Heart-Shaped Halloween

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Jonathan had never laughed harder in his life then he did when he pulled up to the Rogers' home Halloween morning. The sight of Kendall chasing Marcus around their lawn; Kendall holding a camera and Marcus, sadly picking the short end of the straw in his group, was wearing a sailor costume, trying to be the marshmallow man from The Ghostbusters.

"Come on! Let me get a photo!" Kendall screamed and the Byers boy could almost instantly hear a high-pitched "No!" from Marcus, only making him laugh harder, neither of the Rogers siblings noticing him yet.

While laughing, Jonathan reached into his bag that was at the foot of the passenger seat and pulled out his camera. He leaned over slightly to get the two in the camera frame before snapping the photo, finally catching the twos attention.

Jonathan, still laughing, looked up at the teens, waving the camera around slightly. "I got it!" He said, making Kendall laugh almost evilly, pointing at her brother.

She gave him a big, over-exaggerated hug that Marcus playfully groaned at before Kendall let go, handing him her camera incase he wanted to take pictures during his day at school.

With that, Kendall sped down her driveway, towards Jonathans car, reaching into her backpack in her hands and pulling out a pair of heart shaped sunglasses.

"Oh no..." Jonathan mumbled at the sight of Kendall. The Rogers girl laughed as she ran towards the car. "You said I shouldn't dress up. Sunglasses are fine." Kendall cheered as she hopped into the car, pushing the heart shaped glasses up on the bridge of her nose. She turned to Jonathan and smiled. "Happy Halloween!"

Jonathan felt a small smile paint his lips before grabbing the top of Kendall's head to have her face front. "Happy Halloween, Kenny."

Kendall let out a small laugh as the boy started to drive before she turned to him. "We're going to the party, right?"

Jonathan looked at Kendall in a slight shock before turning back to the road. "I thought we were going trick or treating with the boys." Kendall rolled her eyes, taking off her sunglasses, and turning to Jonathan. "The boys will be fine. Let's party!"

Jonathan sighed, pulling  up to the school whilst sending the Rogers girl and warning look. "We'll see." Kendall let out a playful scoff as he parked the car, shaking her head as she got out. "If you say no, you are dropped from my best friend pedestal."

Jonathan scoffed, turning to her as he drove. "And who's gonna take my spot? Our junior friend? Or your thirteen year old brother?" He asked, referencing Nancy and Marcus. Kendall pursed her lips, putting her hand on her chin as if she were thinking before turning to Jonathan.

"I was thinking Steve." She said and Jonathan groaned, making Kendall laugh loudly, the two bickering about who should properly take his place as best friend.


When school was coming to an end, Kendall started walking towards Jonathan's car when she suddenly felt an arm drape her shoulder and a body lean against hers.

Kendall turned her head and saw Steve beside her, a look on his face, ready to ask a favor. "Okay, Kenny I have a question."

"Go on..." Kendal said once they finally reached the outside. Steve sighed, using the hand that wasn't around Kendall to run a hand through his hair. "Remember those sunglasses of yours I used to always mess with?"

Kendall's brows furrowed at the random question, nodding her head nonetheless. Steve smiled, stopping his steps, making Kendall stop as well.

"Can you bring them to the party tonight?" Steve asked. Kendall went to open her mouth to say yes but the Harrington boy but her off, continuing. "I need them for my costume and I know I can just use any pair of sunglasses but I really like yours so... Please?"

Kendall looked at Steve in silence for a few seconds, doing everything she could to hold back a laugh at his eagerness.

Never getting his answer, Steve looked up from the ground to Kendall and as soon as their eyes locked, Kendall started laughing. Feeling slightly awkward and embarrassed, Steve awkwardly laughed along until Kendall started to stop laughing and look up at him.

"Yes you can borrow my sunglasses. I'll bring them to the party." The Rogers girl said, nodding her head. Steve slowly nodded along looking at her with slight confusion. "Then why we're you laughing at my question?"

Kendall looked at Steve with wide eyes, shaking her head. "Oh! I wasn't laughing at the question. No. I was laughing at you."

Steve's smile playfully dropped and Kendall gave the boy a childish smile in return. After a few seconds, Steve broke, laughing at looking off at the parking lot, shaking his head.

"So you'll bring the glasses?" Steve asked hopefully, turning back to Kendall who smiled, nodding her head. "I'll bring the glasses."

"You're the best!" Steve yelled happily, kissing her forehead before running to his car.

A small smile grew on Kendall's face at the action. An action Steve used to do even before they started dating. They were finally getting back to their old normal and Kendall was happy about it.


Kendall walked to Tina's party.

Steve and Nancy were already there and frankly, she didn't want to third wheel in the car and Jonathan was still set on taking Will truck or treating.

When she got to the house,  she walked up the driveway where a group of teens were trying to keg stand. At the moment, the new kid was trying to keep his hold upside down on the keg.

"45... 46... 47!" Tommy H screamed as Billy fell out of his hand stand, he faced the air and spat out all the excess beer in his mouth before throwing his arms up in the air in victory. "That's how you do it Hawkins!" The boy screamed as Kendall rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she continued her way into the house.

As soon as she walked in, her eyes fell on a very drunk Nancy dancing in the middle of the living room with a laughing Steve beside her. When Steve saw the door open out of the corner of his eyes, he turned his head and smiled at Kendall, quickly leaving Nancy at the dance floor and speeding to the Rogers girl.

"Do you have them? Do you have them?" Steve asked excitedly and Kendall rolled her eyes as she smiled, reaching into her purse and pulling out her sunglasses, making Steve cheer.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Steve said, pulling the girl into a hug, making Kendall groan, patting his back. "Hey, what did we say about hugging me at parties?" She asked and Steve immediately pulled away, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Right. Right. Don't hug you because you're already crowded by the teens." Steve said, wiping off Kendal's shoulders.

"That's right." Kendall said as the front door swung open, Tommy H and Billy coming in screaming. The two boys and the crowd behind them ran straight for Steve and Kendall.

Kendall eyes widened at the crowd coming towards her and she immediately spun on her heels and headed towards the kitchen where the punch bowl would be.

"Rogers!!" A group of boys yelled as she walked into the kitchen. Kendall rolled her eyes at the boys, moving passed them to get to the punch.

"We haven't seen you at one of these since you and the King were still dating." One of the boys sang, wrapping an arms around Kendall that she immediately shook off of her.

"Leave her alone." A drunken voice grumbled, the boys and Kendall turn their heads as a very drunk Nancy grabbed more punch from the bowl next to Kendall. The boys scoffed at Nancy, shaking their heads and walking away.

Kendall sent Nancy a grateful smile, taking a solo cup from the table as she filled the cup. "What's in this?" Kendall asked as she sipped the drink. Nancy scoffed at the question, nodding her head to a drunk boy on the floor, knocked out. "He said it was pure fuel." Nancy slurred as Kendall took a sip of her drink, her eyes instantly widening at the taste of bourbon, hardly tasting the punch.

"I can see that." Kendall said, coughing slightly before taking another sip of the drink. Kendall watched as Nancy looked around at the kids in the house before her eyes widened. "I have to go. Bye." She quickly said before handing Kendall her drink and scurrying away just as Steve got to the kitchen island.

"Nanc–" Steve yelled before groaning at the girl running away. Just as he was about to chase after her, he turned to Kendall, pointing at her. "If you see her drinking anymore, don't let her." He said and Kendall nodded, pouring what was left in Nancy drink into her cup.

"And hello hottie." A voice said as Kendall felt someone press their arm against hers. Kendall's face scrunched at the gesture, taking a side step away from the body as she looked to see who it was.

Billy smirked at Kendall, looking her up and down. "I don't think we've met yet. Billy Hargrove." He said, sticking his hand out for the girl to shake.

Kendall gave the boy a fake smile, nodding her head. "I'm not interested." She said, turning to go and walk away but Billy quickly sped around to get in front of her, blocking her from leaving. "Come on. Give me a chance."

"Hey babe." A voice said, wrapping their arm around Kendall's shoulders and the Rogers girl instantly calmed, recognizing the voice. Kendall smiled, turning to look up at the owner of the voice, smiling brightly at Jonathan.

"Hey! You made it!" She cheered as Billy's smirk fell, glaring at Jonathan who continued to smile at Kendall. "I'm not missing a party. Come on." Jonathan laughed out before looking ahead of him at Billy. "Who's this?"

Billy rose his brows at Jonathan, taking a step forward and sticking his hand out for the Byers boy to shake. "Hey man. Billy Hargrove." The boy introduced himself as Jonathan returned his hand shake. "Jonathan Byers. Nice to meet you."

"You too." Billy muttered before letting out a sigh. "Well, I'll let you guys be. Happy Halloween." He said, not even getting a chance for either to speak before walking away and towards the dace floor.

Once Billy was far enough away, Jonathan let out an over exaggerated groan, taking his arm off of Kendall and leaning back into the counter as he looked at her. "You okay?"

Instead of answering, Kendall let out a happy squeal, jumping to give Jonathan a hug. "You showed up!" The girl cheered as Jonathan froze slightly before slowly hugging her back. "I knew you'd kill me if I didn't make an appearance." Jonathan laughed out as Kendall pulled away, still smiling.

"I have something for you..." Kendall sang, an evil smile on her face before she reached into her pocket and pulled out a matching pair of heart sunglasses. Jonathan let out a playful groan as Kendall put on the sunglasses.

"I felt like you'd have an extra pair." He laughed out before his eyes fell onto the cup in Kendall's hand. "What's that?" He asked, not even letting her answer before he took the drink and sniffed it, instantly coughing, making Kendall laugh. "Pure fuel."

Jonathan scoffed at Kendall's words, handing the cup back to her. "Sounds like a death wish." He said as Kendall raised the cup, downing what was left in the drink.

Suddenly, a body drunkly leaning against Kendall made the pair turn their heads, their eyes widening at Nancy now covered in the spiked punch. "Oh my God, Nance what happened?" Kendall asked and Nancy scoffed, looking at Kendall as she poured another drink. "Steve's an ass."

Kendall sucked in a breath at the Wheeler girls words and swiftly took the cup out of her hands, making Nancy looked at her with a dropped jaw. "Wh- Kendall! I was gonna drink that!" Nancy whined before she started to stumble. Jonathan quickly took the cup out of Kendall's hands as Kendal lunged forward to catch Nancy.

"Nance... You are wasted." Kendall said and Nancy nodded, leaning into Kendall slightly. "Can you take me home?"

Kendall turned to Jonathan, silently asking if he could take them both home and when he nodded, Kendall smiled, nodding her head. "Yeah, let's get you home." She said, making Nancy childishly cheer.

"Yay!!" She said happily before her eyes fell on Jonathan and she laughed. "Nice shades." She snickered out and Jonathan instantly took off the heart-shaped sunglasses as Kendall held back a laugh, leading Nancy out of the house to to Jonathan's car.


After sneaking Nancy into her home without Mr or Mrs Wheeler catching her, Jonathan and Kendall headed to Kendall's house to drop her off.

Now, they were in Jonathan's parked car that was pulled into her driveway. Kendall sighed as she looked at her house, nodding her head when she saw Marcus' bike leaning up against the house, glad he got home safe.

She turned to Jonathan and smiled, opening the car door to get out. "Thanks for driving me home." She said and Jonathan shook his head. "No problem." He said as Kendall got out of the car and walked towards her door.

"Wait!" Jonathan yelled and Kendall stopped, slowly turning around to look at him. Suddenly, the boy stuck his hand out of the car, holding the sunglasses her way. "Your glasses!"

Kendall smiled, shaking her head softly. "Keep 'em." She said and Jonathan smiled at her words, turning on the car. "Happy Halloween, Kenny."

"Happy Halloween!" Kendall yelled after the boy before heading into her home. Once Kendall was inside, she found all the lights off in the house, the living room TV on as The Exorcist played, Marcus sitting right in the middle of the couch, watching the movie with wide eyes as he held onto a pillow tightly.

"Boo." Kendall spoke and Marcus screamed, throwing the pillow in Kendall's direction. Kendall laughed loudly at the boys screams, Marcus calming down when he realized it was only his sister.

"That's not funny." The boy grumbled and Kendall shook her head, still laughing. "It's a little funny."

As she went to walk towards the couch, she passed the big window that faced the streets. She looked out the window and saw Jonathan still in drive way. When her eyes locked with his, she gave him a reassuring wave to let him know she got in safely. Jonathan gave her a thumbs up, waving one last time before starting the car, pulling out of the driveway and driving back home.

Kendall watched his car until she couldn't see him in on street anymore. She turned back to Marcus on the couch and quickly walked over to him, jumping over the back of the couch to sit next to him as she gazed at the movie.

For the rest of the night, Kendall and Marcus stayed up, watching every horror movie VCS they owned until they fell asleep from exhaustion.





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