Chapter 25- *I'm Back*

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Of course I was winning when they emerge from the forest line by line and row by row... I'm being drowned in screams... Everywhere I turn another innocent wolf dies.... He came back like he said he would.... He brought an army.... Too many of them coming in all directions.... It lets me know, that the war has begun................
****4 hours earlier****

I sigh as Blake try's once again but fails to get me to forgive him, he's being a moron about this.

I ignore him and go into a random room and turn to see Ace, Alpha Asher, Luna April and they turn to me with angry faces until they see its me they smile softly but Alpha Asher still has a bit of a smile until Luna touches his arms.

I bow my head, "Alpha, Luna, Ace" I say softly looking back up as someone knocks and they growl and Ace frowns asking a silent question, "Blake" and he growls.

I nod rolling my eyes, "Skyler! Come on out baby please I said I'm sorry" Blake says and I jump behind the desk and Blake opens the door as I duck and cover and I still see Blake but he can't see me.

Blake's face goes into shock, "uh, hey, Alpha Asher and Luna April... And Ace" he hisses out Ace's name as if it disgusts him.

Ace has a low growl rumbling in his throat, "where's Sky at?" Blake asks looking around the room then growls, "Skyler" he said and I hop up, "who me?" I asked smiling sweetly.

He chuckles, "yes you now let's go" he said and I nodded and go to him and Ace gives a look of shock, "w-what?" He asks as I make my way to Blake.

I open the door and walk out into the hall and so does Blake then I pull him to me and he looks so freakin whipped right now and then frowns when I push him away and he falls and I shut and lock the door looking at Ace, "see I so had that, men are gullible" I say laughing a bit and Luna April nods in agreement, "they are" she said laughing too.

Ace and Alpha Asher were discussing something and I started to listen along with Luna April.

"There have been too many rouge attacks lately, and every time a vampire is with them to get them away after they almost or do kill our patrols, we need another meeting with the alphas and this time they are bringing their packs, I've scheduled it so in 2 hours they will arrive" Alpha Asher says and we nod.

**************3 hours later**************
We go out to meet the packs and of course there are over a million wolves, probably over a billion too, they're going to go train all together with our pack to fight as one while the females and children make sure to take cover and know where to go if they're on our land.

The Alphas and their Lunas go inside to our meeting place, "why is she here? Is she your Luna?" An Alpha asked referring to me and Alpha Asher smiled, "she's our top warrior, Silver Fang" he said and the Alpha laugh coughing a bit, man is he out of shape, "she couldn't beat my son in a fight!" He said laughing more and I slowly walked to him, "wanna bet?" I ask and he laughs then thinks about it.

"Sure, he wins, you mate him, you win, he gets to kiss you" he says and I frown, "how about if I win we get your whole pack and warriors?" I asked and he nods, "deal!" He says and holds out his hand and I frown, "I'm not touching that" I say and his mate holds out her hand and I shake hers.

"I shall be proud to call you my daughter in law" she said and I laugh, "yeah I'm not gonna be so don't get your hopes up" I say smirking as the lady gave a look of shock.

"Oh and um by the way, my Luna April would definitely be a better mother in law than you soo yeah no thanks" I say and she gets mad as I walk out and down to the field.

The packs all look ready for a war, well this is just another training day so of course everyone does, anyways I see the guys son and I've gotta say, he's huge..... Not in that way you freakin dirty minded wolf! Anyways let's do this...

*****Back to before*****
When the fight had started I was winning. When I was about to lung for my last time one of my pack members fell to the ground looking pale with a Vampire latched onto their neck.

I watch along with the packs as lines and lines of Vampires come out row by row. All the Alphas standing in front as the Lunas lead the woman and children away. But not to the safety of the house, but out to the forest and beyond.

We're in lines and I'm at the back because of the way we were standing when the Vampires came, at the lead of them is none other than him.... Zack the Vampire Prince....

We wait until we hear a battle cry, well hiss/screech from Zack and we all rush towards them......

We're not losing but we're not winning, too many of them but same amount of us. They've got the help of rouge wolves.... I see some people leave and escape. Two familiar males leave and the war is almost over with the Vampires winning and suddenly I'm knocked out cold and on my stomach.....

Oh god .........

Am I dead?.....

Hey guys so this book is almost over and I think up next is the epilogue and it'll be a bit short but thank you all for reading and bearing with me! I know it's not the best but thanks for at least giving it a chance!

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