Pancakes Are Always Important

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Eventually, I did woke up to the rising sun. I blinked and stretched as a cat would. My brain was still fuzzy until I remembered the events that occurred last night. I jumped out of bed and ran to the other room to see Alex sleeping on the chair, book fallen from their hands. I let out a soft sigh, thanking the Norns she didn't have a night terror and went over to wake her up. I then saw the lotion.

"They really do have a heart." I thought to myself, then chuckled at the inside joke.

I also checked up on Loki. He was breathing at a steady rate, so he was going to be fine. I picked up the book, put it on the dresser, and shook Alex, "Hey, Alex, come on, let's make breakfast."

Alex blinked awake with a puppy-like yawn, "Huh?" They said, their voice thick with their Irish accent.

"Breakfast, you know? For ourselves and our king?" I smirked, glancing over at Loki.

"O-oh!" Alex blushed to themselves. "Y-Yeah, let's do that!" They said, running out of the room.

I couldn't hold back a snort of laughter as followed in suit. Although what do Asgardians even eat for breakfast anyway? Walking into the kitchen, I looked on to see Alex already setting up the griddle for the pancakes. Okay, I can work with this, but the all-important question,

"Chocolate chips or blueberries?"

"Isn't it obvious? Chocolate chips. I imagine that's what Frigga made for the three every morning." Alex answered simply, not even looking up.

"I hope my headcanon is right..."

"If any fangirls found our we have Loki in our home, they would be begging for kisses, hugs, and answer to their questions," I said, stirring the milk and flour, but a horrifying thought occurred to me.

Supposedly, if the government found out, then it will bring chaos to our world. People would try to open portals to others, breaking the space-time continuum, and messing powers unknown to them. I guess my worrying was was said out loud, cause Alex gave me a hard shake.

"The government won't find out. We'll keep him safe." Alex said, kissing their friend's head and headed back to making pancakes, "And we are not having any other fangirls. He doesn't need the kind of crazy, insane fangirls around him."

"Aren't we already insane?" I asked, putting my chin on their shoulder as they poured the batter.

"I meant the ones who are only interested in him for his looks, and not interested in everything about him. I for one, know that I love his voice, and his humor, and his personality, and his heart-" Alex caught themselves starting to be all dreamy like and shook their head.


I let out a genuine laugh as she rushed off to do the next step.


Loki was reliving the terror again. Finding his true form, fighting his own brother, his suicide attempt, and Thanos torture. It was painful, burning, it was too much. Voice, he could hear voices, the dark kind. They kept getting louder and louder-

His eyes shot open and he sat up gasping for breath. Clutching his chest, he took in gulps of air as he noticed that his bed was way too soft. That is when he saw his surroundings. The walls and ceilings were white and there was a deep brown hope chest with his old clothes folded on top of it. There also a makeup desk in a light green color and double doors at the end of the room. The carpet was a light tan and the bedsheets over him were a dark green, matching with a black bed frame. Loki even looked at the new clothes that he was wearing.

A tight white shirt and long black loose pants. Checking himself, he even felt the scars of his skins to feel that they hurt less than before. Though before he could get out, the main door open to reveal a girl, red hair, brown eyes, and carrying a tray with the most strange looking meal he has seen.


"Done," I said, wiping my brow.

We had just made a three stack of chocolate chip pancakes, a glass of orange juice, and bacon. I hope he likes it, though Alex seems the most worried.

"How about you take it to him, hm?" I asked, handing the tray.

Alex shook their head, "I-I can't! What if he's awake! I can't talk to anyone besides you or the team!" They panicked, glancing around. "You do it!"

"Alex, you are the one who stood up during the whole with him, so I'm he deserves to know who his caretaker was." I place the tray in their hands.

"And if you don't do it, I will do it myself and show him what is in your hope chest," I said, letting my inner Loki show.

"Okay fine!" Alex ran to the room, opening the door.

Seeing that Loki was awake, they blushed softly.

"U-um, uh, I made you breakfast..."

Loki stared at the flustered girl. She didn't seem afraid of him, just more, nervous.

"Where am I?" He asked, letting a small portion of his magic out, just in case.

"You're in Midgard, sir. Something happened and you landed here. I hope you don't mind, but I healed your scars partway." Alex said, a bit flustered, not daring to make eye contact.

He was taken aback by this but didn't let it show. He was on Midgard, she was a Midgardian, yet she called him sir, and it sounded let she genuinely meant it. Though through his searching, he saw past her to see another bedroom.

"Is someone else here too?"

They nodded, "Yes, my best friend, Alexandria. Oh, I just realized I haven't even introduced myself! I'm so sorry..."

He held up a hand and she went silent immediately. Loki was certain that he still sleeping.

"No need, please give your identity and may I meet your friend?"

Alex nodded. "Yes sir, right this way. My name is Alex, by the way." They grabbed his hand and took him to Alexandria.

"Alexandria, help!" They mouthed over to their best friend.

After I set up Alex and my breakfast up, I turned to see Alex bringing Loki into the room. Right at that moment, I did want I thought was appropriate. I kneeled.

"Greetings my lord. Did you fare well in sleep?" I asked, looking up.

Alex felt idiotic now. Of course, Alexandria would have the brains. They dropped Loki's hand and started fidgeting with a fidget cube, something that kept their anxiety at bay.

Loki was even more deep of shock, did that just happen?

"It sufficed." he said, "You may rise."

"Thank you, my lord." I said, standing up straight, "I'm Alexandria Kyleman, this my roommate and friend, Alex." I gesture to them and give them a small smiled to help calm their anxiety.

Alex face palmed mentally and turned to Loki. "I'm so sorry, my king, I really didn't do what I should have done and I didn't even introduce myself at first-" They accidentally went on to ramble, a bad habit of theirs.

Loki just only blinked and spoke to cease her rambling, "This situation is contemporary to me too, so let bygones be bygones."

Alex nodded and looked down, "Yes Lo- I mean sir."

Oh boy, better jump in.

"So my Lord, will you join for breakfast or would like to bathe first?" I asked politely.

"I believe I'm due for a shower," Loki responded.

"Great! Down the hall, last door to the right. A new batch of clothes will be outside the door." I said and he went of his way with a nod.

Alex looked up at her, "I suck."

"No, you don't," I said, pulling another chair we keep out in case of company.

"I can't even talk to him!" Alex said, getting out new clothing for Loki.

"Hey, you managed to make words to come out of your mouth and direct to him, so I say that's talking to him. By the way, where is his breakfast?" That last part I asked absentmindedly.

Alex facepalmed and ran into Loki's room, cursing in Irish at themselves.

'Alex, you complete idiot!' They thought as they walked down the hall. 'And you have the nerve to be crushing on a god.'

I watch Alex run down the hall and felt bad. They really wanted to make a good first impression on Loki. As they came running back, I poured them a glass of apple juice and reassured them that they are doing just fine.


Loki let the hot water run down his sore back. He actually likes the simplicity of Midgards showers, back on Asgards, they had too many nozzles just to get the right temperature of hot water. He took down one of the bottles that had a gel-like substance that smelled like mint, which was much better than the black tea and rosemary he used many times in the past. He squeezed some out and applied to his hair. Once it got to a foamy consistency, he raised his hair work on his body with the bar of soap. After the refreshing cleansing, he dried himself with a snap of his fingers and took the clothes from the hallway. It was a long sleeve green shirt, black pants made a rough material and long black socks.

It was still tight fitting, so he adjusted them to fit his body. Stepping out, and he walked down the hall, back to the kitchen where the two girls were. Alex was reading a book, lost in her own world. She nibbles on her lip absentmindedly, her red waves swept over her face, not paying attention to the real world.

I was washing the dishes used to make the pancakes when I saw Loki walk in. Damn, I may not have a relationship crush on him, but he was still a looker.

"Greetings my lord," I said giving a small bow.

"And greetings to you Lady Kyleman," Loki replied back.

We both turned to Alex, who was reading.

"Don't mind them, they always get lost in the world of reading," I said.

But before I could step over, Loki smoothly slides to her side, brushes a lock of her hair out the way and whispered, "Lady Alex?"

Alex jumped back slightly, turning Gryffindor scarlet. "Y-yes my lord?" Her voice shook ever so slightly, her heart beating like an army of drums.

"Shall we eat?" Loki asked, gesturing to the food.

Alex nodded quickly, frozen slightly. She looked to Alexandria for help.

"Have a seat, my lord," I said, pulling out a chair for him to sit.

He took his place and I went over to sit down myself, though I notice he was eyeing the food warily.

"It the food to your liking my lord?" I asked carefully.

"I can't say for certain, for I never seen a meal such as this," Loki said.

Alex sat down the furthest seat away from Loki, stuffing her mouth with food. "It's pancakes, and it's literally Valhalla."

"I'm not sure how a meal could be a representation of Valhalla." Said Loki as he cut a sliver of pancakes.

He put the piece in his mouth and I could just see his green eyes turning brighter at the taste.

"Well?" I asked, a small smile gracing my lips.

He swallowed it down and went for another as he said, "While it may not be literal, I now understand the comparison."

"It is chocolate chips, that what makes really good, Alex was the one who added them," I said.

Another swallow and he turned to my friend, "I must say, a very intelligent idea indeed."

Alex blushed, smiling softly. "Thank you, Loki."

"So wait, they don't have pancakes on Asgard?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, the only things we have are fruits, meats, and honey."

"Trust me, there is more where that came from," I said smiling, and I notice the corner of his lips twitching.

Alex kept eating, too nervous to talk to Loki. The one time when she was actually outgoing was with her job in the Army. That, of course, was due to it being simply acting. When it came down to the real Alex, she was a lot different.

After eating in silence, Alex and I put away the dishes. The time was now 7:49, perfect.

"My Lord, if we may, shall we take you out shopping for more suitable clothes and the necessary toiletries?" I asked.

Loki looked thought for a moment and said, "Yes, you may, and I will also like a tour, since my last visit was, inconvenient."

Alex took his hand again, and led him to the car, "I know it's not a carriage, but here's our humble steed, my Baby." They smiled and got into the Impala, driver's side.

"No horse?" Loki as, shifting in the passenger seat.

I got the back and said, "No, but something better, ELECTRICITY!"

Loki turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Also, put on your seat belt." I showed him how to do it and once it was on, "Hang on!"

Before Loki could question me, I yelled at Alex, "GUN IT ALEX!"

Alex rolled her eyes and started driving. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY was ever allowed to drive Baby except for them.

Loki was slammed in the sheer force of the ride while I just cheered. We were lucky that we live in the part of New York that mostly empty otherwise it would have been a disaster. Alex continued to sped, me laughing, and Loki holding on to the head rest of his seat

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