A Whole New Realm

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Loki flipped through another page in his book. He only skimmed it, for he had already read it twice. Glancing from the corner of his eye, the guards were still watch his every move, not wanting any funny business. As he mentally shook his head, Loki flipped to the next once more. While he admits to himself that it was Thanos controlling him, making him at fault for the attack of Midgard's New York, he would also admit that his pride was more important to him then letting the Asgardians know the truth. But it wasn't his fault that nobody would have believe him if he told the truth. He was named the God of Lies for reasons.

Though, with that being said, nobody never did give him the benefit of the doubt. Well, the exception being his mother Frigga and Thor. But Thor was not even his brother! He is nothing more then a big oaf! He just so blinded by his idea of how he, Loki, could be redeemed. But if Thor could only clear his eyes to see that he was already far gone. And his mother...

She tries, she truly does. But she is always silence by Odin, never getting a in for Loki's defense. Loki know this as truth, that Frigga love him like a real son. She would be the only one who he considers true family. Loki too in a deep breath and flip the page. But of course, he still had bone to pick with the, 'Avengers', they were suppose be heroes, yet they cause a whole amount of property damage and they were also blind to the fact that he was being controlled too. Even Thor should have that his eyes are green, not blue, which was saying a lot.

And they have allowed the civilians of the world to get hurt in the process of their battle against him. They say he killed eighty people in two days, what about them? The petty quarrel in the forest, not being able to hold down the green beast, even SHIELD was planning to use the Tesseract for weapons. How could they call themselves heros if they have no consideration to harm they bring to civilization on the battlefield. Granted, the Man of Iron is somewhat of an exception, because despite that narcisscate wall he had up, he is truly selfless. Yes, he did see him making the great sacrifice of being the one to bringing the missile through the wormhole, with the small chance of never coming back. And there was another thing that irked him.

That missele, it was sent by the US government itself! In which they also didn't have any regards for the people of their country. They didn't have any knowledge of who or what they were messing with. The midgards of government think they could just seize and take something unknown, yet seemingly so powerful, just to keep those 'safe'. He had still stood by of what he said about not wanting to rule Midgard, but the more he looks back on the battle, the more he couldn't stand for it. The people need someone proper, someone with the wisdom to know how to handle an unknown situations, someone who would actually listen to the people's voice. But he let out a sigh at these thoughts. What could he really do?

He was confided in these walls with not much way out. Closing his book, he closed his eyes and let his conscious drift through space. That was a side effect of being to expose to the Tesseract like he has. While his physical body was still stuck in his realm, his conscious was able to sense the magic of other realms. Some had high levels of it, while some were moderate as Asgard, but there were the few that were just dead slates. Brushing along the realms, it had that like sensation of running fingers over different kinds of fabrics. There those pulsh and wouldn't mind continue to feel slong it, there were other he would upright ignore.

But something was different, there was this one realm that has peaked his interest, but it was one of the dead slate realms. Though as Loki touch upon to atmosphere of the realm, there was this flow of power coursing through him. Loki haven't feel this kind of magic in centuries. The one time he could recall this overwhelming sense calling and apperactince was when the people of his Midgard once worshiped him. As the calls and worships of the altar Midgard continued to speak through mind, body, and soul, he notice a difference. While his old worshippers only did so in the act of revenge, in blessing of their love ones, or for a safe travel, these ones were so more welcoming. They sang to him, each one understood his person and motives.

They cheered and smiled at just the presence of him. In the past, Loki was able to feel that the prayers to his fellow gods were much stronger then his own. But even combing them all together couldn't compare to now. He wondered why it took so long to find this realm. This Midgard that was filled to so much devotion to him, how could he miss it? The love that was poured into each words was so great, Loki couldn't help but let a smile stretch across both his physical and spiritual face, with a single tear tracking down his face. Though he had pulled himself down so far, Loki would have been conscious to know that the guards were panicking to find all of his person gone.

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