Chapter 13.2--Natasha

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Emery and I got back to headquarters to finish our interrogations with Alexei and Kristina. We needed to get through to them that we were done playing games. I was especially worried about Kristina. Katya had said she'd stop at nothing to recruit me for whatever wicked game she was playing. That's what worried me. I may've been a former assassin, but those instincts were still deeply engraved into me. I shuddered at the thought of what might happen if I let my guard down even for a second. She knew my weaknesses.

"Nat, are you ok?" Emery asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah. Let's do this." I scanned into Interrogation room B where one of the guards had already brought Alexei in.

"Ah, Natalia. I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever come back to see me," Alexei said, his voice like ice.

"You never learn." I slowly walked around the table. "I. am. not. Natalia."

Alexei smirked. "Whatever you say."

"Before you abducted me, you said you were taking me to Kristina. Why her? The Alexei I knew in Russia worked alone."

"You are as foolish as you are blind, Natasha."

"That seems unlikely. Seeing how I've literally always been one step ahead of you." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Not always. How do you think I knew where to find Sergeant Barnes that day he was captured?"

I froze, trying not to let any emotions show through that would alert Alexei to anything out of the ordinary.

Alexei smiled smugly. "Ah. You didn't know. That was part of my plan with Kristina. She has wanted to recruit you since you and Sergeant Barnes tried to run away together from our base."

"We didn't try to run away together. We had...a momentary lapse in judgement."

"You call fooling around with Sergeant Barnes behind my back with plans to infiltrate my operation and attempt to defeat me and my associates a 'momentary lapse in judgement'? Really, Natasha. I thought you were better than that."

I flared my nostrils. He was just trying to get under my skin. It was a tactic. It always had been. But now it was time for me to get us back on track, even if it meant taking drastic measures.

I unsheathed a syringe I'd hidden in my pocket and jammed it into the side of Alexei's neck.

"Ah! What was that for?"

"You are on my turf now, Alexei. And you're going to do as I say if you want to live," I told him.

Alexei coughed. "What is in this?"

I studied the empty syringe. "Veritaserum."

"You gave me truth serum? Really, darling, you're gonna have to do better than that."

I smirked. "I know. But in high doses it is lethal."

Alexei coughed again and began to sweat visibly. "You're gonna kill me?"

"No. You're going to tell me what I need to know...or the poison will slowly kill you until you are completely paralyzed, and all you can hear is your heart beating so loud you drive yourself insane."

Alexei grimaced. "What do you want to know?"

"Tell me about the weapon you fired on me at McKinsley's."

"It contains trace amounts of aconitum flower—better known as wolfsbane—"

"I know what aconitum flower is. What does the weapon do besides contain poison meant to kill?"

"It doesn't contain enough to kill you. You're more valuable to me alive anyway."

"You didn't answer my question."

"It sends a signal to a transmitter." Alexei winced. "That's how it can trace its target. Unless that target is you apparently."

"Why are you and Kristina working together?" I asked.

"She wants you for something bigger. But she has her own agenda and she does not always share."

I smirked. "Well, I think I have heard enough. For now."

"So, the antidote?" Alexei coughed again.

"Right." I took out another syringe. "This will flush the poison out of your system." I turned to leave.

"Natasha," Alexei said.

I paused in the doorway.

"The device I used on you is in Kristina's possession now. I would've never let it go but she has...ways of persuading.'

"I am well aware of her methods. Thank you for your cooperation. I'll be in touch." I gave a slight nod and left the room to regroup with Emery.

"How'd it go in there?" she asked.

"Very informative. Now, for the interrogation I'm dreading the most: Kristina."

"Think she'll talk?"

I nodded. "She might have her methods, but I do as well. I need to get another syringe of serum ready."

"You think she'll go for it?"

"It doesn't matter," I said. "She's gonna have to talk. Eventually."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"You have no power over me," Kristina said. We had barely started the interrogation and already she was getting on my nerves, trying to get under my skin. But I wasn't letting it get to me.

"You sure about that?" I asked, smirking.

"I'm honestly impressed, Natasha. You've become so much better at controlling your emotions than you used to be."

I raised my eyebrows. "And you're an expert?"

Kristina shrugged. "Depends on who you ask."

I rolled my eyes. "Enough stalling. Tell me why you've been trying to kill me and recruit me for your super secret team of misfits."

"First of all, it's not for a team of misfits. I am recruiting only the best. Now, let me ask you a question: how are you faring with your new powers?"

"I'm the one who asks the questions here. Tell me. Why have you been trying to kill me and why do you want me on your team?"

Kristina smiled deviously. "Because. You are the world's greatest assassin. Why wouldn't I want you on my team?"

I slammed my hands down on the table. "I will never be a part of your team. I never wanted to all those years ago and I will never be now."

Kristina smirked, clearly amused. "You remember."

"Kristina, I'm not gonna ask you again," I said, ignoring her last comment.

"You are special, Natasha. Always have been. Do you know why you were chosen for the Red Room?"

I tensed at the mention of the palace that had haunted my life for so many years but ultimately stayed quiet.

"It's still hard for you to hear that name, hmm?" She tilted her head to the side. "You've always been special, Natasha. You were the world's greatest assassin. And you threw it all away to be an Avenger."

I smiled. "And it's the best decision I've ever made." Blue light flickered at my fingertips. "You've been in charge, trying to take over innocent lives, making innocent people do terrible things. Now it's my turn to have the upper hand." I held my hand close to her face as the blue light danced in her eyes.

Kristina swallowed. "There was an idea. Back in Russia, Alexei and I had devised a plan. You'd always been our target. He proposed so that he could get close to you, but neither of us expected you to fall for Sergeant Barnes. That...severely wrecked our plans. So we decided to make the weapon."

"Alexei told me it's meant for tracking. He also said that you had your own agenda," I told her.

She nodded. "Yes. The original intent was to track targets, slowing them down with the trace amounts of aconitum flower. My plans changed when I saw how close you were to Sergeant Barnes. It's why..."

I narrowed my eyes. "Go on."

"It's why we had to capture him and turn him against you. He was needed for HYDRA. We needed you for something bigger."

"See, you keep saying that. But you still haven't told me what it is."

"The's called ASSET. And it was created first by SHIELD."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Emery and I headed back to the compound after our long afternoon at headquarters. I needed some time to think over everything Kristina had told me. Once she'd cooperated, we were actually able to make progress. ASSET stood for: Assassination Sniper Syndicate Elimination Team. That's what she'd been trying to recruit me for. Using Katya, Emery, and even Bucky was the only way she knew how to get me on the team.

"So, there's another super-secret division within SHIELD?" Emery asked as we walked inside

"Yeah. I didn't get the chance to ask Fury about it yet."

"But then why did she try to kill you and send you to Buda—" Emery paused, glancing over at the sofa.

"Oh, um. Hi," Mandy said, giving us a small wave from where she was currently straddling Bucky's lap. "We didn't hear you come in."

"Sure you didn't," Emery muttered under her breath.

I gave her a look. She shook her head.

"How was your afternoon?" I asked, not really directing my question to Mandy or Bucky in particular.

Mandy straightened her clothes, moving to sit next to Bucky as he ran a hand through his already tousled hair.

"It was fun. I hope it's ok that I'm here. Bucky said you wouldn't mind, but I know you have strict rules about who can be here," she said. "You know, since you're the Avengers and all of that. Probably shouldn't have civilians hanging around too often."

I waved her off. "No big deal. Are you staying for dinner?"

Mandy glanced at Bucky. "Um, I don't know yet."

"We'd love it if you stayed," Bucky told her.

Mandy grinned. "Then I'll stay."

"I have to go do something," Emery grumbled. She turned on her heel and left the room.

"Uh, I'm gonna go get some tea. Mandy, you want anything?" Bucky said.

Mandy shook her head. "I'm ok." She kissed Bucky once before he got up from the sofa, leaving the two of us alone.

"So, Nat. What's the deal with Emery and Bucky?" Mandy asked once he was out of earshot.

Oh boy. "Um, I think that's something he should tell you. It's not my place, and I don't want to meddle."

"I understand." She glanced toward the kitchen. "And I can see why you both would've gone for him in the past."

I coughed. Damn, she was good. "What do you mean 'both of us'?"

Mandy smirked. "You don't think I can't tell when someone is jealous? C'mon. Although, I have to admit—it was more evident on Emery's face than on yours. You looked less like you wanted to kill me and more just...surprised."

"I just didn't expect to find you two down here. I didn't know that Bucky had called you yet."
Mandy smiled. "We've actually been talking quite a bit since the night I met him at my shop. Although, I would've preferred it to be under different circumstances."

I laughed. "True."

"Anyway, he asked me to coffee earlier and we got sort of carried away just talking and all of that. So we came back here and...well, that's about the time you and Emery came in."

"Sounds like a busy day."


"I hope it's ok that I gave him your number," I said.

Mandy smiled. "Oh, it's fantastic. He's such a great guy. I can see why Emery is still in love with him."

"Emery is still in love with me?"

I whipped my head around, my eyes growing wide as I saw Bucky return from the kitchen. Although honestly, I couldn't be sure how long he was standing there. "Buck, I didn't hear you come back."

"I got distracted." His eyes were focused on Mandy. "What do you mean that Emery is still in love with me?"

"I, uh, well...I just assumed she was an ex based on her reaction..." Mandy glanced at me. "I presume I'm right, given your reaction?"

"She's moved on," Bucky said, a hint of cold and sadness in his voice. "There's nothing between the two of us anymore."

"Good to know," Mandy said.

"Um, listen. It seems like you two have a lot to talk about so I'm gonna go upstairs and leave you two to talk. I'll see you at dinner?" I stood up, giving a brief nod to both of them before leaving the room.

Well, so much for subtlety.


A/N: annnnnnd the drama commences! lol

I'm still figuring out how I want to involve Bucky's relationship with Mandy in the context of the story. For now, it'll be sort of mentioned but not really a main part of the upcoming chapters. As always, hope you enjoyed!


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