Chapter 24- Mamas Boy

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"Fine, you make a good point, but I'm still mad" he just nodded with a huge grin as I roll my eyes, my smile not leaving my face, and walk to my bike to drive home.
I get up and get out of the living room and go out to the back to see Blackjack who is obviously still my boyfriend since everyone always thinks he's a male human/were. Anyways I see him trot over with his little one Jack, named after Jacks and Blackjack.

I pet them both as Snow walks over, course she's at Blackjacks side and he is really overprotective of her, you know since they're kind of mates. He lets me pet her but will snap anyone else's head off, except Ace since he comes around a lot to feed them when I patrol but not now so I feed them.

I lean on the wooden fence and pet Snow. It's not as big as it was because if they get out they can't go anywhere with the huge fence surrounding the whole house, and they stick together so that's good.

I feel presents behind me and I turn to get pulled into a kiss, Blake.

I slap him and he frowns holding his cheek, "what was that for!?" He asked and I see someone coming up behind him but I ignore them and glare at Blake.

"You kissed me! What do you think!?" I snarl out at him.

He groans and runs a hand threw his hair, "well it's not really my fault, your my mate and I crave for your touch" he said pulled me to him he's moans quietly as he leaves a line of kisses down my neck and grinds his hips against mine.

I growl at him, "stop" he continues pushing me against the fence and Blackjack, Snow, and Jack go back towards the barn.

I push him and punch him and you can tell it hurts him a lot but he continues before he's ripped from me and I'm pulled into a hug, Ace.

"MINE" he roars and the ground shakes and I push him away and he lets go.

"No, no ones! I'm better by myself people now get that in your heads! Ok!?" I yell at Blake who's on the ground looking up at me and Ace who's staring at me with a frown but they both nod and I walk into the house going to my room.

I put on a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and a black bullet proof vest that has all kinds of pockets with extra bullets, silver, knives, guns, and what not. I don't really need all this but Mary and Ace had insisted, I did it for Mary.

I put on my black sunglasses and head downstairs to see Ace waiting with a suit of his own on. We walk to the limo and I get in the front.

When we get there I step out and so does Ace, a couple people are outside and bow but not to Ace, to me. I frown and Ace smiles, "remember? I told them who there Luna was" he said softly and I growl a bit but nod as we go inside and to the meeting room.

I go to Aces new office because after the meeting he disappeared in there. I open the door and he snarls, "what happened to knock!? And I'm busy!" He growl out at me and looks up from his work and sees me he smiles.

"I'm sorry Sky, what is it you need?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I wanted to see what you were doing" I say and he sighs.

"Work" he says and I nod as he scoots back in his rolling chair and opens his arms motioning for me to go to him. I nod and go towards him and he pulls me down to his lap.

He kisses my neck and smiles, "why do you still have your vest on? Your time to watch me be an alpha is over" he said kissing my neck again.

I stand up and act like a guard and he frowns until his dad comes in the room and he chuckles, "thanks dad" he said.

Alpha Asher frowns, "what?" He asks and I resist the urge to smile and Ace pouts.

"She was warming up to me and you made her go stone cold" Ace exclaims and I smile a bit before going back to a 'stone cold' expression.

Alpha Asher chuckles, "well Sky can you give us a moment? Like just stand outside the door?" Alpha Asher asked and I nod walking out.

After a couple minutes I hear my name and frown. I'm about to go in when I see Blake come towards me. I growl lowly and hear the talking stop from the other side of the door, or maybe there just talking lowly.

Blake comes towards me and I know what he's gonna and as soon as his arms extend for mine I grab them and twist them backwards holding him away from me.

"OWW!!" He yells and I growl louder.

"Why do you keep coming near me? Do I have to break your arms for you to get that you can go screw anyone you want but me?" I asked and he smiles slightly but winces in pain.

"Yeah probably, your mine baby girl and I'll only settle for you" he says softly and I roll my eyes.

"So be it-" I say and start to bring his arms closer together about to break them.

"Wait! Hold on! You sure you wanna break my arms? I can treat you so much better than that mutt Ace!" He growls out and smirk and let him go.

He turns towards me, "you sure?" I asked and he nods.

"Well then maybe I'll let you but on one condition" I say and he nods again pulling me to him.

"Anything" he says and I smirk.

"Go outside and put a bikini on and shout, 'I'm a mamas boy' ok?" I asked and he groans.

"Do I have to?" He asks and I nod, "yep" I say and he growls.

"Wait here, but later you better be screaming out my name" he says with a smirk and I just nod.

"Ok, now go!" I say and push him towards his room but he stops by a sluts room and comes out with a bikini in his hand as he goes to his room and I hold back a laugh.

I feel a hand around my arm and I'm pulled into the office, Ace pulls me to him and growls, "why did you say you would do that?" He growled out.

I pull away from him, "he insulted you, I had to do something, plus men'll do anything to get to me so why not have a little fun when everyone knows I'm never gonna get tied down" I say with a shrug as he pulled me to him again.

"But I wanna be the one to hold you and-"

"Ok, I've heard that before and just-" I stop as I hear someone yelling outside.

I frown and look out the window, "Blake!?" I whisper shocked as I see he actually did it and I crack up.

"Wow is he a moron!!" I yell while laughing more.

I rush down stairs and he turns towards me and I snap a picture, "ok that's hilarious!" I yell and rush upstairs as he rushes after me.

"Delete that! And you owe me!" He yells.

"I lied!" I yell back and he snarls jumping forward to tackle me but I make a right over the railing and land with my hands on the ground, one knee on the ground and one foot. I put out my hand and catch my phone running out the door and I see him jumping off the railing and falling on his stomach as he groans, "you made that look so easy!" He yelled and I smirk as I see in the corner of my eye Ace and Asher watching with amusement, pride, and a bit of shock.

I smirk and stand in the door way as Blake gets up and looks kind of, uh, dizzy or drunk? I think a mixture of both?

Anyways he stumbles towards me and stands right in front of me with a finger up.

I laugh a bit, "this is to easy" I say and poke him in the chest which sends shivers down his spine as he hits the ground, I smile, "hey it's Blake Black! In a bikini!" I yell as a mob of females come down and try to get to him first.

I laugh as he wakes up and try's to escape but can't, I smile and lean against the wall in the corner with my arms crossed. All you can hear is squealing and screaming and soon Tera comes in and gets them off him and they sprint off as she growls and I growl with her.

She helps Blake up and he sighs, "Thanks-" Tera burst out laughing and so do I as I see that they ripped a strap on the bikini top and he looks worn out with a couple footprints on his chest but I'm pretty sure she's laughing because of the bikini.

Ace and Asher are at the bottom of the steps now keeping as straight as a face as they can and I see a bright light from another room and out comes my mother and father.

"Skyler! That wasn't very nice" she says crossing her arms.

I cross mine, "I'm not a very nice person" I say back and the Moongoddess rolls her eyes and the Sun God chuckles.

Blake looked at them and growled, "who are they?" They didn't look like them selves but Omegas in other packs. In this pack Omegas of course aren't treated as dirk but they can be whatever they want, a Warrior, a Hunter, Whatever.

I growled at him, "don't speak to them like that" I say deadly as he rolled his eyes, "what are they gonna do? Huh? Tell me? What can a worthless omega do to a powerful Alpha like myself?" They stay quite and look down like that hurt them but it didn't and he started to tick me off.

"They can't do anything! Jeez all they do is screw things up! Worthless, pathetic, low life's-" I swiftly rush to him and pin him against the wall by his throat snarling in his face and I block everything out as my eyes turn pitch black, not even ocean blue, but pitch black.

I feel someone behind me as I yell and snarl in Blakes face, "Take it back! Take it all back!" I yell at him and Tera puts a hand on my shoulder, "calm down dear" she says but everyone knows no matter how much she looks like Mary she could never replace her, so it won't work.

I snarled again and this time feel Ace, Asher, the Warriors, and the Sun God pulling me back as I hold Blake's throat still and they pull me off him and he falls to the floor gasping for air and the Warriors leave knowing this is a regular type of thing.

I growl and stomp upstairs and say these words before slamming my door shut, "Don't disrespect my parents mamas boy".

Hope you liked it!


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