A Good no Great time (Special)

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A/n- before you read this there's something I'm going to change in one of the following chapters actually it's more and it's this scene. yep there not going to get captured, because they couldn't have been caught it always bothered me. ALSO, THIS IS A SPECIAL CHAPTER SO READ IT TO THE END I SWEAR YOU won't BE DISSAPOINTED LIKE I WAS WHEN I SAW THE AVATAR MOVIE.

other than that enjoy the break and the quote of the day. 

quote Iroh

" Sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else"

Previously on Lok 

Korra locked in a cage found out Aang was warning her about Tarloks bloodbending and hinting at the relation between him and Yakone.

Tarlok sent the others on while goose chase, which would've worked if not for Nathan and Amon.

A maybe unconscious Korra might have heard the converse between Nathan and Naga while on the way back to republic city.

And now

Late morning at Air temple island

Korra is sleeping soundly on her bed recovering from previous events. besides her, we see Nathan sitting beside her with a careful grasp of her hands. Behind him, we see Mako, arms around Asami and Bolin all looking through the door upset at the scene before them. Asami walks up to you placing her arm on your shoulder.

Asami: "she going to be alright, she's a tough girl after all,"


Bolin and Mako look at each other nodding and walking in.

Mako: Asami's right plus you healed her yourself theirs no doubt she'll recover 

Bolin: she'll be back in action in no time like whacha and boom and fire here

Nathan: you let out a soft laugh before you speak "...yeah." you said letting go of her hand and breath slightly " you guys are right can you guys stay, I'll go make some breakfast when she wakes up."

Bolin: exited "oh can i come help I'm so hungryyyy." he asked "sure thing it'll be easy." you smiled 

Asami: "then I guess Mako and I will stay, remember to make some for us as well." she asked and you nodded.

Mako: "yea and be careful when you cooking with him Keep your eyes on everything cuz once he starts eating a little it'll all vanish."

Bolin: "flustered "put what no no nooo i won't do that.... again." he said avoiding eye contact, you let out a small laugh and so did Mako and Asami. Bolin feeling embarrassed grabbed you and left to the kitchen with blinding speed.

after dragging you he slid the door open and entered. you fell on the floor with swirls in your eyes from being dragged by Bolin.

Bolin: rifling through some cabinets on the left side of the room "..okay let's see we've got some eggs, tea leaves, flour, oh cow pig strips, some of these things I don't know... what is this?" he said grabbing two cabbages he studies it some more before throwing it behind him hitting you and Pabu comes down from his shoulder and starts eating it. "okay some fruits and veggies and other stuff blah, oh cactus milk it'll quench ya! hehe."

Nathan: finally getting up  "uh so what are we making?" you asked as Bolin turns to you "you tell me" you stretch your arms and look at what he placed on the wooden table in front of the window to the right was the stove and gas cooker. "hmm... some tea and pancakes? is that okay?" you asked,

Bolin:  nodding rapidly "good cuz we have no food on our  side of the island," he said sheepishly

Nathan: shocked "wait, what! I bought about two months worth of foo how could we lose that!" twirling his fingers "well you see...uh... Pabu and I.. uh stress ate everything." "..... HOW I FROZE HALF THE FOOD SO IT WOULD LAST...you know what" sigh "we'll talk about this later."

Bolin: alright let make some pancakes!

Nathan: "and tea" you added, "yeah that two."

Nathan: gets in a serious tone "Wellcome to hells Kitchen Bo" you said as you wrapped an extremely long white bandana over your head as the windows open and light beams in.

Bolin: star-eyed "so cool." he said you snapped a finger at him " Bolin!" you shouted he saluted you like more light beamed on his face "yes sir." "crack those eggs." "yes, master chef!"

while he was doing that you went to the tea there's nothing to say you boiled the water with you bending along with the tea leaves that's really it. boom tea made. and so you moved on to fry the cow pig strips.

with the others

were back in Korra's room with Asami and Mako. we close into Korra as she groans in bed before her eyelids flutter and open. she sits up and yawns.

Asami: Korra!.

Korra: hey guys what' di miss.... and why are you two in my room?.

Mako: did you forget what happened.

she took a moment remembering as flashes at what happened played out through her mind fighting Tarlok, her locked in the cage her vision, you coming to rescue her, Amon showing and you both on Naga.

Korra: what happened to Tarlok?

Mako: "Nathan said Amon took him." he said as she fell back on the bed exhaling. " and Nathan got you out before Amon could've caught you."

Asami: "he also healed and patched you up." she said as Korra moved her hand to her waist to see her cut gone "you may want to thank him later on." Korra nodded and got out of bed stretching.

Korra: she smiled turning to them "I already planned on it and I know just the way too."

Asami: nudging Korra "are you going to kiss him~," she said making her blush in response

Korra: "I wasn't gonna d-" Mako jumped in stopping her from finishing her sentence   

Mako: "hmm I don't know sweety I'd say he deserves more maybe oh I don't know, confessing that you like him." he added making the young avatar embarrassed.

Korra: "wait, what! how did you know" she shed shock allowing Asami to attack "you didn't deny it Korra, plus when you're both together we catch one of you taking glances at the others." 

Korra: " I thought i was being sneaky." she said looking away.

Mako: hehe alright Asami I think that's enough fun.... for now, breakfast should be ready come on let's go. 

Asami: smirking "alright let's go." she said as the three walked out of the room towards the living room.

the three of them sat down around the wooden table all sat down on the left side Asami and Mako and the right was Korra. 

Korra: "so we're the food," she asked "hold on were here" a voice boomed from the entrance revealed to be Mako and Nathan holding plates of stacked pancakes, cow pig strips and tea. Korra's stomach growled as you place her meal in front of her. you and the others giggled making her embarrassed. you sat down beside her and Bolin sat in the middle. you guys took your time, Tenzin wasn't going to let Korra leave the island so it was like a nice break. while eating you've had small laughs and conversations at some point we came to your little water tribe infirmary accident.

Mako: you almost went to jail?

Nathan: were not talking about this

Bolin: "whaat no we are what did you do uh did you steal something did you burn something... actually thats all i can imagine you doing."

Nathan: sinking more tea "how did we get to my past life we were talking about how weird it is to have regular wolves when we have platypus bears"

Asami: now I'm curious about what you did 

Korra: "I know what he did~," she said with a playfully smirk gaining the others attention.

Nathan: Korra no!

Bolin: Korra yes!

Mako: tell us, please

you began shaking Korra by the shoulders "i told you that story in trust to make you feel better Korra," she laughed and replied "I know but this is fun plus it's a great story." you sighed in defeat and let tell the story.

Mako: so that's why you keep them away from water. 

Asami: huh I thought there was another reason, who knew babies were terrifying water benders.

Bolin: wow the only thing missing is some romance in your story

Nathan: hehe good thing there isn't (I probably shouldn't tell them about the second time it happened involving Eska) you shivered, remembering your "time" with her.

time skip brought to you by breakfast one of the most important meals ever YOU CAN NOT LIE

It was midday everyone was outside by the air bending panels even Ikki, Melo. and Jinora joined in the fun.

Mako: so we just have to move through panels without getting hit?

Nathan: hehe yep

Bolin: this isn't a trap right?

Korra: gasp " how could you think that we would ever lie to you." she said as Melo and Ikki shared a look.

Nathan: "look it's easy," you said as you gave a nod to Jinora she sent out a small blast of air rotating the panels. closing your eyes you walked in twisting and turning around as you let the wind from the panels guide you out. "and that's how you do it, of course, you can do it with your eyes opened but you do you."

Bolin: excited "alright I'm first!" he shouted running into the panels about halfway in he got hit from behind by a Panel which pushed him face-first into another one

everyone: slammed into another panel with a smacking sound "ooh" and slammed into another "Aah" everyone kept following him being knocked around like a pinball until the last hit from behind sent him flying out landing facefirst on the ground floor.

Mako: cringed smile "um you alright bo?"

Bolin: whines "my everything hurts."

Asami: I'm not going in there.

Mako: after seeing that I'm out too.

Bolin: face still in the ground "it's a death trap of spinning doors.

Korra: shrugs "eh it's not that bad." she said making you raise your eyebrow at her "you can't say that Korra."

Jinora: exactly you were even worse than him.

Nathan: "Yeah I don't recall you being that great the first time." you said as Bolin began to get up from the ground

Korra: okay maybe i wasn't all that but I improved.

Ikki:  "I HAVE AN IDEA!" she shouted gaining everyone's attention. 

Asami: slightly shocked by her outburst "what is it"

Ikki: hehe Korra and Nathan should both go

Nathan: confused "go were?"

Ikki: "in there." she pointed to the still rotating panels "oh like a race to see who gets to the other side." Korra asked, "hehe yea something like that."

you and Korra shared a glance and shrugged moving to the rotating panels. while there the others were having small talks.

Jinora: suspicious "Ikki what are you planning?"

Ikki: avoiding eye contact "nothing." she said as the other looked at her suspiciously. feeling the pressure of their prying eyes she gave up and confessed her plot "fine, i wanted them to get dance and get closer,"

Bolin: "how are they going to dance in that pain machine?"

Ikki: "shush there going in just watch," she said they all changed their attention to you and Korra.

Nathan: facing the panels "are you ready?"

Korra: smug "you know it! by the way, don't feel too bad when i beat you okay."

Nathan: aw that's cute you think you'll make it to the other side before me, 

Ikki: from afar "JUST GO ALREADY!"

you and Korra both looked back at each other and shrugged. facing the panels you both entered at the same time and began spinning through the panels as you were avoiding being hit you noticed Korra was behind you moving opposite to your direction. 

As you were turning left she turned right the both of you going in opposite directions yet behind one another. this kept on happening until you were both separated only to meet again face to face in the centre. (wow we are really really close) you thought as you could feel her breath considering how close you guys were.  while Korra had a blush on her face while in the same thought. you both didn't say anything as you kept on moving around in the panels whilst look each other in the eye. before you knew it you both were already outside. realising you've been looking into her light blue eyes, she playfully ht your shoulder.

Korra: "if you like looking at me so much why don't you just Kiss me already." she said. while you went wide-eyed at her comment "dd-do you want me to" (gah dammit who said that!) 

Korra:  " wh-what no i was Just joking around." she said. making her way back to the others

watching from outside the Asami and Mako smiled at the scene before them and so did Ikki and Jinora. but their silence was broken by Bolin.

Bolin: gasp "oh it does look like they're dancing."

Asami: I think we should get going

Mako: I agree

Bolin: "me Nah I'm cool." he said making Asami frown and turn to Mako for help "bo I think we should leave"

Korra: disappointed "what you're leaving already"

Nathan: Is there something wrong?

Asami: uh yea we need to go back to my mansion to grab some files I need to find a way to keep the business running since you know that.

Bolin: you mean when your father turned out to work with the equalist and had a secret factory underneath your house.

Mako: Bolin!.

Bolin: oh sorry

Asami: "it's fine," turns to you and Korra "and the boat is here so nows the best chance, sorry but we have to go."

Korra: "All alright then."

And with that, they left. Time went by as you just spent most of the day hanging out with Korra. You would do fun things like races and training other times you guys would just talk about the most random things like the time Korra met Naga and got lost in a snowstorm or the time you learned you could bend when you were lost out at sea. and now you were going to show her water benders can fly. you both walked down to the beachside of the island Jinora tagged along saying she wants to be on the page of bending history or something like that.

Korra: "if you're trying to impress me you already have, water benders can't bend."

Jinora: "Korra support him,"

Nathan: stoping in front of the water "just stand back and be amazed."

Korra: sighing and placing her hand on hip "fine show us how you can fly~"

you calm your breath in as the wave crash in front of you lifting both palms forward the water begins to boil and turns to a large sum of steam, you then move your hands around in a circular motion as the steam gathers and takes shape of a cloud. you breathe out cold air and run up and jump on the cloud. after solidifying your feet you began to move around in the sky circling the iland.

A/n: basically like nimbus from dragon ball

while you were in the air Korra and Ikki looked at you jaw dropped.

Korra: I don't believe it

Jinora: "he can fly!" she said as Ikki's voice boomed from behind.

Ikki: guys Nathan can fly are you seeing this!!

Jinora: we know Ikki we are seeing the same thing.

 they said as you came down from the sky sitting on your cloud.

Nathan: believe me now

Korra: I know I am.

Nathan: "so wanna ride?" you asked her

Korra: really! how?

Nathan: "easy just hop on." you said mentioning the area of the cloud next to you. she smiled and jumped on. "Woah this feels weird," she said stomping on it "don't do that it makes it harder for me to control," you said.

Korra: oh sorry so what happens now.

Nathan: "you might wanna hold on to me so you don't fall off." 

Jinora: "well have fun me and Ikki are going to leave now." she said taking her to leave. Korra grabs hold of your shoulder with one arm "is this alright" she asked. "um yeah i think, brace yourself" you said as you took off high into the clouds "woohoo" Korra yelled as you were flying in the air " I've flown on a bison before bu this is, is." "awesome?" you said "hehe yea awesome!" she said throwing her arms in the air. you felt her let go and panicked so you held on to her so she wouldn't fall, by instinct you hugged her. after some time flying you stopped moving in the air and floated above some clouds. you could see the city and the island below.

you felt Korra tap you on the shoulder realising what you're doing you let go but kept a hold on her hand.

Korra: slightly blushing "thanks for catching me heh sorry I let go," she said as she looked down at your hands and slightly tightened her grip, "this is fine." she said looking back at you.


Korra: um are you alright.

Nathan: huh yeah fine, I'm fine... I think we should go back down 

Korra: yeah that's best.

Nathan: you moved your free arm downwards in a circling motion bringing you both down gradually (the sun is going down nows my chance I need to get to the spot) you thought.

Korra: (when we get down it'll just the two of us so I can tell him hopefully things go my way).

 as you both get closer to the ground you go slightly off course and land by a grassy cliff overlooking the sunset you would usually come out here to meditate, relax watching the view. Korra taking noticing where we landed grew a confused look.

Korra: "huh? hey, Nathan why did we land here the temple is the other way." she asked puzzled as she jumped off the cloud and you the same. you sat down on the grass and patted the spot next to you. shrugging she sat down by your side, you turn and so does she. her eyes widen a bit as she looks at the beautiful sunset and waves running into the cliffside.

Nathan: "...this is where I come to take my mind off things it's peaceful and lovely I thought I'd show you so if you ever feel stressed you can come here." you said turning to her with a wholehearted smile.

Korra: returning the smile "thanks for showing me this, just by looking at this I feel better already...." she takes a small pause and turns her self to you. you notice the determination in her eyes the look that said nothings gonna stop me. you also shared the same look as you prepared yourself.

Korra/Nathan: There's something important I want to tell you...oh you go first....sorry/my bad..... pff hahaha.

Korra: "would you look at us heh." she giggled "I know right nothing good can come from us being in sync." you said making Korra playfully push you to the ground "why would you say that!" "haha, I don't know it just came out." after some more laughs the mood returned to the one before. "ok, ok let me go first," she asked you nodded and locked your lips.

Korra: "w-well....you...see...the thing...is...I-... mean...if...you....feel...the...same...Its...okay..if...you don't I won't blame...d-do...you..." she stuttered twirling her hair "is she alright," you thought in worry ( why can't I say anything!!) her thoughts began to change into that of panic before she could go any further the words of Pema ringed in her head. taking a deep breath she looked at you straight in the eyes. (I can do this). you stared in her light blue eyes slightly confused at what she was trying to do but waited patiently nonetheless.

she moves in closer to your face her eyes filled with something more than determination she gently cups your left cheek as her face closes into yours. (wait is she going to!) you thought to realise what she was going for you used your right hand to brush some hair out of the way and cup her cheek as your eyes close and faces close in before your lips connect in a gentle kiss filled with love. 

she moves in deeper into the kiss slightly and wraps her arms around your neck as you move your arm by her waist as she pushes you down to the grass the kiss becoming a little passionate as a surprised sound escapes her. after what seemed like a lifetime you both separate looking into each other's eyes breathing heavily.

Korra: does this mean you like me?

Nathan: "hehe I more than like you Koora." you smiled at her and bring pull her back down into another kiss.


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