Chapter 9.5--Steve pt 1

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Fury's team arrived on the scene right after we found a scorch mark identical to the one in the container from the night before. The paramedics loaded Natasha onto a helicopter to take her back to the states. We would be following behind soon.

"The mark is consistent with what we found last night," Emery told us. "I don't know where she went, though. That's what doesn't make any sense."

"Cosmosis," Wanda said.

We all turned to her.

"Care to elaborate?" Tony asked.

"Cosmosis is the ability to go between worlds in the cosmos. It often leaves a mark like this." She knelt down to inspect it. "Kristina is somewhere between worlds right now. Not exactly someplace we can follow.

"How quickly can you get us back to the states, Tony?" I asked.

"If we leave now, a few hours," he replied.

"Then let's go. Pack up the hotel suite and get back home."

Tony rested a hand lightly on my shoulder. "She's gonna be ok, Steve. SHIELD has the best doctors and Fury will protect her at all costs."

I nodded. "I know, but that's not what I'm worried about. You saw her hands. The new power...what did Kristina do to her?"

"My guess is a power transfer of some kind. The energy coming out of Nat's hands was similar to what Kristina attacked us with last night," Emery said.

"Yeah, but I pulled her back behind my shield before the energy could get to us," I protested.

"It must've still connected with her somehow. I don't fully understand it. We need to get to headquarters. Simmons—she's an analyst—will likely be on Nat's case as she's the best in the business," Emery told me.

"Alright, everyone. We're headed back to the hotel. Jet leaves in an hour," Tony said.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

Three days later

I sat in one of the waiting room chairs with my head in my hands. I couldn't believe we were back to where we started. I just hoped this time it wouldn't end in a break up.

"How're you holding up, Steve?" Bucky asked, handing me a cup of coffee.

"I'd be better if I could see Natasha," I told him. "It's been three days. They've run all sorts of tests, trying to figure out the source of her new powers, but no one has told me anything."

"They're taking precautions." He sipped his drink. "Ugh. You'd think for a place like this, they'd actually have good coffee."

I laughed. "Are you being serious or just trying to make me feel better?"
Bucky grimaced. "Maybe a little bit of both."

"Have you and Em talked about...what happened?" I asked.

Bucky nodded. "Yeah. Wanda knows everything, too. Apparently, this was something she and Emery discussed before the mission."

"What? You mean the fact that you'd maybe have to kiss her?"

"Pretty much. She knows it wouldn't mean anything as long as nothing happened afterward as a result."

"That's pretty great." I glanced at him over the top of my coffee. "How do you feel about all of this?"

Bucky shrugged. "Emery is a great girl. I think the timing for us was just not great. Plus, there's the fact that I had it in my mind that the flirting was all for show."

I raised an eyebrow. "Buck, that was not for show."

He stood up. "I know. Listen, I'm gonna go to the gift shop. Wanna come with me?"

"Thanks, man. But I'm gonna stay here and wait for any updates. I might go visit Clint, too," I said.

Bucky nodded. "See you at the compound, then. And text me when you know more."

I raised my cup to him in response. "Will do." I stood up, dumping the remainder of my coffee cup into a nearby trash can, before going to the desk and asking if they could direct me to Clint's room.

A nurse led me down the hall to a private room, where Clint sat up in bed, his wife Laura, in a chair beside him. I knocked on the door. Laura smiled, beckoning me to come in.

"Steve, it's good to see you," Laura said, giving me a hug.

"You too," I said. "Clint, how are you feeling?"

"Pretty good. Just a little banged up is all," Clint replied. His ankle was in a brace and his arm in a sling.

Laura looked between us. "I'm gonna go get some food." She left us alone.

"Have you seen Nat yet?" Clint asked.

I shook my head. "They haven't let me in yet. She's still going through some diagnostic tests."

"I should've told you that she called me," Clint said.

"It's not your fault. She had her reasons. But I'm glad that we got there when we did."

"Steve, you should know that Natasha never wanted to hurt you. When I got to Budapest, one of Kristina's minions captured me and I'm lucky we wound up in the same place. We have a good track record when we're together," Clint said. "But Kristina did separate us at one point. I couldn't control it—she broke my arrows and my hands were tied. Literally."

Just then, the same nurse who led me to Clint's room returned.

"Captain, Agent Romanoff is asking for you," she said.

"That's my cue." I turned to Clint. "Take it easy, Clint. See you at home."

"Thanks, Steve. Tell Nat there's no hard feelings and I hope she's feeling better soon. If I'm out before her, I'll stop by."

"I will." I left with the nurse who led me to Natasha's room.

She was awake, her left arm in a sling. Her face broke into a smile when she saw me. "Hey, you."

"Hey, you." I waited for the nurse to leave before coming over to Nat's bed. "Can I sit?"

She nodded.

"You really scared me back there in Budapest," I said. "I thought we were..."

Nat put her fingers to my lips. "I would never leave you, Steve. And I'm...I'm sorry about everything that happened."

"Hey." I brushed her hair from her face. She smiled at my touch. "This is not your fault, ok? Kristina is the one to blame. She tried to take you away from all of us."

"I was under her control." She winced as she tried to sit up straighter on the bed. "I was able to fight through it—mostly—but she still had a grasp on my mind."

"You're safe, that's what matters. We don't have to talk about what you went through if you don't want to," I told her.

She looked down at her hands as blue sparks appeared at her fingertips. "I do want to. There's a lot to discuss, starting with this." The sparks fizzled out. "The tests haven't been able to tell us anything yet. Simmons told me she's still analyzing. She gave me a monitor that will be able to control when my powers...surge." She pulled down the top of her gown slightly to where three round stickers were placed on her chest. Three black wires were attached to them and came out next to her on a little black box.

"Do you know when you'll be able to come home?" I asked as she readjusted her gown.

Nat opened her mouth to answer as someone knocked on the door. "Come in."

"How's my favorite agent?" Fury asked, poking his head through the door.

Nat smiled. "Doing well. Just eager to go home."

"Well, as soon as you sign these release forms, we're releasing you into protective custody."

"Protective custody? What do you mean? How is that fair?" I protested.

Natasha laughed. "He means you, dummy. You're my protective custody."


Fury smirked. "Man, you two. Alright, Agent Romanoff, here are the forms." He handed them over and Nat quickly signed them.

"I have the car parked right outside," I said.

"Great." Her eyes flickered between Fury and me. "Um, I do need to get dressed first."

"I'll leave you two alone then. Romanoff, call me if you have any issues. Simmons should be in touch soon with the other results soon," Fury said.

"Thanks, Nick." She waited as he left the room then turned back to me. "You wanna help me get dressed?"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded. "I trust you. When we were at the casino, I couldn't control my powers. I didn't want to hurt you, that's why I wouldn't let you get close to me. But I'm in control now and I would never hurt you."

I leaned over the bed and pressed a kiss lightly to her lips. "I love you so much."

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