Chapter 13.4--Steve

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"Tony, I don't think Natasha wants pole dancers at her engagement party!" I tried to reason with him. He'd stopped me the next morning before I even had my coffee. Damn the 21st century and it's caffeinated beverages!

"Yeah, but it's your engagement party too, Cap. C'mon, it'll be fun!"

"And Natasha will kill you if you go through with it. I'm just saying."

Tony sighed. "Unfortunately, you are right."

I smiled. I enjoyed being right, especially when it was after winning an argument against Tony. "What other ideas do you have?"

"Fondue fountain—the chocolate and cheese kind, not the other kind"

"For the love of god, it was one time, Stark!"

"—open bar, music, a toast to the happy couple—that's you and Natasha—and some other surprises I have up my sleeve. Don't worry—I'll run them by Clint and Bucky first since they are your and Natasha's right-hand people for this wedding."

I groaned. "Tony, you know I hate surprises. And I want to approve these 'surprises' of yours before you go through with them, ok?"

"Then there won't be surprises," he protested.

"Tony..." I warned.

Tony put his hands up in surrender. "Ok, ok. Fine. I give up, you win. You can approve all of the surprises before the party."

"Party planning before breakfast?"

I turned to see Natasha standing in the doorway of the kitchen wearing my t-shirt from the night before.

"Hey, I thought you were still sleeping." I walked over and kissed her.

"And I thought you were bringing me breakfast in bed." She smirked at me.

"You can blame Tony for the lack of breakfast in bed. He cornered me to talk about the engagement party."

"Sure, blame it on the genius in the room," he muttered under his breath.

Natasha laughed. "Genius? Says who?"

"Um, try my degree from MIT at the age of 16? Anyway, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone while I go call the agency."

Natasha stood up straighter. "Agency? Tony, I hope you don't mean what I think I mean."

"I meant modeling agency. Obviously."

Nat lunged forward and I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her back before she could hurt him.

"C'mon, Nat. Let's go back upstairs," I said.

"Coffee first?" she asked, starting in the direction of the kitchen.

I laughed. "Coffee first."

Once we were back upstairs—coffee and breakfast in hand—I decided to ask Nat about the night before.

"How are you doing after last night?" I asked.

Natasha took a bite of her bagel. "Well, I'm certainly glad we delegated roles for the wedding." She glanced at me. "But that's not what you were asking."

"It can be." I focused on my coffee.

Nat smiled and rested a hand on my arm. "It's ok, Steve. I'm just not ready to talk about the dream yet. I sort of want to figure a few things out first."

I nodded. "That's understandable. I don't want to push."

She kissed my cheek. "Thank you for understanding." She got off the bed and stripped out of her pajamas before walking over to the closet.

"Any plans for the day?" I asked.

Natasha reappeared, a sweater draped over her arm. "I'm going shopping with the girls." She pulled the sweater over her head and crawled back onto the bed.

"How soon?"

She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Mm, we have at least five minutes."

"Good." I kissed her, rubbing circles on her stomach under her sweater. She tangled her hands in my hair and leaned us backwards on the bed.

"Natasha, let's go!" Emery yelled, banging on our door a few minutes later.

Nat broke our liplock. "Well, that lasted longer than I thought.

I laughed. "Go have fun. I'll catch you later."

She kissed me one more time before rolling off the bed and leaving the room.

Once Natasha left, I decided to get a few laps in at the pool while Sam and Bucky were getting an archery lesson from Clint.

I dove into the pool, my strokes cutting cleanly through the water. There was so much that I needed—well, wanted, to know. Natasha hadn't had a nightmare since before we started dating—or at least, that's what she told me. But I wondered, if she was having these nightmares, why now? What triggered it? Had she been having them all along? Would she have told me if she was? Could it have something to do with her interrogations? She was muttering in Russian, after all. And that was something she only did when she was thinking about her past or something related to it.

I surfaced a few minutes later, shaking the water from my hair. I needed to talk to her when she got back, but I still wanted to give her the space she needed.

"Hey, Cap," Sam greeted me. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

I laughed. "Too much and not enough."

Sam shrugged. "I get that. Has Nat told you what her dream was about?"

I shook my head. "Not yet. But I'm worried." I ran a hand through my hair. "I don't know what to do."

"Well, I do."

I raised my eyebrows. "You do?"

Sam rolled his eyes. "Talk to her. Isn't that always my advice?"

I smirked. "I'm working on it. And yes, yes it is."

"Has Tony told you his latest ideas for your engagement party?" he asked.

I groaned. "No. What is he doing this time?"

"You might want to come inside."

Oh boy.

I walked inside with Sam to find Natasha arguing with Tony at the kitchen table. The straps of her black bikini peeked through the collar of her t-shirt.

"Tony, I am not agreeing to that," she was saying.

"Just consider it," Tony tried to reason. "What fun would an engagement party be without games about the bride-and-groom-to-be?"

Natasha growled. "You might be okay with exposing yourself to the world, Stark, but I'm more reserved. I don't need everyone to know my deepest darkest secrets.

"It's not your deepest darkest secrets, Nat," Tony protested. "It's just your preferences on certain...Steve, help me out here."

Natasha whipped her head around to face me. The anger in her eyes made my next decision very easy.

"Tony, you're fired," I said.

Nat smiled. "See? Steve understands. Our private life is just that—private. I don't want people to know my preferences or what type of lingerie I prefer!"

Sam snorted, and I glared at him.

"Ok, fine. Fine. We'll just have to resort to other means then," Tony said, giving in.

"What other means?" Nat and I asked at the same time.

Tony grinned, and my heart sank. "Who's worthy. Thor said he'd drop by the party, as there is apparently some special Asgardian tradition he wants to show you both regarding marriage. We all know the hammer is the coolest party trick of all."

I shrugged. "I'll agree to that."

Natasha nodded. "Me too."

Tony clapped his hands together. "Then it's settled."


A/N: It was a lot of fun to write this one! And I thought it was very in-character for Tony :)

Hope you enjoyed it! Vote/comment if you did :)


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