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May 2023

@edenbliss posted a photo!


Liked by sierradeaton, baileybass and 2.5 million others

Feeling so incredibly lucky that this is my life, forever grateful to @5sos for taking a chance on me, I promise not to let you down💜🤘🏻😭

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user1 see you in Virginia!!

user2 my two favourite artists together!!

misstrinitybliss I am crying at this picture. You made it big sis😭💜
edenbliss I couldn't have done it without you, baby sis💞

lilgib I can't decide who I'm more jealous of... 5sos who get to watch you perform every night, or you who gets a perfect view of Lukes jawline every day.
jackchampion I-
sierradeaton that's fair.
michaelclifford what about my jawline?

jackchampion I'm not ashamed of how much I cried tonight. You're a star, e.
— edenbliss awe Jacky, ily😭

ashtonirwin welcome to the fam, e. We're so unbelievably lucky to have you🖤

calumhood best friend🤘🏻

baileybass still crying over how magical you were tonight. Can't wait to watch you again in NYC💜

user3 eden, please convince them to play heartbreak girl.
— edenbliss I'm working on it, thoughts?? @5sos
lukehemmings no❤️

sierradeaton beautiful girl💕

crystalleigh I feel like a proud parent rn
michaelclifford same here😭
edenbliss ily mom and dad🫶🏻

jamieflatters absolutely radiant, wish I could be there with you❤️
edenbliss I miss you💔

jamieflatters thanks for the new wallpaper, trouble😉❤️
calumhood you're welcome, baby🫶🏻
edenbliss 🤦🏻‍♀️


"I'm gonna miss you so much," Trinity wraps her arms around my torso, hugging me. Leaning my cheek on top of her head, I hold her in my arms, not wanting to let go. "But I'm so proud of you." She leans up to look at me, her eyes brimmed with tears as she smiles.

    Tucking a piece of hair behind my sister's ear, I smile through the tears. We've never been apart for long, maybe a week or two as most, never anything longer. Even when I moved into my apartment in downtown LA, Trinity was up a few days a week, sleeping right beside me in my queen-sized bed, claiming she'd missed me and we needed to have a sister sleepover.

    She was coming to as many shows as possible, as were Jack, Lilly and Bailey, who were watching behind Trinity, waiting to hug me goodbye. The night air is warm, the moon hanging high in the sky as we stand outside the tour bus. "I'll see you soon," I reassure her, "and text you every single day."

    "You better," Trinity warns, stepping to the side so another one of our friends can say goodbye.

     "You were amazing tonight, E." Bailey is the first to step forward, pulling me into her arms, "I'll see you in New York!"

    I hug her back, "I can't wait!"

     Next is Lilly's turn. She practically bounces over to me, rocking us back and forth as she hugs me, "You're gonna have the best time! Hype me up to the boys, okay?"

    Jack steps forward, placing his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder as he pulls her back, "don't do that." He says it's become an ongoing joke between us all, Lilly's undying infatuation for the boys of 5sos, whom she's been "in love" with since 2013. "I'm gonna miss you, dude."

    He pulls me off the ground into a hug, kissing my temple affectionately, "I'm gonna miss you, Jacky." I say as he places me on the ground, frowning up at him. My heart is so conflicted, unsure of whether to be happy or sad.

    On the one hand, I'm headed on tour, opening for an incredible band with amazing people. I'm living out my dream and just had an unforgettable first night. But leaving my people, my friends and sister who sat front row tonight, cheering louder than anyone, was hard. I wish they could just come along too.

    Everyone piles into a group hug after Jack places me back on the ground, our arms wrapping around one another, "I wish Jamie was here." Trinity mumbles beside me.

    "Me too."

      My heart aches as I whisper. Jamie Facetimed me before I went on stage, purposely staying up a little bit later to wish me luck and double check I received the flowers and note he'd ordered for me. I did. They now sat on our tour bus, whether the guys liked it or not. I get he couldn't come. He's been busy on another new project, this time one where he's working behind the scenes. I'm so beyond proud of him.

    But that doesn't mean I don't miss him.

   I thought things would get better after everything that happened at my album release party. We had a long chat that night. Our legs tangled under the sheets, my head resting on his bare chest. We were gonna get better at this, at not letting the distance get the best of us. And we had, I suppose... we spoke every single Sunday, for at least an hour, and texted throughout the day. Still, sometimes, it didn't feel like enough.

   Tour was going to be busy, we'd be in a new city every night... I knew long distance was only going to get harder, and I had a sinking feeling that Jamie and I weren't cut out for it. 

    Was I really going to survive not seeing him until our London show in almost four months?

     "Eden," Ashton's voice rings out from the tour bus, singing, "it's time to go."

    I sigh sadly, pulling away from my friends, "I guess that's my cue to leave." I say, gesturing toward the bus where the boys, Crystal and Sierra, are waiting for me. They'd offered me my own bus with my band, but the girls convinced me to join them and the boys, claiming it'd be way more fun.

    "Have fun," Trinity waves, tucking herself under Bailey's arm. We're all teary-eyed but smiling; they must have the same bittersweet feeling as me weighing down on their hears, "I'll miss you."

    "We all will!" Lilly corrects her. She's hugging Jack.

      I look back at them all once last time before shutting the bus door, my heart aching at the sight of my best friends and little sister waving goodbye, smiling through their tears. I don't realize I'm standing by the door for that long until Michael speaks up, "You okay, Eden?"

    He and Crystal are together on the couch, her tucked under her husband's arm. Beside them on the couch is Ashton, who's scrolling through his phone. Across from them is another couch, where Luke is aimlessly strumming his guitar, and Sierra is beside him, knees tucked up to her chest. Calum is sitting at the table, looking up at me from his laptop.

    "Of course, she's not, idiot," Ashton answers before I can with a roll of his eyes, smacking the back of Michael's head. "she's crying."

     "I'm okay," I say reassuringly, wiping at the stray tears under my eyes, "goodbyes are just hard," I explain, sliding into the booth across from Calum, who slides a bowl of chips he's munching on into the center of the table, smiling at me.

     "We get it," Calum reassures, smiling. I've known the boys a few weeks, and yet it feels like I've known them my entire life. Things felt easy around them, and I couldn't help but feel grateful that they're the band I get to tour with. I honestly don't know what I did to deserve this.

    My flowers from Jamie have been brought onto the bus and placed on the breakfast table that Calum and I are sitting at. They're perfect, a large bouquet filled with all my favourites, a perfect array of colours that brightens up the dark interior of the tour bus. "Who're the flowers from, E?" Luke asks me curiously as we begin driving away.

    Looking over my shoulder, I respond to him, "Jamie."

     "Ah, right," Ashton wiggles his brows at me teasingly, "the boyfriend." He sings the word boyfriend in a way that I can't help but laugh at, "Where was he at tonight?"

    "He's in London," I explain, shifting in my seat slightly so my back is resting against the wall of my bus, my feet resting on the remaining part of the bench I'm sitting on, able to see both Calum and the others now, "working on a film he wrote."

    "Long distance," Crystal winces, frowning at me, "that's tough."

      I hum, "You have no idea. Please tell me it gets easier."

      I watch as the two couples on the bus share a look, silently communicating with their eyes. I wanted them to tell me it'd all be fine that what Jamie and I are experiencing is normal and something we can get over quickly, "are you two having a hard time?" Calum asks, genuinely curious.

    I haven't known the boys for long, yet it felt easy talking to them, my words coming honestly as I shrug, "I don't know." I admit, reaching up to fidget with my necklace. Jamie's ring looped around a chain. "We're both so busy... I feel like we're constantly missing each other, you know?"

    "Does he know you feel this way?" Sierra asks; I shrug because as open as I've been with Jamie, I know there are some things I've kept hidden in my heart, not wanting him to feel guilty over being so busy, "communication is important."

    Crystal nods in agreement, "You just need to be open with him about how you're feeling."

     "I don't wanna upset him," I admit, curling my legs up to my chest, "it's not his fault he's busy, and it's not like I haven't been busy too. We've both just got a lot going on."

    I can't help but smile when Sierra taps the spot beside her, gesturing for me to come to sit with her. I've come to learn she's quite affectionate, constantly reaching forward to squeeze my hand whenever I was nervous backstage tonight or fixing my hair for me. When I sit beside her, she turns her body, beginning to absentmindedly braid my long hair.

    "If he loves you, it won't upset him," Luke says, smiling at his fiancé's affection toward me.

     I can't imagine Jamie being upset with me, more so with himself. I remember that night when he missed the album party. He felt so guilty, apologizing continually throughout the night. I don't want Jamie to feel the way I feel, his heart sinking low in his chest whenever we talk, scared of our future. "I don't doubt that he loves me," I say more to myself than to the others, reassuring myself of this truth. "But it's so hard," I admit, "is loving someone supposed to hurt this much?"

    Nodding his head, Calum frowns at me, "I don't think anything good comes easy." He admits with a shrug, "If it were easy, everyone would have it."

    "Poetic," Ashton nods, lightening the mood, "somebody should write that one down."

    I laugh slightly, which makes Ash smile even brighter, happy to lift my spirits, "I almost broke up with him," I admit, saying the words out loud for the first time. I hadn't told anyone of the thought that flashed through my mind that night on the streets of LA when Jamie showed up 4 hours late to my event.

    I almost ended it right there, my heart breaking slowly in my chest. It was all too much, long-distance, much harder than I think either of us anticipated. I didn't know how to talk to any of my other friends about this; maybe because they're Jamie's friends too...

    "Why didn't you?" Michael asks me. He's got his arm wrapped around Crystal, affectionately rubbing the side of her arm with his hand.

    "Because I love him," I say confidently. I've never been the most confident person, but if there was one thing I'm sure of, it's Jamie. "He was my best friend for 5 years before anything ever happened between us. If I ever lost him, I don't know what I'd do."

    "Was being apart hard when you were friends?" Ashton questions, quickly adding, "Sorry for all the questions. We're a nosey bunch."

    I crack a smile at his comment, shrugging to reassure him it's fine, "it wasn't easy," I answer, "but it wasn't this hard. We were always the kind of best friends who could go months without seeing one another, and when we finally did, it felt like nothing changed. Everything just feels so different now. We're so different."

    I don't even realize Sierra is done braiding my hair until she places her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly, "I'm sorry," Sierra mumbles, her tone genuine.

    "Do you ever wonder if going back to friends would be easier?" Luke asks me as I turn so I'm no longer blocking Sierra from his view, nestling into the comfortable couch, my arm pressed against hers.

    "All the time," I say, nodding. Friendship with Jamie hurt, and my heart constantly longing for more, but it never felt this hard. "I don't doubt our relationship, but I guess I've wondered if maybe we got together at the wrong time? My career is just taking off, and he's busier than ever with acting."

    "It'll get easier," Ashton reassures, and I can tell he's only saying it to cheer me up. I've come to learn fairly quickly Ash is the kind of guy who is always ready to lighten the mood, fully prepared with jokes and words of encouragement whenever one might need them.

   "I hope so," I smile at him, hopefully, "now, enough about my love life," I say, the topic making my heart feel heavy. The more I thought about Jamie, and my future, the more anxious I felt, "I wanna beat Michael's ass in Mario Kart."

    Michael scoffs, "Yeah, right. No one can beat me, Bliss."

     "You're on, Clifford."

I adore Eden and 5sos's friendship! So freaking cute!
The official "breakup" is coming, and it is going to hurt. Any predictions on what you think is going to happen?

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