23: Tricked Into Bonding

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"H-How do you do it?" You asked from behind him. Legoshi wasn't even walking at this point. His head whipped around and his eyes bored into you.

"Do what?" He asked. This was the first time he had been alone with you. And after the whole shower incident... He shook his head to rid himself of the thought.

"Smile without baring your fangs." You looked away from him, embarrassed. "Every time I smile, I show all my teeth and I make people nervous. I have to cover my face..."

Legoshi moved to sit down on a bench; a bench you happened to favor. With a few second thoughts, you decided to join him.

"Is it because your fangs poke out from your mouth?" He slumped over and stared at his hands in his lap.

"Maybe... or I'm just not use to my teeth being criminal... So I learned to smile with my whole face." You admitted. "But you grew up with it like that, right? It's just where I'm from... not that I'm... super aggressive or anything...?"

Legoshi smiled inwardly to himself.

"No. I don't think you have an aggressive bone in your body. I wish I was like you sometimes." He admitted. "You don't have to worry about constantly terrorizing other animals all the time."

"But I do!" You put a hand on his arm, feeling how soft his fur was. "All the time! I think about when I can eat carnivore meals, and whether my fangs are out and if I'm saying something that can be taken the wrong way!"

Els and Ellen laughed together as they watched you from their window. You looked so concerned that you hadn't even realized the effect you had on the wolf.

Legoshi sat frozen on the bench. That tingle was back.

"Uh... Legoshi?" You moved your head around his body to look at his face. It looked completely blank.

Eventually, he took a breath and spoke back, in a voice one pitch higher than normal.

"D-Don't worry about that stuff so much." He looked forward, past you. But he could smell your breath and your scent so fully. He pressed his legs together to try and hide any presence of his arousal. "Everyone likes you. You don't intimidate people. At least not in the drama club."

It was at this point, you smelled exactly what he was trying to hide from you, and you noticed your hand curled in his fur, almost tugging on it.

"S-Sorry," You said, removing your hand quickly. "See? I just get too excited..."

"It's... it's fine..." Legoshi took a few short breaths. "It's probably cute... to most animals..."

You scooted to the furthest point on the bench away from the predator. It wasn't your intention to seduce the poor wolf. He was just hours away from his very first performance.

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