51: Some Protein

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"Stay over here while I talk to Haru. She's not the jealous type, but I'm sure it would shut her down more if I had to  explain why you were here. It'll take me only a few minutes." Louis explained as he patted your head and handed you some cash. "Go get some protein you like. I don't want you to feel faint when you see my body again."

You shoved him away but gave a little smile. He was kind when he wanted to be, even if he was a little ridiculous too.

After getting an egg tart, you sat down under a tree and dug into the tasty treat. The delight, however, was short lived and before you had even gotten halfway through, you were grabbed and whisked away.

"I thought you were gonna get something good... a stupid musk deer isn't going to fill his stomach."

"Give me a fucking break. There ain't many full-grown animals around that got that soft fur he likes."

You shivered in place. You wanted to run, attack, hide, correct them on your species... But this wasn't a fun, action-packed feminist novel. No, this was real life where you were scared of the scarred, massive lions in front of you. Their teeth were bigger than your fingers. Their height was at least double yours. They smelled terrible; like cigarette smoke and death.

"...Fuck you. I went through a shitload of trouble so you could get your hands on some decent prey. I busted my ass yesterday to make that power outage. And you brought back this reject?! Where was the white bunny that was requested?"

"Quit your bitching. That big-ass wolf is always around it. Then the red deer with the gun fetish. I didn't want to leave empty-handed."

"You better pay us, man. Out of your own pocket."

"Pick your head up, deer." They demanded and you acquiesed.  "Not gonna put up a fight, huh? Good that you're reasonable... You know about us right? Criminal organization. Shishigumi. In charge of the black market. You're a resource, even if you are shitty."

"W-What do you mean? I'm not an herbivore..."

"Our boss is a gourmet to the core. It's always hard to find food for his delicate tongue."

"Normally he only eats animals with pure white fur. But I think he'll make an exception."

"Not an herbivore? Bullshit. Musk deer are herbivores."

"I-I'm...  a maned wolf... My-my own genus... An," Their eyes got dark. "omnivore..." You whispered.

"Get out, all of you." An older voice rang out in the room.

"Yes, boss!!" And it was just you, in the center of the room, and an older lion near the couch.

"Alright, now that we're alone... I apologize on behalf of my subordinates. They aren't nearly as mannered as they should be." He held a paw out, as big as your face. "Are you hurt anywhere?" You shirked back from his touch. "Poor thing... you must be scared. Don't worry, I'm not violent. There's no use for senseless violence when I just want to enjoy a meal." His eyes narrowed. "Those useless dunderheads got lucky when they picked you, instead of a musk deer. Because not only do albino animals have perfect meat, but omnivores do as well. Something to do with the balance of plants and protein." He seemed regal, but his face was cold. "I know the perfect ways to enjoy my meals. Little omnivore, you will strip. Right now. I need to see for myself whether your meat is high-class or not. It should be better than being stripped against your own will, right?"

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