Chapter 9.4--Natasha

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My chest rose and fell with shaky breaths as blue light continued to swirl around my fingers. I didn't know how to control it. I couldn't control it. All I knew was that this ambush had been planned down to the second. Kristina had allowed herself to get taken by us. She knew that if she made it seem like we'd won, she'd be able to tear us apart. Starting with me.

Steve's expression softened, but he still reached out a hand toward me. I took a step back. I couldn't risk hurting him. I had made a promise to myself that I would never hurt him, even if I wasn't in control. And that wasn't a risk I was willing to take.

"What happened?" he asked. " did this happen?" A look of concern washed over his face.

I shook my head. "I can't—I don't know." My eyes flickered to one of the columns on my left, trying to signal to Steve. Look over there. Please, Steve.

"You tell him anything, you're dead," Kristina's voice whispered in my ear. She'd given me a new comms after destroying the unit that connected me to my friends.

"Is Clint...?" he asked, taking a tentative step forward.

"He's alive," I told him. I sidestepped, my hand going toward my gun tucked into my waistband. "You might want to tell your reinforcements to back off. There's no way to shield you from pain."

I prayed that he would take the hint.

Steve stepped away, saying something into his comms unit, before turning back to me. "I hoped it wouldn't come to this, Romanoff." He spoke loudly enough that I hoped Kristina would hear—and believe—him. "I didn't want to have to fight you. I didn't want it to end up this way."
"Sometimes in life, you have to make the tough choices,'' I said. Energy surged through me.

"Nat, your eyes—"

I ignored his comment, focusing on what I was about to do. This was not the time to be vulnerable. I swirled my hands around, shooting a burst of energy at Steve. He activated his shield, rolling out of the way. My wave of blue energy connected with a sudden burst of red, and Wanda's form came into view. Her powers forced me to the side. I landed hard on my shoulder, pain searing through my body.

"This isn't you, Natasha!" Wanda said, keeping her eyes locked on me. "Come back to us." Her energy connected with me, and suddenly I was transported into a trance, reliving the past 12 hours:

"Foolish girl. Falling in love with the man out of time. Have you learned nothing?" Kristina asked.

I struggled against my bonds.

"And bringing your associate." She turned Clint's face to the side as he fought back next to me. "How...disappointing. I thought you wanted to prove yourself."

"I have nothing to prove to you or to anyone, Kristina. You don't control me, you never have. Alexei was a fool for thinking you could break me," I said in Russian.

Kristina laughed. "We'll just see about that."

"Let me ask you one question since you're just gonna kill me anyway," I bargained.

"Go on."

I blinked, my mind drawing a blank. I hadn't expected her to agree.

"I'm waiting," she sing-songed.

I cleared my throat, regaining my composure. "What is your plan? What do you get out of this?"

Kristina smiled coldly. "Vengeance. And I'm looking to recruit."

My eyes shot open, and I gasped. I was still in the casino, lying on the ground. Blue sparks fizzled at my fingertips. What just happened? Something clicked in my brain, and I worked overtime to assess my surroundings. Kristina had her own team who'd made their appearance. Bucky and Emery held off one of the guards while Sam, Tony, and Steve each took another. Wanda held off Kristina, using her powers to block Kristina from entering her mind.

"Go," she whispered to me.

I nodded, somersaulting away and sending a blast of blue energy in Kristina's direction. She flew backward but regained her balance quickly.

"Bogey on your left!" Sam said, coming to my aid.

I sent a blast to my left as Sam cried out, "Sorry, my left! My left!"

I rolled my eyes and flipped through the air, sending a blast toward the correct target, nearly missing. "Thanks for that, Sam."

Kristina cackled. "You think you can outsmart me?"

Wanda and I locked eyes, clearly thinking the same crazy idea. I still had no idea what my powers were capable of, but something seemed to happen when our powers connected. It was worth a shot.

I counted to three, and we turned to Kristina blasting equal forces of energy at the same time. Kristina screamed and flew backward, hitting a column and crumpling to the ground. Sirens sounded in the distance.

"That should be Fury's team," Tony said, coming over to check on us. "Everyone ok?"

I stumbled against the wall, black dots blurring my vision as I held my shoulder. I had definitely dislocated it. Steve ran over to my side.

"Woah, Nat. Stay with me." He held me in his arms.

"Someone needs to make sure she's taken care of," I croaked.

Steve brushed my hair out of my face. "We've got it handled. Now, we need to get you safe. And I'm not leaving your side."

"Steve." I coughed, my heart sinking. "She's gone. We lost." Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Kristina disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "It's over."

"I'll be back, Natalia. My army is coming soon, and my offer still stands. Don't make any regrets."

"I got you, Nat. We got this." Steve turned away from me briefly. "Stark, where'd she go?"

"Pan out, see if you can find anything out of the ordinary," Stark ordered. "Does anybody have eyes on Kristina?"

"Over here!" Emery called. Her voice fizzled out and my vision began to blur.

"Steve. Hospital. Get me to headquarters," I whispered.

And then everything went black.

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