Goddamn Smithereens

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Nancy was 30 minutes late to be at Kendalls house to finalize last touches for their plan to take down Hawkins lab. Kendall dialed the Wheeler home and to her surprise, Nancy answered.

Kendall sighed in relief when she heard Nancy's "hello?" through the phone.

"Where the hell are you? Jonathan should be here any minute." Kendall whisper yelled, not wanting to wake up her grandma or her brother.

"My mom won't let me leave! She said something about a mom and daughter day." Nancy said and Kendall pressed her hand to her forehead, sighing. "She has another daughter." Kendall said and Nancy laughed out a scoff.

"Hollys a toddler. She's not gonna talk about boys with my mom." Nancy defended and Kendall rolled her eyes, scoffing at Nancy's response.

"Oh, come on. Holly made fun of me for not having a boyfriend the last time I came over." Kendall said before a loud honk from the road made Kendall look out her kitchen window. When she saw Jonathans car pulled up in front of her house, she sighed. 

"I have to go. Jonathans here." Kendall said and she heard Nancy let out a worried "good luck" before Kendall hung up on her. She ran to the living room, grabbing the prepped and packed bag.

As Kendall walked out to the car, she could see Jonathan watching her with a "what the hell?" look but she ignored him and opened the back doors, throwing her bag in the back before going into the passenger seat.

"Where's Nancy?" Jonathan asked as soon as the door shut. Kendall shook her head, waving him off tiredly. "She couldn't get passed her parents. Which I don't know how with all those escape routes that big house has." Kendall said and Jonathan sighed, looking forward.

"Okay. Okay." He muttered before he turned to Kendall, his brows raised. "Did you see Marcus or your Grandma?" Jonathan asked and Kendall shook her head quickly, as if it's help her get rid of nerves.

"I left a note on the fridge. They were both asleep." Kendall said before she turned to Jonathan, her eyebrows raised. "You?"

Jonathan bit his lip as he tapped his steering wheel. "Same." He said, turning to Kendall. Kendall nodded, taking a deep breath of confidence. "Let's go." She said, turning her nervous expression into a small smirk. Jonathan smiled at the smirk on her face. He nodded his head and turned back to the road. "Let's go."


The only sound that could be heard around Jonathan and Kendall was the sound of Kendall's bracelets bouncing against her wrist from her leg bouncing. She looked around at the people around her before she looked down her wrist not resting on her thigh to look at her watch. She trilled her lips and looked back up.

"It's 15 past." She quickly said and Jonathan sighed, rubbing his nervous palms against his jeans. "Yeah I know, Just give them time."

While looking around the park, Kendall's eyes fell on a man, reading  newspaper alone and under one of the bungalows. Kendall thought nothing of it but just as she started to turn her head away from the man, she saw him point his into his shoulder and speak.

Kendall instantly straightened up, catching Jonathan's attention. He looked at her before looking in the direction she was watching. "What?"

"That guy." Kendall said quietly, not wanting to draw any attention to herself. Jonathan looked at the man with the newspaper before shrugging, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. "What about him?"

Kendall leaned closer to Jonathan, her mouth practically at his ear as she spoke. "He's, talking to himself. And I know that's a common thing. I talk to myself but he's talking into his shoulder." Kendall said, shaking her head quickly at the man's actions.

Suddenly, the man stopped speaking and looked directly in Kendall and Jonathans direction. He lowered his newspaper and smiled at the two. Kendall nodded back, not wanting to seem rude before she continued to look around.

Kendall could've been over thinking but after another minute she started to think that anyone that looked at her and Jonathan were spies from the lab. The moms watching their kids play duck duck goose, the two ladies doing yoga, the man walking his dog, Kendall could feel eyes watching her from every direction.

Jonathan heard a small continuous thumping noise at his and Kendall's laps. He looked down and noticed Kendall unconsciously picking at her nails. Jonathan knew it was a habit of hers but he also knew that hours after doing it, Kendall will get mad at herself for messing up her nails.

Jonathan reached down and slid his hand into hers. He interlocked their fingers as Kendall took a deep breath to calm down her nerves. She kept telling herself "it's not like they'll kill us in broad daylight".

But of course, Kendall was still panicking. She slightly shook her head and squeezed Jonathan's hand. Kendall leaned towards Jonathan slightly as shook her head. "Yeah, I don't like this. I think we should go." She whispered and Jonathan instantly nodded.

Jonathan causally stood up, his hand still intact with Kendall's, making her get off the bench as well. The two walked towards the parking lot of the park, still holding hands. When they got to Jonathan's car, they let go of each other's hands and got inside the car.

Jonathan didn't even wait for Kendall to close her door before he started the car. The car started to stall and Kendall covered her hands with her face, groaning into her hands.

A knock at her window made Kendall jump. She turned to her window and saw the man with the newspaper smiling at her and Jonathan.

"Trouble with your car, miss? I can give you two a lift if you like." The man said giving Kendall a terrifyingly sweet smile. Kendall gave the man a small and fake smile back before she turned to Jonathan. Her eyes widened when she saw the man walking his dog right at Jonathan's window, his arms crossed.

"Jonathan..." Kendall whispered and Jonathan turned around to see what Kendall was looking at. He gulped at looked through his rearview mirror and saw the two moms standing behind the car. Jonathan turned back to Kendall and grabbed her hand as the man with the newspaper knocked again.

"You sure you don't need that ride?"


Not really having other options, Kendall and Jonathan got into the man with the newspapers car and instead of driving them both home, he drove them to Hawkins Lab where they were met with two guards each grabbing their shoulders.

The guards lead Jonathan and Nancy into a room with nothing but a small table and two chairs facing each other. 

Kendall looked down at her watch and realized they had been in the room for almost an hour all alone. She groaned and pushed herself out of her chair. She turned to her right to the mirror, which she figured was double sided, and banged on it.

"Hey! Let us out of here you sons of bitches!" Kendall screamed, still banging on the glass, making Jonathan's eyes widen. "Kendall!" Jonathan reprimanded, his teeth holding back his words from becoming a yell.

Kendall turned to Jonathan and shrugged, just wanting to get out of the room. "What?" She asked cluelessly as she started to look around.

The sound of doors opening made Kendall and Jonathan whip their heads r behind Kendall. They watched as a Doctor with the name tag "Owens" walk in and smile. "Not very pleasant in here, is it? Sorry about that. Hospitality's not our strong suit. You know, scientists and all." The man laughed out but neither Kendall nor Jonathan laughed with him.

The Doctors laugh started to die down and once it was gone completely, he sighed and rubbed his hands together. "Yeah. Okay. You up for a little walk?" He asked, looking between the two kids. Without getting an answer, the man walked out of the room and down the hall, leaving the door open for Kendall and Jonathan to follow but neither did.

"I'm assuming you're behind me." Dr. Owens's voice echoed from down the hall. Jonathan shot out of his chair and he and Kendall quickly sped out of the room and after the man.

"'Men of science have made abundant mistakes of every kind.' George Sarton said that. You guys know who George Sarton is?" Dr. Owens asked the two as they walked down the hall. Not even giving a chance for them to answer again, Dr. Owens shook them off. "Doesn't really matter. The point is, mistakes have been made. Yes." He said and Kendall's brows raised as she crossed her arms, making her bag closer to Dr. Owens back.

"Mistakes?" Kendall asked and Dr. Owens craned his head back to look at Kendall, nodding. "Yes."

"You killed Barbara!" Kendall spat, her voice loud and echoing through the tiny hallway. The man opens and closed his mouth to come ik with words before he shook off Kendall's words again.

"Abundant mistakes." He said before his brows raised. He lifted up his pointer finger as if to say "wait" as he looked back and Kendall and Jonathan. "But, the men involved with those mistakes, the ones responsible for what happened to both of your brothers and Miss Holland's death, they're gone. They're gone, and for better for worse, I'm the schmuck they brought in to make things better. But I can't make things better without your help." He said as they turned another hallway.

Kendall scoffed at the man's words. "You mean without us keeping our mouths shut?"

Dr. Owens laughed at Kendall. He looked back at Jonathan and nodded to her, an amused smile on his face. "She's tough, this one. You guys been together long? You two are cute." Owens said, elbowing Jonathan in an almost proud way but Jonathan shook the man off before shaking his own head. "We're not together." Jonathan muttered.

Dr. Owens frowned at Jonathans words as they turned another corner. "That's too bad." He said as Kendall turned to Jonathan , a small smile on her face. Out of the corner of his eyes, Jonathan was watching Kendall and smiled back.

Dr Owens stopped at a door. He grabbed the door handle and turned to the teens with raised brows. "Wanna see what really killed your friend?"

Dr. Owens opened the door and let Kendall and Jonathan in first. They walked into a room with multiple stations and buttons.

"Teddy, I brought you an audience today. I hope you don't mind." Dr. Owens said to the only other man inside the room. The man who Kendall figured was Teddy, smiled and nodded to the two teens. "More the merrier, sir."

Kendall noticed one of the walls in the room was glass and stood right in front of it. Her eyes widened at what was on the other side of the glass. She got deja vu from when she and Nancy crawled through the tree into the upside down a year prior. It was a gate.

"I'd call it one hell of a mistake. Wouldn't you?" Dr. Owens laughed out as a chill went down Kendall's spine, remembering how she couldn't sleep for weeks after that night in the upside down, even after Marcus came back. Jonathan noticed her tense and grabbed her hand.

"We can't seem to erase our mistake..." Dr. Owens said as he pointed at the gate before continuing. "But we can stop it from spreading. Like, it's like pulling weeds. But imagine for a moment if a foreign state, let's say, the Soviets... If they heard about our mistake... do you think they would even consider that a mistake? What if they tried to replicate that?"

Kendall bit the inside of her cheek and squeezed Jonathan's hand.

"The more attention we bring to ourselves, the more... the more people like the Hollands know the truth, the more likely that scenario becomes." Dr. Owens said as the door on the other side of the glass opened and three men in hazmat suits walked in. Kendall walked closer to the glass, dragging Jonathan with her to see what the men were holding.

She quickly realized they were holding flamethrowers when fire started to emit from the ends over it and towards the gate.

Loud screeching came from the gate as vines started to break around it. The screeching was so loud it practically shook the glass, making Kendall and Jonathan step back.

Dr. Owens turned to them at their reactions and raised his brows. "So, we understand each other now, don't we?"


After showing Kendall and Jonathan what Kendall guessed was the gate to the upside down, Dr. Owens had a guard take the two teens back outside to their car. He opened the door for Kendall as Jonathan walked around the car to the drivers side door.

"Have a nice day." The guard said once they were both in the car before slamming Kendall's door. Kendall looked up at the man and when his back was turned to walk back into the lab, flipped him off.

When Jonathan started to drive away, Kendall got more comfortable in the car. She leaned her seat back and opened her purse. She grabbed her tape recorder and a stick of gum. As she stuck the gun into her mouth, she turned on the tape recorder and pressed okay.

"Doesn't really matter. The point is, mistakes have been made." Owens voice erupted from the tape when the tape stopped whirring up.

"Mistakes?" Kendall asked on the tape.

Kendall groaned at the sound of her voice and fast forwarded. Jonathan laughed at the girls reaction to her voice and was met with Kendall giving him the finger when she heard his laugh, her eyes stuck on the tape.

"The men involved with those mistakes, the ones responsible for what happened to both of your brothers and Miss Holland's death, they're gone..."

Kendall already knew she hit the jackpot but she wanted to hear it again. A small and barley audible laugh left her lips as she hit rewind on the tape and played Dr. Owens' line again.

"The ones responsible for what happened to both of your brothers and Miss Holland's death, they're gone."

Kendall kicked her feet up in the dashboard and hummed in satisfaction. "Can't believe we got those bastards on tape." Kendall mumbled. Jonathan could practically hear the smirk on Kendall's face and laughed.

"You still wanna do this?" Jonathan asked, turning to Kendall all the way since the roads were empty. Kendall turned to Jonathan as she blew a bubble and when it popped, she smirked and raised the tape. "Let's turn that lab into goddamn smithereens."

—me already planning jendall season 4>>
jonathan knowing kendall hates when she picks at her nails so he always tries to stop her❤️

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