22: Change of Plans For the Drama Club

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"Can we go over again how Legoshi got put on the stage?" You rubbed your snout and spoke to Fudge.

"You were there, YN. What don't you get?" He scrunched his eyebrows at you.

"I just... literally anyone else? He makes me uncomfortable the way he practically drowns the stage with his awkward aura." You felt pity for the large wolf.

"He's been in the club for four years. Most of us started in Junior High.  He's never once been on stage, but he probably knows the majority of the roles." Fudge sighed. "I know he's... him... but he's the right size and everything. I don't know. Let's watch."

"You're always watching us from up in the lighting booth. So you must have some idea of the role." Bill explained to Legoshi as they both held their wooden poles. "Let's start slow."

"I'm not athletic..." Legoshi whined. But he could hardly finish before Bill was on him.

"Wow. This is great..." Bill spoke as he came at the wolf with full force. "This is what I'd expect from a gray wolf like you... Alpha material..."

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Legoshi asked.

Aoba, an eagle friend of Bill's and another of the villains, called everyone over.

"Of course I am! I never dreamed I'd get the chance to fight like this without having to hold back!" Bill's face got more serious and his voice dropped so only those with sensitive ears could hear. "Listen, Legoshi, there's no reason we carnivores can't step into the limelight. Tomorrow, I'll finally get the chance to show everyone how powerful large carnivores can shine when we don't hide our strength!" Bill paused his attack, "I'm a tiger, you're a wolf. We don't need to fake this fight. Tomorrow's performance is going to be the best ever! So let's give it everything we've got!"

Els ran up to you and Fudge.

"I'm going to borrow her for a little meddling, is that okay?" Els smiled and closed her eyes.

"Please! Just bring back the juicy gossip!" Fudge shoved you forward and before you knew it, Els was dragging you through the dressing room and out of the door.

"Hey, Legoshi!" She called down the hallway, "Nice work! Is your rehearsal over too?"

"Hi, Els, yeah, we're done. What about you dancers?"

"Us too. C'mon, let's go back to our dorms!" She looked back, noticing the lack of a maned wolf. "Uh, YN! Let's goooo~"

You slunk out of the dressing room and followed behind the two, not wanting to intrude. Legoshi chose to ignore you for his own sanity.

Els sighed as she began to speak. "Stuff keeps going wrong. I hope things go smoothly tomorrow."

"Yeah." Legoshi agreed. "Bill's great. He'll do a good job."

"So will you, Legoshi. Don't you agree, YN?" Els looked back at your heated face. "Bill's acting like nothing fazes him, as usual... but I think he's actually super nervous. He's just talking tough to psych himself up for tomorrow. You'll have Bill's back, right?"

"Yeah... sure. Thanks, Els." Legoshi responded with a toothless smile.

"Wow! I think that's the first time I've ever seen you smile!"

"Huh? I smile like everyone else..."

"Well, let's make tomorrow's performance a rousing success! See ya!" Els quickly ran away from you and the tall wolf, leaving you awkwardly stalking behind him.

After a minute or so of awkward silence, you finally spoke.

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