Bonus Chapter: Mandy's POV

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A/N: This will be a short little clip of the conversation (and the events leading up to said conversation) Mandy and Natasha had that led to the discovery of the break-in at Mandy's shop. Thank you to those who liked the idea of including it :) I hope you enjoy!



A few weeks before Mandy ran into Steve outside of McKinsley's Bar

"See you tomorrow!" I called out as Amber, one of my employees left the shop after her last shift. I had some last minute paperwork to do, so I was staying at the shop late. As I locked up a little while later, I tensed at the feeling of someone following me. Luckily, there was a Starbucks open 24/7 around the corner. I whipped out my cell phone, pretending to be talking into it, loudly, before I ducked into the store.

"Can I get you anything?" the barista behind the counter asked me, trying to sound cheery but ultimately failing. I couldn't blame her. It was after 11 pm.

"Thanks. I'll take a chocolate scone," I told her, glancing over my shoulder. Outside, I caught a glimpse of a person with familiar red hair walking down the street.

I shook my head, remembering what Natasha had told me about someone impersonating her. I held up my cell phone and took a picture.

"Ma'am?" the barista asked. "You're gonna have to pay for the muffin."

"Oh, right. Sorry about that." I dug a twenty out of my purse and handed it to the barista. "Keep the change. Have a good night!" I grabbed the muffin then fast-walked to my car, making sure to lock the doors firmly.

After that, I kept one eye over my shoulder every time I locked up. One week later, the mysterious person that looked like Natasha appeared again, following me. This time, I called Pepper.

"Mandy? What's up?" Pepper asked.

"I'm sorry it's so late. But I need a place to stay tonight," I said.

"What happened?"

"Someone has been following me from the shop. It's—I think it's the same person who was impersonating Natasha."

"Ok, do you want me to come pick you up?"

"If you don't mind. I'm so sorry to do this."

"Don't worry about it, Mandy. I'll be there in ten minutes. Go to the coffee shop and I'll find you there, ok?"

"See you soon." I hung up and started for Starbucks.

"It's touching, really, to see you have such caring friends," A voice said behind me. I froze. She even sounded like Natasha.

"It comes with the territory of being a nice person." I tried to remain calm, slowly moving my thumb over my phone and clicking what I hoped was the voice memos app. "What are you even doing here? Why are you following me?"

The stranger shrugged. "That's none of your concern. For now."

"Then can you leave me alone?"

"Darling, I'm only here to clear up a mess that you started. I want some information."

"I'm not telling you anything."

Tires screeched on the street behind us.

"Consider this a warning." The stranger flicked her hand and I fell backward on the pavement, landing hard on my wrist.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Mandy's meeting with Steve

I rounded the corner and saw a man standing across the street from McKinsley's Bar next to a familiar car. I thought I recognized him from the time Pepper had brought Natasha and Wanda to my shop, and Natasha had shown me a picture of her boyfriend.

"Are you Steve?" I asked, running over to him.

"Um, yes?" he replied, sounding unsure.

I put my hands on my hips. "Why did that seem like a question? You're Steve, right? Natasha's boyfriend?"

He nodded slowly. "Yes, I'm Steve. How do you know Natasha?"

"She's a friend of a friend."

"Which friend?"

"Pepper Potts. She's Tony Stark's wife."

"I know who she is. Is something the matter? I don't usually get sought out like this."

I smiled and stuck out my hand. "Mandy Higgins. Listen, I wanted to talk to Natasha about something. It's kinda urgent."

"Nat is..." he paused. "She's not with me right now. But I can give her a message."

I fished a piece of paper out of my purse. I was hoping she'd be able to analyze the note to figure out who'd written it. "When you see her, can you give this to her?"

"Sure thing." He smiled at me as I turned to walk away.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

It had been two weeks since I had spoken to Steve, asking him to give Natasha a message for me. No response.

I held up the latest of the notes that had been slipped under my door, doing my best to flatten it out. I checked my watch, and seeing it was time to head to the shop for opening, I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. Once at the shop, I gasped. The door to the shop was ajar and I definitely locked up behind me the night before. One of the windows was smashed. I ducked inside, my senses on hyper-alert. Inside was worse than I was expecting.

"That's it," I muttered to myself. I dialed Natasha's number. I wasn't waiting any longer. This thing had escalated way too far and I needed help.

"Hello?" she answered on the other end.

"Natasha, it's Mandy. I need your help. Someone broke into my shop."

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