Chapter 12.5--Natasha pt 1

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A/N: This picks up where Chapter 12.4 left off :)



New Years Eve

"You want us to what?" I asked into the phone. I was currently splayed out on the couch with my head in Steve's lap as he read the newspaper. He was still old school like that.

"Babysit," Clint replied. "I'm surprising Laura for our anniversary and we're gonna be gone through the weekend. C'mon, you love the kids."

"Yeah, I know." I bit my lip. "I'm just not sure if I'm capable of such responsibility."

"Nat, you'll be fine. I promise. You can have the girls help out," he said.

I looked over to where Bucky and Sam were tackling each other. "I'm not sure taking care of six children is something I'm capable of."

"Six? We only have three kids," Clint reminded me.

I laughed. "I know. I was referring to Steve and the two bozos he calls friends."

"Hey!" Sam protested. "I heard that!"

Steve laughed.

"You do know it's New Year's Eve tonight?" I told Clint, sitting up and leaning my head on Steve's chest.

"I know. The timing isn't great, but—"

"Not great? Clint, I can't have three kids running around the compound tonight. Although, it'll give me an excuse not to go to Tony's party."

Steve put his newspaper down and looked at me. "Nat, Tony canceled the party."

I mouthed a thank you to him and then spoke again to Clint. "Scratch that. When do you want to drop them off?"

"We'll be there at 5pm."

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

"Thanks again so much for doing this," Laura said that evening at the compound. I took Nathaniel from her arms as Lila ran through the door and attached herself to Steve's leg. And Cooper was already using Bucky as a jungle gym.

"It's no problem, really," I assured her. Clint was right—I really did love spending time with the kids. It made me, let's not go there right now, Natasha. You have to stay focused.

"We'll be back later to pick them up," Clint said, giving me a hug. He called to the kids who came running over. "Now, promise me you'll be good, ok?"

Lila nodded. "We will. Love you, daddy." She hugged Clint and then ran back over to Steve. I smiled.

"Don't let them get into too much trouble, ok?" Clint asked.

I bounced Nathaniel in my arms. "Don't worry, I got this. Go have fun."

They left and I walked over to where Bucky and Steve were currently being attacked. Pepper was in the kitchen washing dishes, but she'd promised to help out.

"Alright, Nate. You little traitor." I sat down and bounced him on my lap. He blew a raspberry at me. "Let's watch your brother and sister win against my fiancee and his friends."

"Your assumption that we're gonna lose is definitely building my confidence," Steve said, grunting.

Lila got bored a few minutes later and ran over to me. "Auntie Nat, can we play Mario Kart?"

"Sure thing, sweetie." I glanced over at Bucky who was still being used as a jungle gym while Sam watched with a smirk. "Can you two take Nate?"

Bucky lowered his arm, causing protests from Cooper. "You want us in charge of a baby?"

"Relax, it's not like he's gonna attack you."

"I'll take him, Natasha." Sam smirked at Bucky.

"Thanks." I handed Nathaniel over to Sam, who immediately groaned.

"Wait a minute, I smell something." Sam wrinkled his nose.

Lila giggled. "It's his diaper."

"You didn't say anything about diaper duty!" Sam protested.

I shrugged. "You didn't ask. Plus, you're here so you need to help."

Sam turned to Bucky. "I'll rock-paper-scissor you for it."

Bucky smirked. "I'm the king of rock-paper-scissors."

"Bring it, bionic."

After fifteen tries, no one had won yet and Nathaniel was cooking up a storm inside that diaper of his.

"Ok, why don't you two work on your teamwork skills and just do it yourself. Together. Because I don't know how much longer I can last with this thing.

"Wait wait wait," Bucky protested. "So now I have to help out? That wasn't part of—"

"Just do it!"

Sam and Bucky groaned simultaneously. "Fine." Sam took Nate back from me since I'd been holding him during the rock-paper-scissors match.

I still wasn't sure I could trust the two of them alone with Nathaniel. "Call out if you need any help." I went to join Lila on the sofa where she'd already set up the game.

"I'm Princess Peach!" she told me. "Who are you gonna be?"

"Hmm, let me think." I picked up my controller. "How about Daisy?"

Lila gasped. "Because she looks like you! Yay, be Daisy!"

I laughed. "Alright, kiddo. Which race do you wanna do?"

"The one with the cows!"

"Moo moo Meadows, it is then."

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

During our very long game of Mario Kart, we were joined by Tony (Pepper had kicked him out upstairs so she could have some time to herself), and Bucky and Sam still hadn't emerged with Nathaniel.

A flash of red and blue flew over the sofa, and I ducked with barely enough time to pause the game.

"Hey! No frisbee in the house!" I called out.

"Aw, man!" Cooper protested.

"Steve, you know better than that," I scolded as he retrieved his shield out of the wall.

"Sorry, Nat. We got a little out of control."

Yeah, no kidding.

"I'm hungry!" Lila yelled.

"Nat, a little help with the little tyke!" Sam called through the kitchen."

Oh my God. My head was going to explode. "Steve, take Cooper outside to play frisbee. And use an actual frisbee, ok? Not your shield. Tony, can you order some pizza?"

"On it," Tony said, saluting me.

"Natasha!!!" Bucky yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh for the love of God, chill!" I yelled back. I turned to Lila. "Sweetie, can you go make sure your brother and Steve aren't getting into too much trouble?"

Lila nodded. "Okie dokie." She ran toward the backyard.

I headed for the kitchen quite worried about what I was going to find. And I had a right to be worried.

"What the heck happened here?" I asked. Paper towels were thrown everywhere and the water was running in the sink. Sam was holding what I hoped was Nathaniel wrapped in about a million paper towels.

"We couldn't find the diapers," Bucky said, screwing his face in disgust as he held up a dirty diaper.

"Clearly. Give me the kid."

Sam handed Nate over to me. "Good luck." He started to walk away.

"Oh heck no. You two are gonna learn. Bucky, go grab the diaper bag from the front room."

"Wait a minute, there's a diaper bag?" Sam asked.

I put my hands on my hips. "Did you really think Clint would leave his baby here without giving us diapers?"

Sam shrugged. "True."

"Buck, can you get it?" I asked.

"Yes, ma'am." He left and I helped Sam begin to clean up the mess. Nathaniel cooed at me and started to whine a little.

"Hey, baby boy. We're gonna get you all cleaned up, ok?" I soothed him.

"You're pretty good at this," Sam said.

I smiled. "I've had some practice."

Bucky came back in and handed me the diaper bag. I took out some wipes and a fresh diaper. Within two minutes, Nathaniel was fresh and clean. Thank god for that.

"See, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" I handed him to Bucky.

"What do you want me to do with him?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Go take him into the living room. And make sure you're cradling his head, ok?"

"Copy that."

Sam stayed to help me clean up the kitchen.

"You know what this reminds me of?" I said.


"That scene in Full House. You know, when Joey and Jesse have to change Michelle's diaper?"

Sam laughed. "Right. Because of the paper towels. Sorry about that."

"Not a problem. You know, you two get a lot done when you work together. Usually."

"Yeah, well. We're trying."

"Wow, what exploded in here?"

Sam and I turned to see Pepper standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Hey, Pepper. Sam was just changing Nate's diaper."

Pepper laughed. "Man, I wish I hadn't missed that. Do you need any help cleaning up in here?" Her eyes flickered between me and Sam.

"Uh, I think I'm gonna go and see if Bucky needs any help," Sam said, leaving the two of us alone.

"Subtle," I said.

Pepper leaned against the counter. "Have you, um, heard anything from Dr. Simmons?"

I shook my head. "Not yet. She said she'd contact us once she had the results. I guess the tests are taking a bit longer than normal."

"Nat." Pepper lightly touched my arm. "I can't even begin to imagine what you're dealing with right now. But I want you to know that you will have a baby. I believe that it's meant to be."

"Thanks, Pepper. I really hope you're right."

"Listen, I've talked with Tony about this and we really want you to be the godmother to the twins." She placed her hands on her stomach."

"Really?" I asked.

Pepper nodded. "Yeah. You're so great with Clint's kids and we trust you."

I hugged her. "Thank you. I never..." my breath caught in my throat and I forced myself not to cry. "I never expected anything like this."

"You're family, Nat. Always have been, And you always will be." She squeezed my arm. "C'mon let's go see what those troublemakers are up to."

We found the guys outside. Steve had, of course, disobeyed my request to not let Cooper play with the shield. Bucky was bouncing Nate on his knee.

"Pizza is on the way, Romanoff," Tony announced.

"Good." I turned to Cooper. "Hey, mini Cap! Go take your sister inside with your Uncle Tony, ok?"

Cooper threw the shield one last time. "Aw, man! Five more minutes, please?"

I laughed. "You know, buddy, if I let you get too good with the shield, your dad is gonna be mad at me. You know he wants you to do archery."

Steve smirked. "Let the kid have his fun, Nat. He's got a good arm."

I walked over to him. "I thought I told you not to play with the shield."

He shrugged. "Couldn't find an actual frisbee."

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "You're lucky you're cute, Rogers."

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