Bonus chapter: Emery's POV

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A/N: Hi everyone! This special bonus chapter was requested by Avengers_Captain  ! As suggested, it will take place earlier in the story: roughly around that "six weeks later" bit from chapter 3 when Nat and Steve get back together after the incident with Alexei. It will also include a mini "flashback sequence" for context which will be labeled as such in bold. Some of the dialogue from the original chapter will be the same but other interactions will happen. This chapter will also expand the character relationship between Sam and Emery from the previous bonus chapter.

I hope you enjoy and thanks again Avengers_Captain for the recommendation!



After my workout at SHIELD headquarters, I drove back to the Avengers compound. My phone buzzed just as I pulled into the garage.


"Agent 31, I need you to run surveillance tonight," Fury said on the other end.

I groaned. "Again?"

"Well, I certainly don't employ you to gossip with Agent Romanoff all day."

I tensed. "Sir—"

"That's only part of your job description."

That son of a bitch. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Director Fury, are you sure I need to be out there again? We've been tracking Alexei for six weeks and the trail is still cold."

"I have my best agent on this case," Fury replied. "I know it's a lot, but we really need some evidence soon or things are gonna get even dicier than the current situation. Council is on my ass about the Alexei situation. Have you learned anything at all that could be helpful?"

I sighed. "You know I'd tell you if I did, sir."

"Right. Let's plan on tonight being the last night of surveillance, ok?"

"Yes, sir." I hung up and headed inside.

Once upstairs, I found Natasha sitting on her bed next to a large box. I was back to sharing a room with her since I didn't need to keep my cover staying in my own apartment for the time being. I always knew that had been a temporary arrangement.

"Hey, Em," Natasha greeted me.

"You got flowers last week, and a present tonight? What's the deal?" I asked, rummaging through my drawers to get a fresh change of clothes.

Natasha shrugged and opened the box. Inside was a beautiful black, long-sleeved dress with a gold chain along the waist.

"Wow. Whoever bought that must really like you," I said.

Natasha waved me off. "This is the dress Pepper wanted me to buy when we went shopping a few weeks ago. I told her I didn't need it, but it looks like someone must've bought it."

"So Pepper bought it?

She shook my head. "I don't think so." Nat spotted a piece of paper in the box and smiled. "I think Steve did."

"I thought you two were broken up," I said. I was really hoping that she and Steve would get back together. Nat was too stubborn to admit that she missed him and never wanted to break up with him in the first place.

"We were—are. Right after I got home from the hospital, things got a little weird. So, we decided that we would take a few steps back and reevaluate our relationship in a few weeks."

"Let me guess, six weeks?"

"He didn't say. All he said was that he'd take me out to dinner and we would talk."

I snorted. "Wow. That is extremely cheesy."

Natasha scoffed. "It's cute. And I get a dress out of it."

I peered over her shoulder. "What does the card say?"

She opened it:


I hope you like the dress. Meet me downstairs at 6 for dinner.


"Subtle. You picked a good one, Nat," I said.

"I know." Nat checked my watch, smiling. "Listen, I got to get ready. We'll talk tonight, ok?"

I nodded. "You'll have to fill me in on all the juicy details."

Natasha laughed. "Don't push it. Nothing is gonna happen tonight. Steve knows that.

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Em, tonight isn't about me and Steve getting back together. It's about us reevaluating our relationship."

"Uh huh. Right." I didn't believe her.

"Look, Em. If me and Steve get back together, whenever that may happen, if it happens, you'll be the first to know."

"Well, have fun tonight, ok?"

Nat hugged me. "I will. Thanks."

I grabbed my stuff and headed to the extra bathroom down the hall. When I returned, I had a text from an unknown number.

Location for tonight: McKinsley's Bar, 8pm.

And that's all I needed. We were a go for surveillance.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

~flashback sequence~

I walked up to Alexei's apartment: 1461 Crimson Peak Rd, Apt 12. Yup, this was the place. I'd never been allowed here when we were 'dating'. But now, we were no longer dating. And I wanted to scope out his place before he got home.

"Alexei? Are you home?" I called out.

No answer.

I pulled a pin from my hair and wiggled it in the lock. It opened with ease. I walked inside, careful to close and lock the door again behind me. Papers were scattered all around the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a small piece of paper on the coffee table: A business card with the name Kristina Sokolov written in black ink.

I picked it up and slipped it in my pocket...just as I heard the sound of keys jingling in the door. I froze, making my way over to the window so I could slip out unseen.

That was the first time I learned that Alexei had a balcony at his apartment. Luckily, it started to rain so I could easily explain that as the reason I returned to the compound soaking wet—rather than tell my friends I had jumped into the pool from Alexei's balcony to avoid his suspicions.

~end flashback sequence~

At the bar that evening, I found the person I was looking for with no problem. It had taken six weeks, but I'd finally tracked down K. Sokolov. She was reading a magazine and wearing thigh-high black boots.

She caught my eye and smiled deviously. "Emery."

"K. Sokolov. Glad we finally have the chance to meet."

"Call me Kristina." She gestured to the seat across from her. "Have a seat."

"Let's make this quick," I said. "I need you to tell me what I want to know."

Kristina laughed. "That's not how this works, my dear. You do me a favor and I give you your information."

"And what if I refuse?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

Blue light flickered at Kristina's fingertips and her eyes transformed a hypnotic blend of colors. "I have my ways of making people like you do my bidding."

I narrowed my eyes. "What do you want me to do?"

Kristina smiled and held up a small listening device. "I need you to plant this bug at the compound on one of your weapons sheds."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Kristina narrowed her eyes. "Questions are not allowed. You do this and I'll give you your information."

"Wait a second. Are you saying you won't give me the information until I do this?" I asked.

"That's the idea, yes."

I stood up, my chair scraping against the floor of the bar. "No deal."

Kristina shrugged. "No matter. Now I can do what I like to do best." Her eyes flashed again and I gasped, suddenly overcome with the realization that I had no control over myself.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I gasped, sitting up in my car. I looked around me. How did I end up here? I the compound? The bug was missing. Maybe it was all a dream? I shakily got out of the car and walked inside.

"Em, are you ok? You've been out cold in your car," Sam asked, walking up to me in the main level of the compound.

I nodded carefully. "I think so."

"What happened?"

"I—I don't know. Are Nat and Steve back from their date yet?"

Sam raised his eyebrows. "Steve and Nat are back together?"

I shook my head. "That's not what I said."

We heard a thud upstairs.

"I'm gonna go try and get some sleep. I need to clear my head from...whatever it is that just happened."

"Em." Sam put his hand gently on my arm. "Did something happen? Wherever you were just a bit ago?"

"I honestly don't know. I was at McKinsley's Bar talking to...a contact...and then...nothing. Until just now." I sighed. "I wish there was some way to pull those memories from the blackout from my head so I could remember."

"We'll figure it out. You should get some rest."

"Good night, Sam," I said. I headed upstairs, ready to sleep. I didn't hear any voices coming from the room, so I turned the door handle.

"Nat, have I got a story for—oh my god!" I shielded my eyes.

Inside, Natasha shrieked. Steve covered her with his body.

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't think anyone was here." I kept my hands firmly over my eyes.

"It's ok." Nat's voice was muffled. "I'll text you when it's safe."

I closed the door, bumping into the wall a few times so I would avoid seeing anything. I headed back downstairs to make some coffee.

"Back so soon?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. I don't think I'll be sleeping for a while."

Sam smirked. "I told you Steve and Nat were back together. I predicted it."

"If you actually knew that was what they were doing, you could've mentioned it. Would've been nice not to walk in on..." I shuddered. "Anyway, you want anything from the kitchen?"

"Nah, I'm good. You should still try and sleep, though. It might help relieve some of the blackout you had."

"Thanks, Sam."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of an explosion. I ran to the window in time to see the weapons shed explode and the protective barrier that Tony had installed around the compound fizzle slightly.

Memories from the night before came flooding back. I need you to plant this bug...I have my ways of making people like you do my bidding...Once you've done what I've asked, you'll get your information.

My phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number: Good work, rookie. Meet me tonight for the information you requested. Location TBD.

"Oh my God," I whispered to myself. "What have I done?"


A/N: This was so much fun to write! Any other requests for bonus chapters from other characters' POVs? Let me know! I hope you enjoyed :)


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