Chapter 13.1--Steve

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A/N: For context, this part picks up where Chapter 12.6 left off, right after Nat and Steve find out that they can have a baby! (if you didn't read that part, please go back and do so!)


I woke up the next morning, smiling. Nat and I had had a late night celebrating the news of our test results. She was still asleep in bed beside me. I kissed her bare shoulder as she stirred, carefully brushing her hair away from her neck.

"Mm, morning," she said, her eyes fluttering open. She flipped over to face me. "How'd you sleep?"

I grinned. "Amazing. You?"

Natasha smiled back at me and ran her hand over my unshaven face before kissing me. "Amazing. As always when I'm with you."

I wrapped my arms around her body, pulling her closer.

"Steve, we don't have time," Nat said, laughing as I kissed down her neck. She had one hand locked through my hair and the other around my neck.

"Screw it, we can be late," I whispered in her ear.

She laughed, then tensed scrunching her face in pain.

I pulled away. "What's wrong?"

"I don't feel so good." Nat turned to look at me. Her face looked flushed and pain swam in her green eyes. I helped her into a sitting position. She keeled over, groaning.

"Nat, what's going on?"

"I need you to go get Pepper," she instructed, her voice muffled in the sheets.


"Just do it," she pleaded.

"Ok. Stay here." I got out of bed and pulled on a pair of flannel pants before leaving the room. I padded down the hallway, stopping only when I got to Pepper and Tony's room. I knocked.

"Who is it?" Tony's voice called from behind the door.

"It's Steve."

The door opened a beat later. "What's up, Cap?"

"I need Pepper. Or rather, Natasha does," I said.

"Uh, hold on." He disappeared inside the room. "Pepper!"

A minute later, Pepper appeared in the doorway. "Steve, what's going on?"

"It's Nat. She said she needs you. I'm not sure why exactly, my job was just to get you," I explained.

Pepper smiled. "Give me one minute. I think I know what this is about." She disappeared inside and came back with a shoebox.

I raised my eyebrows. "Shoes?"

Pepper laughed. "Not exactly."

We arrived back at the room to find Natasha hugging her arms around her waist. I turned on the light by the bed.

"No, no light," she groaned.

"Migraine?" Pepper asked.

Natasha nodded. "You'd think as a former assassin I'd be able to handle a migraine and a few menstrual cramps."

Menstrual cramps? Ohhh...Why were they called that anyway? They couldn't feel that bad, could they?

"Ow!" I flopped onto the bed beside Natasha, holding my...lower region.

"They feel like that," Natasha said and Pepper smirked next to her.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked.

Natasha laughed, then grimaced. She turned to Pepper. "Please tell me you brought the Aspirin?"

Pepper shook her head. "Not until you eat something. C'mon, let's go downstairs."

"I don't think I can move," Nat said.

You and me both, I thought to myself.

"Natasha!" Pepper pulled her to her feet. "C'mon. I promise food will make you feel better."

Natasha groaned again. "Fine." She leaned over to where I was still on the bed and kissed me. "See you in a bit."

Once she and Pepper had left, I went over to my laptop and opened google to see if I could find a few ways to make this experience better for her. Google told me the best thing I could do was not get on her nerves, buy her chocolate, and give her a back massage to help relieve cramps. Then I took a shower, making sure to not put too much cologne on. Apparently, scents could also be triggering. Who knew?

I found Natasha laying on the sofa when I finally got downstairs. Pepper was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Hey, Nat. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Better, especially now that you're here." Nat smiled. She had a heat pack laying over her stomach.

I leaned over the couch and kissed her.

"Mm, Steve, you smell good today," she said.

I smiled. "Thanks. It's a new cologne."

"What's it called?"


"Smells like freedom."

I laughed. "Good one. How are you feeling?"

Natasha shrugged. "Not great. I was supposed to go in and finish the interrogations today, but we'll see if that can still happen."

"Breakfast is ready," Pepper said, coming over to us in the living room.

I went to the kitchen to make some coffee while Natasha sat down at the table to eat breakfast. Pepper joined me a minute later to unload the dishwasher.

"Calm down, Steve," she said.

"I am calm," I protested.

Pepper smirked. "Is that why you just brewed your coffee into a bowl instead of a mug?"

I looked down at the counter. "Whoops."

"Steve, Nat is gonna be fine. This is a normal experience," Pepper tried to reassure me.

"This is us we're talking about. Nothing in my life—or Natasha's life, for that manner, probably—has ever been normal."

"You know," Pepper said, leaning against the counter, "the best thing you can do for her is just be Steve, her fiancee. Don't go all 'Captain America' on her today. Just be you. Take some time together."

I nodded. "Thanks, Pep."

"There you are. I was beginning to think you forgot about me." Natasha wandered in, her bare feet not even making a sound.

I smiled. "We were just talking."

"Can you talk at the table?" Natasha smirked.

I laughed. "I'll be right there. As soon as I make coffee in an actual mug."

She kissed my cheek. "Ok."

I watched her walk away.

"When are you two gonna start with the wedding planning?" Pepper asked, sipping her coffee as I made a fresh cup.

"That's something to ask Natasha," I replied. "I don't really know anything about this sort of stuff."

"That's ok. I just wasn't sure how long you two were gonna wait to start."

"Well, it's been...what? Over a month since I proposed? We'll probably start planning soon."

Pepper smiled. "Good to hear."

We headed back to Natasha who was sitting at the table finishing her breakfast.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked her.

"Well, I need to take a shower and then maybe we can go a few rounds in the training room. I need to not be just sitting on my ass all day." She glanced at Pepper. "No offense."

Pepper laughed. "None taken. With these babies, I'm more of just a sitting duck—no pun intended." She struggled to her feet. "I have to go get ready for my ultrasound. We're gonna find out the sex of the babies today."

Natasha hugged her. "I'm so happy for you and Tony. You're gonna be a fantastic mother."

Pepper smiled. "As are you."

Let's hope Dr. Simmons was right..."Thanks, Pep. Good luck with the appointment, and I'll see you later."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Nat, I need you to—um, what are you two doing?" Emery's eyes flickered between me and Natasha. She paused in the doorway of the training room holding a computer.

After Nat had showered, she'd met me in the training room. We'd gone a few rounds in sparring where she won every single time, accusing me of letting her win which I denied even though it was accurate. Partially. So now, she was making me do push-ups as punishment as she laid on the ground underneath me with the intent that I had to kiss her every time I went down in each push-up.

"We're—down—doing—down—pushups," I huffed out between sets.

Natasha smiled up at me. "It's his punishment for letting me win during our sparring."

Emery smirked. "Sounds fun."

I grunted in response as I completed another set.

"What's up, Em?"

"Fury wants us at headquarters to finish our interrogations. I told him that you're not feeling well, but he says it's urgent and wouldn't ask otherwise."

I sat up and Natasha did the same.

"He won't let up on that?" I asked.

Emery shook her head. "Nope. Spies never rest." She jutted her chin toward Natasha. "You know that."

Natasha sighed. "I do, indeed." She stood up. "Catch you later, Steve." She and Emery started to walk away.

I laid back against the mat and put my hands behind my head. A beat later I heard footsteps re-entering the room.

"Back so soon?" I asked, sitting up and smirking.

"Did you really think I'd leave without a kiss?" she responded, wrapping her arms around me.

"I should hope not," I teased. I leaned down, letting our lips meet. I pulled her closer as she deepened the kiss.

I smirked when we parted a few seconds later. "And I thought you had somewhere to be?"

Natasha laughed. "Believe me, I'd much rather be here with you." She kissed me one last time.

"NATASHA!" Emery's voice echoed into the training room.

"You should probably go before Em..." I trailed off.

Natasha laughed. "Yeah. I'll see you tonight. Maybe we can even start planning the wedding."

I smiled. "Looking forward to it."


A/N: I wanted to give a quick shoutout to the #SWAPB community! thank you so much SWACommunity for including my Romanogers story in Season 1, I really appreciate it! ❤️
Also, please vote/comment if you enjoyed!

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