Time for action

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A/n- we reached 1K views people! now it's only 5 more updates to go actually its 3 till the first book is over but I've added some stuff in between that you guys will like for example the next chapter.

anyway, enjoy.

Quote Aang

"Anyone's capable of great good and great evil"

Previously on Lok

A new team avatar has been created and now take justice to the streets. Tarlok being a bitch captured Mako and Bolin and prisoned them.

Korra got pissed tried to fight Tarlok but got beat cuz he can blood bend. surprise surprise.

Nathan came to tell her how he felt but didn't get the chance as Tarlok kidnapped her after the battle and now he's chasing after he, may god help whoever get in his way, (Tarlok, its Tarlok we should pray for, pray  that God helps him live Nathans furry because I won't) 

And now

we see a basement showing a metal box and the lights above the box keep flickering. Beside the box a flight of stairs. The door opens and light streams through the doorway, illuminating the stairs. Korra's silhouette slowly floats through the doorway. Korra who is struggling, spasming and appears to be in a lot of pain. Tarrlok is seen to be behind her, deep in concentration and his arms are in front of him, controlling Korra in a puppet-like fashion with his bloodbending.

Tarrlok walks down the stairs and levitates Korra towards the metal box. He levitates Korra into the box and turns her around to face him. Tarrlok still has an intense look of concentration on his face.

Korra: fearful "What are you doing?" we see her feet land on the floor of the box as Tarrlok quickly slams the door shut. "TARRLOK!" We return back to the inside of the box as Korra pounds on the door with all her might "You can't keep me in here forever!"

Outside the box, Tarrlok ignoring her threats casually walks up the stairs. Korra keeps pounding on the box. outside of the house as Tarrlok walks towards a blue Satomobile and enters it. The engine starts and he drives the Satomobile away from the house out in the snowy wilderness and the Satomobile drives down the track away from the snowy mountains and it is apparent that the place is deserted.

inside City Hall. A few metal bender cops are on the scene and Chief Saikhan is standing near Tarrlok who is being healed. We can see Tenzin walking through the doors as a photographer's camera lens focuses on an Equalist glove and takes a picture of it. After the flash, the view changes to the broken balcony and the photographer slowly pans his camera down to a bola wrapped around a pillar. Another picture is taken. After the flash, we see Tenzin walking towards Tarrlok as a waterbending healer heals his arm. Saikhan is taking notes.

Tenzin: What happened? what was Korra doing at City Hall?

Tarrlok: calmly "As I told Chief Saikhan, Korra came to my office late last night. She was upset that I arrested her friends. She asked me to release them and... "  Tarlok pauses for dramatic effect "that's when the (Fire nation) Equalists attacked." 


Tarrlok placing an Equalist glove on the crater in the ground

"I tried to protect Korra." 

Tarrlok throws a bola towards the pillar "We were outnumbered." Tarrlok puts on an electric glove and he activates it, making it spark in his hand "Then I was electrocuted." He puts the glove to his arm and electrocutes him as he groans in pain. The flashback ends and it fades back to the present time. "When I came to, the police had arrived but Korra was gone. I'm so sorry." turns his head towards Saikhan "Chief Saikhan, mobilize the entire police force. We have to find the Avatar."

we move to a hospital to see Lin lying in bed looking out the window

Radio Broadcaster: "We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you this special report." Lin opens her eyes and turns her head towards the radio "Late last night Equalists attacked City Hall," Lin sits up with her eyes wide open in shock and she immediately turns up the volume of the radio "subduing Councilman Tarrlok and capturing Avatar Korra. Details are still coming in but--"

Lin turns off the radio abruptly and gets out of bed but it is apparent that she is still injured as she winces and grabs her arm. She stands up and walks to a cupboard containing her metal armour. Cut to a back view of Lin as she looks at her leg and arm guards as well as her main body armour. Without hesitation, she rips the badge off her armour. She puts it on along with a cloak.

When the cloak is gone, the scene has changed to Toph's statue outside the police station. It is glinting in the sun. The scene changes again to Asami lying on the bed in her jail cell with her arms behind her head. The door to her cell opens and she lifts her head towards it. She sits up and sees Lin standing by the door.

with Korra 

Cut to the box in the basement as we hear pounding against the metal inside the box Korra throws her body onto the box, attempting to make the door budge. She grunts and groans as it fails.

Korra: "Somebody!" pounds on the door with her arm "Help!" her poundings weaken "Please!"   she spoke desperately to no one as she slides down to the floor against the door looking tired. "Please."

she takes a deep breath as Tenzin's words repeat in her mind 

Tenzin: I believe Aang's spirit is trying to tell you something Korra I urge you to meditate on these visions.

Korra seated in a lotus position brings her fists together to meditate. She takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes as her mind begins to flashback.

we see an adult Aang's head. He hears some footsteps behind him and turns his head.

Toph: What are you doing here, Aang?  I told you I have this under control.

Aang:  Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't get involved, but if what those victims said is true we're not dealing with a normal criminal.

Toph: "Fine." turns to the side and waves at Aang to follow "Follow me, Twinkletoes."

Aang: Toph, I'm forty years old. Do you think you could stop with the nicknames?

Toph: afraid not.

Aang shakes his head and follows Toph. Scene changes to what looks like a fancy restaurant. We see Yakone sitting at a table while a couple of bodyguards stand in front of it. Aang, Toph and the rest of the cops walk in.

Toph: It's over. You're under arrest, Yakone

Yakone: What is Republic City coming to? used to be a man could enjoy his lunch in peace.

Toph metal bends a spool of wire out and it catches Yakone's wrist, making him slightly lose his hold on his chopsticks. Toph yanks him up, turning the table over. A cop subdues Yakone and turns him around to cuff him.

Yakone: What's the big idea?

Aang: We have dozens of witnesses, Yakone. We know what you are.

Toph: Take him away.

Yakone: I've beaten every trumped-up charge you yahoos have brought against me, (Yakone smiles and the camera angle changes to Aang) and I'll beat this one too.

everything fades to black to a close up of Korra's face as she opens her eyes and gasps in surprise.

Korra: "Whoa I finally connected with you, Aang. But" confused) "what are you trying to tell me? A way out of this box would be nice."

Korra takes in another deep breath and returns to meditate. 

with nathen

we see two figures move in the moving snow forest. one is revealed to be Naga the other on top of her Nathan with an iron grip on the saddle.

Naga slows her running, it becomes a slow walk to get to Korra. it obvious to see that she's tired.

Nathan: sigh (I guess i cant push her but we can't waste time) you move your hand beside Nagas and pet her softly "thank you Naga but you should rest I think I can run the way there", she didn't respond and tried to sprint again. she collapsed just as she began. you got off her and moved to pet her head "don't worry I promise I'll find her and everything's gonna be okay"

you turned the snow to water and created a small pool so Naga can drink from and then you began running along the road. (I'm on my way Korra)

with others

Mako turns his head back towards the group and points. They run down the alley arrive at the front of an intersection.

Asami: Lin thanks for getting us out of jail

Lin: don't mention it

Bolin: so this is where the equalist are holding Korra

Bolin:" Hmm." places a hand on his chin and points forward "This way kinda smells familiar."

Lin stops and stomps her barefoot on the ground as the background turns into black and shockwaves are seen travelling up her body. The colour change back to normal and she stands up.

Lin: "There's a tunnel nearby." she points to her right and everyone runs towards it and find a canal as the group slides down the slope into it while Tenzin jumps off and cushions the landing with airbending.

Mako: anyone wondering were Nathan is?

Bolin: yeah i thought he would be the first look for her.

Asami: lin did you hear from him before you came to get us.

Lin: no not really the kid and the bear dog are gone.

Bolin: GASP " what if he went looking for her and equalist people caught him"

Lin: possible but he can fight, I'm sure we'll meet him along the way

the group run towards the tunnel but it is blocked off by metal grates. Lin bends down noticing tracks on the floor leading into the tunnel.

Lin: Motorcycle tracks.

Tenzin: Korra has to be in there. 

we come back to the snowy mountains at night and we cut to Korra who is still meditating in the box he eyes open with a pained expression on her face and she breathes rapidly. 

with the others

Scene changes to City Hall at sundown the council stands inside City Hall.

Tenzin: Thank you all for meeting us on such short notice. 

Lin: Chief. 

Saikhan: Lin. 

Tarrlok: Have you news of Avatar Korra? 

Tenzin: We do. You kidnapped her, Tarrlok. 

Tarrlok: angry "I am shocked you would accuse me of such an evil act. I already explained. Equalists attacked and took her. "

Tenzin: "But there were no chi-blockers here last night." points to Tarrlok "You planted the evidence, didn't you? "

Tarrlok: "That is a ridiculous accusation." He takes a step back to reveal the council page standing on the second floor, clutching a pillar listening to their conversation. 

Council Page: "It's true!" Tarrlok turns around "He took her. I was here when Avatar Korra arrived last night but Councilman Tarrlok ordered me to leave. I was on my way out when I saw Tarrlok bring her down to the garage. 

Tarrlok:  That is nonsense! everyone knows you're nothing but a squeaky-voiced liar. 

Lin: crosses her arms "Why did you wait until now to fess up?" 

Council Page: I was waiting for that man to bring her back he said he was a friend of the avatar.

Mako: turns to the others "wait she's talking about Nathan.!"

Tarlok: w-what! (he's gone to rescue her this is bad) why would you listen to her!. 

Council Page: I was terrified to tell because... because Tarrlok is a blood bender! he blood bent Avatar Korra! 

All: gasp 

Tenzin: "Don't make this worse for yourself." gets into a defensive stance "Tell us where you have Korra." 

the others and cops also follow and get into defensive stances but they are quickly shut down by Tarrlok's bloodbending as they spasm in pain. They are all spasming and groaning in agony and are brought to their knees. Tarrlok gets into deep in concentration as he brings his arms in. the people being blood bent as they slowly drop unconscious one by one. Tarrlok looking shocked walks back and hurries away.

Timeskip brought to you by the title of the next chapter "catching a break" i don't know how to do the winking thing with my keyboard basically the next chapter is gonna be special not lemon special I mean confession and kissing special.

Lin: Wake up.

Lin slaps Tenzin across the cheek and he wakes with a gasp. Mako helps Asami up and she has a hand on her head. Bolin sits up and flails his arms around.

Bolin: disoriented "Uuugghhh, man. I had this awful dream that Korra was taken by this evil blood bender. So weird." 

Asami: Bolin turns his head back towards Asami "Bolin, that really happened. he knocked us out." 

Bolin: are you serious?! Where is he? is he here right now? 

Saikhan: Tarrlok is long gone. I'll alert the whole force.

Saikhan and the councilman turn away and walk off and we cut back to the group as Bolin places a hand on his shoulder and attempts to rotate it to loosen the sore muscles on his shoulder.

Lin: We've only been out for a little while. Maybe we can still pick up Tarrlok's trail. 

Tenzin: It could lead us to Korra.

Asami: either way Nathan should be there with her so if we hurry then we can make it

Lin: slams her fists "good we have a plan Let's go."

with Korra 

Korra is still meditating really hard and beads of perspiration collect on her chin. She opens her eyes with disbelief and the camera zooms out.

Korra: "Aang, this whole time you were trying to warn me" rubs her face and eyes "about Tarrlok, he's Yakomes, son." 

Korra hears the door opening and Korra stands up. We hear footsteps walking down a flight of stairs.

Nathan: walking down the stairs "Korra are in you in here?" 

Korra: disbelief banging the door"N-Nathan is that you please get me out of here!"

Nathan: "got it." you said as you took out the water from your waterskin and pushed it in the keyhole of the cage and turned it around trying to open the lock " stand back," you said.

Korra: I nodded and moved back. then i started hearing the sounds coming from the lock, then the door opened revealing Nathan. I walked out of my cage. "how are you feeling?"  he said as he cut off my restraints with an ice blade once freed I couldn't help but lunge at him into a hug.

Nathan: I was stunned by the hug but soon eased into it and hugged back " I thought Tarlok worked with Amon and he gave you to him," Korra hugs tighter " hehe I'm fine he doesn't work with Amon, at least I hope not" you also tighten the hug a few seconds pass and you both realise what you've been doing and separate.

Korra: slightly blushing " w-we should leave before Tarlok gets back he's a blood bender," she said "you nodded and walked up the stairs, she followed behind. you were about to open the door until you heard noises on the other side.

Other side of the door

Tarrlok enters the cabin as he looks away and closes his eyes. Moonlight illuminates more of his face as he heads upstairs. He opens his eyes in shock as Amon, the Lieutenant and three Equalists waits for Tarrlok. 

Tarrlok: Amon!

Korra gasps looking at you in shock as you do the same. Tarrlok looking towards the Equalists as the chi blockers swing their bolas and the Lieutenant whips out his kali sticks.

Amon: It is time for you to be equalized. 

Tarrlok: smiles smugly and gets into a stance "You fools." He raises his arms upwards as the chi blockers move towards Tarrlok and they attempt to swing their bolas but their bodies are blood bent and the bolas swing off course "You've never faced bending like mine. "

Everyone except Amon crumples to the floor. Amon walks towards Tarrlok easily.

Tarrlok: shocked and surprised "Huh?" 

He re-positions his stance and lets out a shout but Amon keeps walking and he slows down slightly, struggling against Tarrlok's hold as the Lieutenant falls down face-first to the floor Amon's legs spasm a little but he shrugs it off and walks forward without hesitation. Tarrlok looks fearful and steps backwards.

Tarrlok: fearful whisper "What? What are you?"

Amon: I am the solution.

Amon lunges towards Tarrlok and grabs him by the arm, twisting it and bringing Tarrlok to his knees. Tarrlok as Amon grabs the back of his neck. Amon's hand being raised in the air as it descends. Tarrlok with his eyes wide open.

you realised after he's done he would come for Korra next you turn t her immediately "Korra get back in the box" you said, she looked at you in disbelief "what why?" "hell come after you next, so you'll get in the box but it won't be locked when I'll hide underneath the staircase and Knock them out," you said grabbing her hand walking back yo the metal box, but she lets go of your grip and whisper yells at you "what no what if he gets you you could lose you bending"

we look to the door as we hear Tarrlok scream through the floorboards to the first floor as Tarrlok falls forward with his eyes wide open. the Lieutenant and the Equalists as they groan and get off the floor. Cut to them looking towards Amon as they stand up and Amon carries Tarrlok on his shoulders.

Amon: I'll take care of him. You four retrieve the Avatar. Don't underestimate her. Electrocute the box to knock her out before you open it.

Lieutenant: My pleasure.

inside of the box, we see Nathan and Korra inside the box with panicked looks on their faces as the lieutenant and the three walks down the stairs. Korra looks at her armband and touches it.  the Equalists stop in front of the box and wait for the Lieutenant who is still walking down the stairs. As he steps off the last step, he takes out his baton sticks.

Lieutenant: It's payback time. 

he jabs his kali sticks sharply on the box and proceeds to electrocute the box. We cut to a Korra inside the box with her arms warped around Nathans's neck as it glows with electricity. Korra's knees are bent and not touching the floor of the box as her armband is on the top part of the box as you hang on. you groan in pain as some of the electricity hits you, her armband acts as an insulator against the electrical current. The lamp above the box begins to move and swing around from the nearby current. the lamp bulb blows and the Lieutenant stops electrocuting. Korra lets go of you and softly lands on the floor of the box and you land beside her. The Lieutenant steps away from the box.

Lieutenant: Open the box and tie her up.

As soon as he finishes his sentence Korra burst through the box and aims her foot towards the  Equalist blasting him with fire sending him backwards. you emerge behind her and launch an Ice blast towards the other Equalists. An Equalist gets back on his feet and throws a bola towards Korra. Korra drops and rolls, dodging the bola as it hits the box behind her. She slams her fist into the floor and the floor begins to quake and roll. The Equalists are thrown off balance. 

outside of the house as Amon loads an unconscious Tarrlok into the back of a truck. Amon is about to close the doors. He hears a sound and looks back towards the house. you and Korra bursts open the door and time slow down. Korra opens her eyes and she is clearly frightened as Amon stares back at her Korra. you notice Amon as he begins to make his move. you look to your side to see frightened Korra. you move in the way and wave your hands backwards and bend the snow over your head into spikes towards Amon. the spikes land in front of him, he dodges the spikes and makes a run towards Korra. The impact of the spikes stirs up the snow "KORRA RUN NOW!" Korra immediately makes a run for it. Amon pops up from behind the snow cloud and tackles him away giving her enough time to escape.

Korra looks back as she jumps down a slope waiting for you to come after her but you don't.

Amon gets up from the tackle and turns to you once Korra was out of view. 

Amon: I remember you.

Nathan: damn right you should I'm the one-

Amon: who ruined my rally and was there at the temple and injured my men.

Nathan: and now I saved Korra from your clutches that's three for three.  

The Lieutenant comes back with the three other equalists and surrounds you.

Lieutenant: swinging his batons "you should have run away bender," he said making you let out a small chicken "if I did that then what's the point in keeping Korra safe."

Amon: menacingly "get him." (crap) you thought as they were closing in, time began to slow as you brought your hands together and clapped loudly then slammed both your palms in the ground freezing the snow around you. the Lieutenant, Amon and equalist were all frozen from the ground to their knees. you then slammed your fists together as the snow falling around you froze as if time did and then turned into small icicles. 

Nathan: "you move your hurt, you chase after me your dead, you try anything funny well you get the idea, understand," you said as the snow icicles floated in the air

Lieutenant: y-you are what we fight against YOU ARE WHAT WE FIGHT AN-

Amon: calm yet serious "that's enough you may leave," he said

Nathan: "you say that as if your in control Amon but i could kill you right now," you said. he didn't respond.

the icicles drop as you ran and went down the slope leaving them frozen in the snow. you continue down the slope hoping to meet Korra along the way you come to a stop ad you spot Korra unconscious by a tree covered in snow. your heartbeat quickened as you ran towards her you nearly tripped making your way to her as the snow keeps falling heavily. 

Nathan: you brush the snow off her "Korra, Korra!" you pick her up in your arms bridal style "hey are you okay" you asked desperately.

Korra: weak voice "uh I was getting away my leg got caught in a root i hit the tree," 

Nathan: (the snow makes sense now) "alright hang on I'll take you to the city and well get you checked up" you said with a smile, she gave a small smile and nodded resting in your arms.

you heard loud footsteps in the snow and turn prepared for the worst until Nagas head came emerged from behind a tree his nose in the air sniffing but stopped. she immediately to Korra in your arms and licks her face.

Korra: Naga, you came looking for me. Good girl. 

Nathan: "yea good girl Naga," you said as you rubbed behind her ears.

You place Korra first and then you get on and wrap one arm around her to keep her from falling and the other is on the saddle as Naga begins to move towards the city.

along the way through the snow Korra grabs onto the arm you wrapped around her and leans into your shoulder you didn't mind so you didn't say anything.

Korra: eyes closed "hey Nathan," she asked, you noticed her being stronger than before but was still weak. "yes" you replied. "how did you know where I was?" she asked "I didn't i came to the council's building but found that you wrecked and got kidnapped" you answered, "hm... why did you come to the building?" "......." "Nathan?" "it's not important we can talk about it later right now you need to rest and recover," you said avoiding the topic, "..... alright then," she said nuzzling into your chest"

after some time passed you heard her lightly snoring, she fell asleep. you looked ahead since the city was now within eyesight about a few minutes away. you thought. you looked to the sleeping avatar in your arms and smiled "although you won't hear this and I'm glad, I came to the hall to confess... I like you Korra," you looked at her to see hear snore some more. you sigh and rub Naga's side "well Naga this is a secret i trust you with okay," you said. she let out a low growl as if she agreed. afterwards, she began to howl waking Korra up from her little nap.

Naga's howls can be heard from the distance as  bison flies around the city 

Tenzin: "That sounds like Naga." Tenzin steers Oogi towards the howl and the sky bison flies we cut to Naga walking down the streets as Oogi flies out from behind a building. "Down there." 

Naga senses Oogi and turns around as the sky bison touches down. you get off Naga and lift Korra stirs up as she stirs in your arms.

Tenzin: "Korra!"  Tenzin and Lin walk-run towards her "Oh, thank goodness Nathan you were there with her." 

Lin: "Where's Tarrlok? How did you get away?" you lift your hand up signalling her to stop.

Nathan: "Tarlok has been captured by Amon, yes he was there, no they don't work together," you said to lin and faced T before he could ask his question " no she didn't lose her bending I wouldn't let that happen not on my watch"

you walk past them carrying her in your arms as everyone looks at her sadly. Cut to a close up of Asami looking at Mako a little hurt as they hold hands. 

Nathan: hey Korra guess what we made it your safe now.

Korra: thank you, you're always there when I need you.

Korra closes her eyes and rests her head against your shoulder.

A/n- phew done let me know what you think. see you guys in like 2 or 3 or 10 days or whenever i feel like it bye.

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