Chapter 13.3--Steve/Natasha

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I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard Natasha enter our room.

"Long day?" I asked, standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

Natasha sighed. "And it's still going." She sat up on the bed, staring at my bare chest. "But I have to say, it just got a whole lot better. Although, I wish you'd waited for me to shower."

I smirked. "I didn't know when you'd be back." I leaned over the bed and kissed her.

"Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" she said, pulling me on top of her.

I let my hands roam her body as she tugged at my hair. "Nat."

She kissed my neck. "Mm?" Her hands moved from my hair to my stomach.

"When do you want to start planning the wedding?" I asked.

Natasha propped herself up on her elbows, breaking the kiss. "Really? You want to stop making out so we can plan the wedding?"

I smirked. "We can multitask."

She laughed. "Good answer." She flipped us so she was straddling my towel-clad waist. "Actually, could we go down to the pool? Pepper said the water is good for cramps."

I nodded. "Let's do that."

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

Down at the pool, Natasha eased into the hot tub and I sat behind her so I could massage her shoulders.

"So, the wedding planning," she said.

I laughed. "Yes. The wedding planning. You first."

"Oh no, no, no. You were the one who interrupted our 'together time' to start planning. You first, Rogers."

I kissed her neck lightly. "Fine. I'll start." I traced my hands along her arms, interlocking our fingers. "I want Bucky to be my best man."

"Traditional. I like it."

I smiled. "And, if it's ok with you, I want to ask Sam to officiate the wedding."

Nat turned to face me. "That is a wonderful idea."

"Thanks. There is one little snag, however."

"Yeah? What's that?" She wrapped her legs around my waist and put her arms around my neck.

"Tony is gonna want to be part of the wedding party, so we're gonna have to figure something out for his role or he's never gonna let us hear the end of it."

Nat tilted her head in thought. "Well, there is one role he could fill that he has a

I paused. "What's that?" I was dreading her reply.

She took a deep breath. "There are certain traditions that take place before weddings. And, they usually occur in the form of a particular party honoring either the bride or groom—"

"You want Tony Stark, the world's most arrogant playboy, to plan my bachelor party?"

"I think his preferred title is 'genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist'. But to answer your question, yes. What better person to do it than him?"

"Um. Maybe, oh I don't know...Sam? Or even Bucky! But not Tony."

"Look, all I'm saying is...Tony knows how to throw a party. You can't get drunk and Tony has two babies on the way, so there is no way Pepper would let him do anything crazy. It's the perfect plan."

"Who's planning your bachelorette party, then?" I asked, suddenly flustered as I remembered just how similar Tony and Howard really were when it came to elaborate parties.

"I'm sure my bridesmaids will take care of it," she replied.

"Isn't that usually the maid of honor's job?"

"Well, traditionally, yes. However, we are anything but."

I sighed. She had a point. "Ok, ok. I'll let Tony plan my bachelor party. But if I end up hooking up with a stripper—"

She dunked my head underwater.

I sputtered for air, coughing. "I'm kidding!"

"Believe me, I'd kill Tony way before he had the chance to let you hook up with anyone who isn't me."

I wiped water out of my eyes. "Duly noted."


That evening, we gathered in the living room to discuss our wedding plans with the team. Mandy sat next to Bucky, balancing a glass of wine delicately between two fingers. Next to her, Emery and Wanda sat together. Emery seemed pretty happy despite her anger earlier at seeing Mandy and Bucky together.

"So, what's the big news?" Emery asked.

"Well, before we get to that, I know Pepper and Tony have some news of their own," I said, nodding to them.

Pepper smiled and stood up. "As you all know, Tony and I found out the sex of the twins today. We're having a girl."

We all cheered.

"And a boy," Tony piped up.

We all cheered even louder.

"You guys! That's fantastic!" Emery gushed. "When is the baby shower? Oh! Can I help plan it? Oh my god, you two are gonna have the most fashionable, intellectual children ever."

Pepper laughed. "With Tony's brain and my looks? I would hope so."

"Hey!" Tony protested. "The twins are getting your brain too."

Pepper kissed Tony on the cheek. "Thank God for that."

"Hey!" he protested again, this time tickling her sides slightly.

Pepper laughed again. "Aw, baby." She turned to me. "Nat, what's your news?"

I slipped my hand into Steve's hand. "We've finalized the plans for the wedding party. And Steve has volunteered to start."

"I have?" Upon seeing my expression, he nodded. "Right, I did. Here we go. Bucky, I'd like you to be my best man."

"I would be honored," Bucky said, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

"And Sam," Steve continued "we'd like you to officiate the wedding."

"Oh hell yeah!" Sam cheered, high-fiving Steve.

I laughed. "Glad you like the idea." I nodded to Steve. "You want to do the last one?"

Steve sighed. "Do I have to?"

"Yes! C'mon, Steve, you promised."

"Fine. As you know, before a wedding there are certain...single rituals that happen. Traditionally, they are planned by the best man, but we are anything but traditional. So. Tony, will you plan my bachelor party?"

"Wait a minute. Are you serious?" Tony asked. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head.

Steve glanced at me. I nodded. "Yes, we're serious. But for the record, this was Natasha's idea."

I whacked him in the arm. "Traitor. Anyway, it's my turn. Em, Pepper, and Wanda—would you be my bridesmaids?"

They erupted into cheers and hugged me each in turn.

"Wait, if they're your bridesmaids, who's gonna be your maid of honor?" Clint asked.

I grinned. "You, of course."

Emery squealed. "Oh my god! It's just like that movie with Patrick Dempsey!"

I laughed. "Except that Steve isn't Scottish and I'm not gonna marry Clint instead."

Steve scoffed. "I should hope not."

Emery shrugged. "True. And Steve is way hotter."

"Hey!" Clint protested. "Hold up—if I'm your maid of honor, does that mean that I have to help you pick, lingerie and stuff?"

I laughed. "No, I'm delegating that job to my lovely bridesmaids. And hopefully Mandy, too?"

Mandy nodded, sipping her wine. "Yes, of course. Friends get a discount at my store. And engaged friends....well, I'd like to think I'm very generous." She winked. "I'll hook you up with some nice things."

"Thanks, Mandy."

"So then what are my duties as maid of honor?" Clint asked.

"Helping the bridesmaids, being supportive, and making sure I don't back out on the big day," I said, ticking the list off on my fingers.

Steve pouted. "You better not fail, Clint."

Clint put his hands up in defense. "I promise, Steve. You have my word."

"One last thing," I said, raising my wine glass to my lips. "I've been thinking about it, and I've decided that an engagement party—something small—would be nice."

Tony rubbed his hands together. "You are going to have the greatest engagement party in the history of the world, thrown by yours truly."

I punched him playfully in the shoulder. "Don't make me regret this, Stark."

Steve yawned next to me, stretching his arms over his head as a sliver of skin peeked out from under his shirt. "I think I'm gonna head upstairs."

I yawned too. "I'm gonna join you. I did not get enough sleep last night."

Tony smirked. "We all know that's code for—"

Natasha threw a pillow at him. "Finish that sentence, Stark, I dare you."

He laughed. "Ok, ok. Sorry. Have a good night, you two."

I gave a salute to the group and took Natasha's hand. We got changed for bed once we were upstairs. Natasha laid her head on my chest, and I lightly stroked her hair.

"Night, Natasha." I kissed her cheek.

"Night, babe."

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

"What does ASSET entail?" I demanded. "I can handle it."

"It requires a subject who has previous power stimulation. Phase 1 is energy manipulation."

I nodded. "Kristina told me about that. She said future phases involve other elemental manipulation."

"She remembers well. Now, elemental manipulation is dangerousor at least, it can be dangerous. That is why it is not phase 1."

"So what's the intent?"

"The intent is to use someone who has full control over their energy powers and give them the ability to control the four elements. All at once."

"That sounds dangerous."


"I'm in."

Kristina blinked in disbelief. "Whwhat?"

"Let me be your subject."

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

I woke up with a start, sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

Steve stirred next to me. "Nat, are you ok?"

I found myself nodding even though I was by no means ok. "Bad dream."

Steve sat up, wrapping his arms protectively around me. I nuzzled my head into his warm chest.

"I thought your dreams had stopped."

"They did," I mumbled into his shirt.

"You want to tell me about it?" he asked. He started to play with my hair, running his hands through it and getting out the tangles with his fingers.

"Tomorrow. For now, just hold me, ok?" I pulled the blankets up over us. I was shivering slightly, not because I was cold, but because I was scared. That was an unusual emotion for me.

Steve kissed the top of my head. "I'm not letting go, Nat."

I smiled softly, but even in the comfort of his arms, I felt that something was wrong.


A/N: Ah, the suspense of a dramatic ending! What do you think Natasha's dream means? Vote, comment, let me know your thoughts!

Also, thank you to Avengers_Captain for the ideas on what roles everyone should have in the wedding!

Also, definitely check out the movie Maid of Honor (if you're a fan of Grey's Anatomy, it has Patrick Dempsey and Kevin McKidd (Derek and Owen) and it's really funny! It's also rated PG-13 so just be aware of that!)


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