Here Comes The General and Spy!

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"Miss Alexandria Kyleman, care to answer the question?" I blinked for a minute looking up from a Loki fanfiction I was reading on my computer and looked at my Math teacher, Mr. Rhombus. I glanced over at my friend, who slyly showed the math problem on the a sticky note, which was on their textbook.

"42." I said confidently.

He looked at me with narrowed eye as I shrugged, trying so hard to not look smudge. Though he did get the chance to speak for the last bell. Everyone filed out and my friend and I ran to our lockers.

"Ready for our victory tonight?" I asked, grabbing my green scarf.

We both play and RPG program call, "MARVEL SQUAD". It's game where you can interact with other people and form a team good or bad. I'm the leader and general of Loki's Army and we have quite the following.

Alex nodded happily. They didn't really talk much, being extremely shy. Though, Alex was quite good at Espionage. On their team, in fact, they were head spy.

"I'm so ready."

"Great!" I said, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

And we could have headed out just, if not for-

"I shouldn't be to surprise, nerds doing nerdy things, get a life!" I sighed, looking over to see Hannah and her posse of cheerleaders and jock laughing our way.

"Just so you know, we do have a life, one you shouldn't being sticking your wicked witch of the west nose into."

Hannah tried to not show it, but her eye twitch, so I knew I hit a nerve.

"Well, at least in my, I don't picture hang millions of picture of the same lame-o villian in my locker." She sneered towards Alex.

I have better control of my emotion, but is it so bad to take one of the cafeteria's plastic knives and stab her with it? I looked over at Alex to be sure they were okay.

Alex looked down, feeling stupid. "He's not a villain! You just don't understand him," they mumbled to themselves.

They were once friends with Hannah, until Hannah decided that Alex was too much of a nerd, so she started bullying them.

Was it so wrong that Marvel and the team was the only thing that made Alex happy and have them hope anymore?

"Yeah, I understand him, nothing more than a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum."

"Like you when you destroyed the new car your dad got because it wasn't blue." I snapped back.

Her glare was now directed towards and seeing this, one of the jocks decided to push me to the ground. It didn't bother me that much, I can take a hit.

But I felt fire growing in my eyes as Hannah smirked and the others laughed, "Listen you nerds. Your 'god' is just a cash grab for the movies. And if he was real, he would hate you on the spot. But hey! The plus side is that you all have something in common with him, your unlikeable, freaks, and no matter how many times you play the victim cards, you will always be left in the dust."

Then they left, Hannah's nose in the air. I rolled my eyes, but a part of me felt a little jab on the comment about our love for Loki. He wasn't just a pretty face, he was sympathetic, he showed another side of a world were thing could run peacefully, and place where anyone was welcome.

Alex jumped up, helping their best friend up, "Come on, A, let's get to our victory." They said, forcing a weak smile.

She smiled back, taking their hand, and racing out of the school.

Alex squeezed her hand, feeling safe. Alexandria was their safe place.

"What's our strategy, A?"

"From the information you gather yesterday, the Rouges will be heading out to the abandon the military base we had set up to check for supplies." I said, scanning my card to be let through the turnstiles of the subway.

"Once entering, we'll pull the Yorktown tactic. Snipers will be out and inside the base, taking out the serious threats. -SASSYBISH- had agreed to lead the insult with you. As that happening me and TheProductOfLeviHan will do the outside attack. No one gets in, nobody gets out." I smirked as we stepped on the platform, waiting for our ride home.

"What do I do?" Alex asked, tilting their head to the side slightly.

"You and the other spies will be lying in wait for them to come. Once the majority is inside, you will give the signal for a close range attack. The assassins will take of the long range." I said and then heard the train speaker say Grand Central station. That, or "My aunt's constipation". Meh, whatever.

"Any thoughts?"

Alex nodded, their red hair bouncing slightly. "Sounds good. What should the signal be?" They asked curiously.

"Just simply say go through the group chat." I said as step off and was almost trampled by the people at the station.

New York was always busy by the end of school. After three flights of the stairs, almost being run over by a taxi, and running away from a crazy pigeon, we got home to our apartment. I ran from my home because both my parents was junkies and I couldn't stand being there any more. Alex allowed me to stay with them, I owe so much to them. Opening the door to our small home, I just dropped everything and got on my laptop.

Alex sat down on their couch, curled up with a book. After awhile, they stopped, and for some reason they were stressed.

I was conversing with other players in Loki's Army. Some were seniors like me and Alex, while others were in college. And there some secrets in the groups of how some are actual soldiers or trained killers. Another thing about Loki's Army, it's a safe haven for us. We're able to talk about our flaws and the others accept everyone of us. Which is a reason why we're kind of secluded of who we let end, just don't know who you can trust. Any way, I looked to see Alex just suddenly stop, lips making a thin line.

"What's wrong?" I asked, telling the army to continue without me and then closing my laptop slightly.

Alex shook their head, brushing back a lock of their red hair, "N-nothing, I just..." they sighed, their brown eyes shining with tears. "Do you think I'm good at my job?"

I blinked in surprise and quickly went to her side of the couch, "Of course I do, I wouldn't have asked you to join otherwise. But what brought this up?" I asked this as I took a tissue and dabbed the brim of the eyes.

"What Hannah said," Alex said, looking down at the ground. "What if I'm really a freak?"

I let out breath and put a hand on their shoulder, "You are most certainly not freak. And if you are one, then I'm one too. Let them flap their gums, because I'm sure they just want to hear their voices."

I then open my laptop to see the conversation still going, "And see that, they are our friends and to be brutally honest, they are freaks too, which makes us the best group of friends in the entire world, real and virtual."

Alex smiled weakly, hugging Alexandria. "I love you, dude. We should get ready though."

"Right." I said, handing them their own laptop and went back into the virtual world.

Alex logged on, smiling to themself as they thought of Loki.

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