. I groaned and walked out and went to his office walking through the white corridors. I knocked on his door. "Come in" I heard him say and I walked in and shut the door behind me.

"Hey" I said and walked forward.

"Hi Jaehyun, what can I do for you?"

"My session ended, I'm unsure what to do now..." I trailed off.

"You can go home if you want. You'll have more patients in the future but we're starting you off with one if that's alright" he smiled and I nodded.

"Okay, thank you" I said and started to head out. but I turned remembering what Lucas asked. "Uh Kun?" I said and he away from his computer.

"Yes?" he asked and I looked away and then back at him.

"Um a patient asked me if I could get Jungwoo flowers for him" I said and Kun let out a small laugh.

"Was it Lucas?" he asked and I nodded. He smiled, "did he give a reason?"
"He said Jungwoo seemed sad lately so he wanted me to get him flowers for him."

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt, some of the patients do similar things but only giving things they made in the facility" he paused "Lucas has been showing improvement so we can use this as a reward I suppose" he said and smiled. I nodded.

"Does Jungwoo like a certain type of flower?" I asked and Kun shrugged. "Alright, I'll get going. Thank you for everything" I smiled.

"See you tomorrow" he said and I left the room shutting the door behind me. I went back to my office and grabbed my things and shut the light off and locked the door and headed out of the building. I saw a mother walking her son into the building, he looked terrified and I felt bad for him. I got into my car and drove home.

I arrived at my house a bit tired due to traffic and stretched. I unbuttoned the top two buttons of my dark blue shirt and hung my coat on the coat rack with my I.D. attached to it and I slipped my shoes off by the door. I walked to my bedroom and opened my closet to find a cardboard box, I eventually did and set it in the middle of my floor and grabbed a few things to make my office feel more like home. I set some psychology books in it, my degree and bachelors degree (framed of course), I grabbed some incense for my office to make it smell nice and to calm anxiety, and I grabbed some notebooks for notes. I packed it into the box neatly. I grabbed my computer bag and placed my laptop into it along with my mouse and charger. I decided I'd go shopping later for other things. I looked at the time to see it was only 11:30, I'd only been at the office for four hours. I'm sure once I've gotten more patients I'd be there for longer. I sighed and walked to my closet to change into comfortable clothes, I unbuttoned my shirt and threw it in the hamper, but kept on my black undershirt and I took off my dress pants and put on a pair of sweatpants. I set out my clothes for tomorrow neatly setting them on the desk in my room and walked to the kitchen and made myself some ramen and walked to the living room and sat on my couch and turned on the TV and flipped through the channels.

After a few hours I checked the time to see it was 8:30 and decided to go to bed early since I probably had to wake up earlier so I can get Jungwoo some flowers. I had already did the dishes and walked to my room and plugged my phone in and set my alarm and turned off my light and climbed under the covers with a sigh. I remembered Doyoungs piercing eyes, he seemed alright but I know there is more that meets the eyes. I remember how he hooked his cold pinky with mine and I chuckled and then laid on my side and fell asleep.

The next day I had walked into work holding a small bouquet of flowers. It was a small, but neatly arranged bouquet of daisies, peonies, pansies, and hydrangeas; I looked up what flowers meant 'get better soon' and opted for these. I signed in and went to my office carrying the box and the flowers on top and managed to unlock my door and set the items down. After twenty minutes of unpacking I called the receptionist and asked for Lucas to come to my office. I sat down in my chair and spun around and looked at my office and smiled. I'm glad I have my very own office and the fact I got the job. There was a knock at my door, and it cracked open and I saw one of the nurses and she smiled and led Lucas in and walked out bowing. Lucas looked at me and then the flowers and then his face brightened. "Did you want to give them to him yourself?" I asked and he looked at me and I saw his ears go red.
"I don't know... I didn't think you'd actually be able to get them" he said. I smiled and stood up and grabbed the bouquet and handed them to the boy.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I asked and he nodded and I led him out of my office and we walked to the patients area where we saw Jungwoo setting up a new table with the help of another nurse. I looked at Lucas with an encouraging smile and I saw him gulp. He walked over to the male and I saw him get Jungwoo's attention and he seemed to explain something and handed over the flowers and I saw his face brighten.

"Thank you Lucas, I'll have to put them in a vase when I get home" he smiled and Lucas nodded. I checked my watch and saw it was almost time for my session with Doyoung and left and went down the corridor to where my office is and I entered and sat in my chair, as I did my phone went off and I answered it.

"Doyoung is on his way over" I heard a voice on the other line, must be a nurse.

"Alright, you can drop him off." I said and I hang up. I was kind of nervous but I was looking forward to seeing him. There was a knock and then a woman walked in with Doyoung trailing behind her. She excused herself and closed the door, Doyoung sat on the couch and I went to the chair I sat in yesterday.

"How are you feeling today Doyoung?" I asked and grabbed my clipboard and pen.

"I'm alright, I didn't get much sleep last night" he shrugged.

"I'm sorry to hear that, how come?" I asked and he fiddled with his fingers and shrugged.

"Don't know" he stated and I nodded and didn't push forwards. He spoke before I could. "How are you feeling doc?" I raised a brow.

"I'm feeling okay, thank you for asking Doyoung" I said with a smile.

"Are you?" he asked and leaned forward. I looked at him. Do I look funny? I nodded my head. He stood up. "Can I show you something?" he asked and I nodded a bit confused. He walked over and I stood as he walked over around the coffee table. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head.

"Doyoung, pl-" I was about to ask him to put his clothes back on but he stopped me.

"What? You don't think I look good doctor?" he asked and threw the article of clothing on the couch. I sighed.

"Doyo-" he cut me off by placing his hands on my chest and then trailing them down. I quickly grabbed his hands and took them off of me and held them gently. I brought him back to the couch and sat him down and he looked up at me and I knelt down. "Doyoung put on your shirt" I said and picked up his shirt and handed it to him but he didn't take it.

"The other doctors liked to see me, you don't?" he smirked. What did the other doctors do?! I shook my head and looked at him.

"Doyoung, you are very handsome, but I am your doctor. I'd never take advantage of my patients, nor anyone" I paused and carefully put his shirt over his head and helped him put his arms through the holes, his hair becoming messy in the process. "I don't know what the other doctors did, but I am not like them, I'd never hurt you Doyoung." I said reassuringly and fixed his hair with a smile and he looked down at me since I was kneeling. I stood up "please don't do that again" I said. I sat walked back to my chair and sat down.

"Do you think I'm ugly?" he asked and he glared. I shook my head no.

"I don't think you are ugly Doyoung, I don't know what the other doctors did but I don't think they helped you. I find them ugly." I felt outraged. Who does that to a person? How could they hurt them? I don't know the story but I want to. He smirked.

"You passed doctor, I'm surprised" he said and I raised a brow.

"Passed?" I asked and he leaned back.

"The other doctors couldn't pass, they're quite horny and it's gross" he said and rolled his eyes. This was a test?!

"Doyoung, you can't do things like that. You could get hurt." I said and he looked at me.

"I can handle it doctor" he smiled.

"But you shouldn't be handling things like that" I said softly and looked at the male. He nodded.

"Maybe, they were real pricks, just like you said yesterday" he smiled "I had to test them, I never let them get away with it. Did you think they would actually drop a patient?" he said tauntingly. Everything I learned yesterday was tossed out the window. How do I know when he is telling the truth?

"Doyoung, I'd like it if you were honest with me" I said and tapped my pen once on the clipboard. He nodded and stayed quiet. "So you got them fired?" I asked and he nodded with a smirk.

"It's all apart of the game" he leaned over his knees.

"What game?" I asked.

"I like games doctor. I have to test the players before they start, kind of like a trial. Do you like games?"

"You're game could end up hurting people" I said.

"I asked if you liked games" he glared.

"I do, but I don't think I'd like the one you are playing" I said. I'm starting to get nervous, I've never heard of something like this. His mood and behavior changed rapidly.

"I think you'd like it" he said and sat back, "what was your childhood like Jaehyun?" he asked and looked at me.
"We are here to talk about you Doyoung" I stated.

"Are you perhaps hiding something from me? Was your childhood rough Jaehyun?" he smirked. I sighed.

"My childhood was not rough, I had a pretty normal childhood." I felt my ears go red.

"Your ears are red" he smiled. I nodded. "I don't like liars Jaehyun, why can't you tell the truth?" he asked.

"This is not my therapy session" I said looking at the raven haired male. He kept taking the wheel, flipping the conversation to my childhood.

"How am I suppose to trust you if you keep lying doctor?" he said.

"I'm not lying to you Doyoung" I said.

"Are you sure about that?" he said and looked at me, picking me apart with his eyes. My stomach did a flip. I nodded.

"I am sure." After I said that the small timer went off signaling our appointment was over.

"See you around doctor" he smiled and I stood up and escorted him out of my room.

"Have a good day Doyoung" I said.
What game is this guy playing?

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