Siren Sounding

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After hanging out at Jonathan's for a few hours and Kendall bugging him for most of the time saying she would buy him a new camera after Steve broke it, Jonathan drove her home. Kendall was barely awake, half asleep in the passenger seat of Jonathan's car.

She felt the car slow as red and blue lights flashed her closed eyes. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up at the police cars surrounding her house. "Stop the car." Kendall mumbled. Jonathan looked back and forth between her and the road, confused. "What?"

"Jonathan! Stop the car!" Kendall yelled and Jonathan slammed on the breaks. Kendall immediately got out of the car, leaning down to the window as she sent a worried look to him. "Go home."

Jonathan looked back and forth between the police cars and Kendall before sighing. "If you need someone to talk to, call me." Kendall nodded, sending him a worried look. "You too."

Kendall ran towards her house where Deputy Callahan and Officer Powell stood with Helena. As soon as the woman saw her granddaughter, she pulled her into a hug, tears streaming down her face. Kendall felt her stomach drop as she turned to the Officers from over her grandma's shoulder, neither of them meeting her eyes, instead looking off at the ground.

Kendall slowly pulled away from the hug, keeping her grandma by her side as she felt her throat burn. "He's dead?" Kendall croaked and the officers slowly nodded. Officer Powell finally looked up at her, taking a step towards the women to explain. "A trooper found something in the, uh... water that's at the quarry. Our working theory right now is that Will and Marcus got in an accident... crashed their bikes maybe. Then made their way over the quarry and, uh... accidentally fell in. The earth must have given way."

Kendall felt herself grow dizzy as she blinked away her tears, only hearing her on heartbeat as she took in the officers words.

Her little brothers dead.

"Kendall? Lena? Do you understand what we're saying?" Officer Callahan ask quietly and Helena nodded but Kendall stayed frozen, not hearing his words. The two officers and Helena turned to Kendall, waiting for a response. "Kendall? Do you understand what I'm saying?" She could faintly hear Powell.

Kendall blinked, looking up to the ground to the two officers, slowly nodding her head. She cleared her throat as she wiped her eyes. "I uh... I need to go." She mumbled and before her grandmother or anybody else could stop her, Kendall ran into the house.

She instantly ran into her room, slamming her door as she ran to her bed, immediately crumbling into it as she let out a loud racking sob. She slowly looked around her room and saw a photo of her and Marcus on her nightstand.

The photo was from that summer, the two were at the town pool, a place where Kendall worked at on summers.

Kendall felt her heart break at the photo. At how big Marcus' smile was in the photo. She grabbed the frame and threw it across the room, hiding herself in her pillows before she could watch the glass of the frame break.


Helena knocked on Kendall's door the net morning. She slowly opened the door, the creaking noise from the hinges making Kendall stir in her sleep slightly.

Helena sighed, walking towards her granddaughter. She crouched down slightly, shaking Kendall's shoulder gently to wake her up.

Kendall groaned at her grandma, making the woman sigh, pushing her a little harder. "Kenny, sweetie. Wake up."

"Why?" Kendall groaned, hiding her face in her pillow more. Helena sighed at the question, sitting at the foot of Kendall's bed. "We need to go see Marcus."

Kendall sniffled slightly, lifting her head out of her pillow as she looked at Helena with furrowed brows. "What?"


The coroner stood over a draped body. Kendall reached for her Grandmas hand as they both nodded, letting the coroner lift the ends of the sheet.

Kendal felt as if she was kicked in the gut as she looked over Marcus' body. Tears started to prickle her eyes as she shook her head, wiping her eyes as she ran out of the room.

She ran into the lobby, passing passed the receptionist as she threw herself into a chair, pulling her feet onto the seat to have her knees in her chest. It was quiet between Kendall and the receptionist until the lady cleared her throat.

"Do you want a lollipop, sweetie?" The receptionist asked, titling the bowl towards Kendall as she chewed her gum loudly. Kendall turned to her, slowly shaking her head no as she mumbled a 'no thank you.' The lady looked at Kendall for a few more seconds before shrugging, pushing her glasses up higher as she took a lollipop herself.

The sound of rapid footsteps from the hall where Kendall just was sounded and a freaked out Jonathan came into the lobby. The receptionist quickly tilted the bowl towards him and Jonathan quickly grabbed a red lollipop, ripping it up and putting it in his mouth as he took the chair next to Kendall.

The two sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds until Jonathan awkwardly turned to her, watching as she stared at the ground, in her own thoughts. "Couldn't be in there?"

Kendall slowly shook her head, taking a deep breath. "As soon as they moved the sheet from his face... It was like I was-" "Sock to your stomach?" Jonathan intervened and Kendall nodded, making him nod, looking back down to the floor.

The bell of the front door dinging made the two teens look up. Hopper sighed at the two teens, nodding his head to the lady at the desk before taking the seat on the other side of Jonathan.

"How's your mom doing?" Hopper asked to drown out the quiet. Kendall shuffled in her seat slightly as Jonathan cleared his throat. "I don't know." Hopper shook his head, turning to face the teens. "How long's this stuff been going on? With the lights and, uh... Will and the thing in the wall?"

Kendall's brows furrowed bar Hoppers words, having no clue what he was talking about as Jonathan shrugged, his hand mindlessly getting closer to Kendall's hand. "Since the first phone call, I guess. You know, she's had anxiety problems... in the past. But this... I don't know." He mumbled as his pinkie brushed against hers. Kendall looked down at their hands and slowly turned her hand around to hold his hand.

Jonathan looked down at their now conjoined hands before looking up at Kendall who sent him a small, tight lipped smile. Jonathan felt his stomach flip, making him cough. He cleared his throat, turning to the Chief as he shrugged. "I'm worried it could be... Ugh, I don't know. She'll be okay. We'll be okay. My mom... she's tough."

Kendall smiled at his words as the man chuckled, nodding his head. "Yeah, she is." Kendall turned to Jonathan and noticed his sad look on the ground. She quickly squeezed his hand, making him turn to her. "She is."

Suddenly, Joyce barged out of the back room, the Coroner ran out after her, Helena behind him, confused. "Ma'am! Ma'am, I need you to sign!" The coroner screamed, making Joyce whip around to ace him angrily "I don't... I don't know what you think that thing is in there, but that is not my son!"

Hopper immediately shot up as Helena walked towards the woman, hoping to comfort her. "Joyce, wait a second-" "No!" Joyce screamed, cutting Helena off, making Jonathan's eyes go wide. "Mom!" Jonathan scolded for his mother yelling at Helena but Joyce just ran out of the building.

Kendall immediately shot up from her chair, her hand still in Jonathan's as she ran out of the building, confusing the boy. "Wh- Kendall! Where are we going?" Jonathan asked and she looked back at him as if he was crazy. "We're getting your mom. Are you crazy? Now, come on." Kendall said, tugging him towards his car.

She quickly climbed into the passenger seat as Jonathan got into the drivers seat, driving after his mom. He trailed the car right beside her as Kendall rolled down her window so the two could try to talk to the woman.

"Mom, will you get in?" Jonathan asked, leaning over Kendall slightly. Joyce looked at the two, shaking her head. "No, I... I need to think. Just go on home." Joyce stammered out, making Kendall sigh. "Joyce, will you just get in, please?"

Joyce started speeding up, making Jonathan quickly pull over and run after Kendall following after. "Mom. Mom! Mom. Stop." Jonathan screamed and Joyce finally turned around, making the teens skid to a stop. "Just go home, Jonathan." Joyce snap, making Jonathan shake his head, growing angrier.

"No, this is not an okay time for you to shut down!" Jonathan yelled, catching some peoples attention. "Shut down? What-" "We have to deal with this, Mom. We have to deal with the funeral!" Jonathan interrupted Joyce, making her let out a dry laugh. "The funeral? For... for who? For those things back there?"

Jonathan rubbed the bridge of his mom, tilting his head slightly at her. "Okay, let me get this straight. Will and Marcus that's not their bodies, because they're in the lights, right? And there's a monster in the wall? Do you even hear yourself?" Jonathan yelled and Kendall froze slightly at his words. Joyce let out a sad sigh at Kendall face, looking back to Jonathan. "I know it sounds crazy. I sound crazy!"

"Yeah." Jonathan chuckled and Joyce. "You think I don't know that? It is crazy! But I heard him, Jonathan. He talked to me! Will is— is calling to me! And he's out there, and Marcus is with him, and they're scared, and I... I don't care if anyone believes me! I am not gonna stop looking for them until I find them and bring them home. I am going to bring them home!" Joyce screamed, walking away.

"Yeah, well, while you're talking to the lights, the rest of us are having a funeral for Will and Marcus! We're not letting them sit in those freezer another day!" Jonathan screamed. Kendall glared at all the looks they were getting from the people in the town as Jonathan scoffed.

"All right, show's over." He mumbled, chuckling slightly as he grabbed Kendall's hand and dragged her back to his car.

When they got back into the car, Jonathan sighed, putting his hands up on the steering wheel and threw his head into his arms. Kendall watched him sadly. She slowly reached her hand out and rubbed his back. Jonathan flinched slightly before realizing it was Kendall and relaxed.

The two stayed like that for a while until Jonathan finally got the courage to look up and drive.

quick little chapter for some sad jendall hours.

when the cutest pair in hawkins brothers' are found "dead"✌️😙

i don't know why but jonathan with one of those little lollipops you can get at like the bank is just such a cute image in my head

also i feel like helena is just the town grandma and everyone just loves her

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