A New Thing

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Kendall had, for once in her life, had gotten ready for school early and was ready to go by 7 o'clock instead of 7:45. She was on the couch with her grandma, feeling propped up on the coffee table as Family Feud played on the TV. Kendall watched mindlessly as Helena read the newspaper, mumbling answer to the questions asked on the television, letting out small but satisfied hims when she got an answer right.

The sound of a rusty car pulling up made Kendall look up from the TV and towards her window, unknowingly smiling at Jonathan's car driving up and parking in front of her house.

"That's my ride." Kendall mumbled, leaning over to kiss her grandmas cheek before grabbing her backpack and heading outside towards the car.

As she got closer to the car she noticed Jonathan hadn't realized she was outside as he looked ahead of the road, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. Kendall smiled, trying to open the passenger door but it was locked, making Jonathan jump slightly and turn to her.

Kendall laughed, pointing down at the lock and he quickly leaned over the center console, unlocking the door and opening it for her from the inside.

She let out a playful 'ohhh' as she got in, throwing her bag in the backseat. "Such a gentleman." She mumbled sarcastically, making Jonathan raise his eyebrows as he held back a smile. "She makes jokes at 7:30. How wonderful. Didn't even think you'd be up yet."

Jonathan started driving as Kendall lifted her chin up higher, proud of herself. "It's a new thing." Jonathan let out a small snicker at her words, turning to her quickly before looking back at the road. "But why?"

Kendall playfully rolled her eyes, turning to him. "Obviously to hang out with you." Jonathan scoffed at her words, turning to her as he tried to hold back a smile. "Oh, because I'm so amazing?"

"The best." Kendall said, making Jonathan smile, looking back ahead.

"Besides me, of course." Kendall said, making Jonathan laugh. Kendall smiled at the fact she got him to laugh as he pulled into a parking spot at the school.


"When does lunch end?" Jonathan asked and Kendall furrowed her brows, checking her watch. "About 10 minutes."

Jonathan quickly nodded, making Kendall let out a laugh. "Hey... Where are you going?" Jonathan got up from the table, giving her a small smile. "I need to develop some photos. Do you need a ride after school?"

Kendall nodded and Jonathan smiled, nodding before walking away. Kendall stabbed her fork into her salad as she looked up, her eyes locking on Nancy with Steve's arms wrapped around her from a couple tables away.

Kendall froze as Nancy turned to her, sending her a small smile as Kendall shook her head at, losing her appetite as she stood up, throwing away her tray of food and walking into the dark room after Jonathan.

Jonathan gasped as Kendall opened the door. He quickly pointed to it as he groaned. "The door! Close the door!"

Kendall let out a small shriek, quickly closing the door, making Jonathan look back down at the photos in front of him, sighing. Kendall slowly walked to be next to him as she looked down at the photos being developed. "I didn't screw them up, did I?"

Jonathan quickly shook his head, pointing at one of the containers that hand a photo being developed perfectly. "No. You're fine. Just whenever that red lights on, that means someone's developing photos, most of the time it's just me so you can come in but if it's someone else, they might get mad so just be careful."

Kendall nodded at his words, mindlessly looking over the photos taken the night before.


Kendall watched the ground as she walked out of the school, heading towards the parking lot to Jonathans car. As she got closer and closer to the car, she could hear loud laughter coming in it's direction, making her look up, her eyes instantly falling on Tommy H and Steve playing hot potato with Jonathan's bag.

"Please, give me my bag." Jonathan said as Kendall walked towards the group. Tommy smacked his leg as he laughed at Jonathan. "Man, he is totally trembling. He must really have something to hide."

"Ah... Here we go!" Steve cheered, holding a stack of photos. "Oh, man. Let me see." Tommy chuckled as Kendall practically ran towards them. "Hey! What the hell!"

Steve turned to the girl and opened his arms, walking towards her. "Kenny! Look at this freak Byers here." Steve said, going to wrap his arm around her shoulder and she instantly pushed him off. "Don't touch me, jackass."

Steve made a fake hurt face as Tommy laughed, handing Carol some of the photos. Carol gasped slightly at the photos of Kendall with all of them at the party in the background.

"Yeah, this isn't weird at all." Carol mumbled sarcastically, flipping through the pages. "We were looking for our brothers-" "No. No, this is called stalking." Steve interrupted Jonathan. Kendall groaned, turning to Steve. "We weren't even-" "What's going on?" Nancy asked softly, interrupting Kendall, making the Rogers scoff, rolling her eyes. "Oh this just gets better and better."

Nancy sent a saddened look to Kendall before Carol scoffed, making everyone turn towards her. "These creeps were in Steve's backyard last night."

Kendall rolled her eyes, taking a step towards the group. "We were not in his backyard-" "Up, up, up!" Carol interrupted, putting a finger towards Kendall as if to say shush. "Weirdos don't get to talk." Carol whispered, a smirk on her face, making Kendall glare, clenching her jaw so she didn't hit Carol as Jonathan shuffled nervously beside her.

Steve hummed, pointing at Jonathan as he clicked his tongue. "See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but... Man, that's the thing about perverts... It's hardwired into 'em. You know, they just can't help themselves."

Tommy let out a loud chuckle as Kendall scoffed at his words, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared at her ex-boyfriend. "Steve, are you crazy? You guys were in the background! It wasn't like he was taking photos of you guys."

Steve, completely ignoring her, smirked as he looked down at the camera. "So...we'll just have to take away his toy." Steve said, tossing the camera slightly in his hands. Jonathan and Kendall's hearts dropped as the camera was tossed in the air, calming down slightly when Steve caught it.

"Steve... " Kendall warned, gojng to walked towards them as Jonathan shook his head. "No, please, not the camera. No, no, wait, wait..." Jonathan said as Kendall went to try to get the camera but Tommy pushed her back. "Get you hands off me!" Kendall said, pushing Tommy back, making him run into Jonathan's car.

Tommy went to jump at Kendall but Steve stuck a hand out, stopping him. "Tommy, Tommy. It's okay. Here you go, man." Steve said, handing the camera to Jonathan but just before the boy could grab the camera, Steve dropped it, a shatter sound echoing through the air.

Tommy immediately started laughing, hitting Steve's shoulder as the Harrington boy smirked. "Come on, let's go. The game's about to start." Steve said, licking his lips. Carol cheered, walking passed the group, Tommy following behind her before stopping right at Jonathan, getting in face. "Boo." Tommy whispered as he ripped the photos in his hands.

Kendall rolled her eyes at the group, bending down to pick up the photos, Jonathan and Nancy helping as well.

"Hey, Nance! Come on." Steve screamed. Nancy gave the pair once last look before running off after Steve and his friends.

Kendall sighed picking up the rest of the photos as Jonathan got up, sticking an arm out to help her up. Kendall gave him a lopsided smile, grabbing his hand and he pulled her up.

"Sorry, about your photos... And your camera." Kendall mumbled, handing him the ripped photos and Jonathan sighed, shaking his head. "It's not your fault."

Kendall frowned slightly at his words before an idea popped into her head, making her smile as she playfully wrapped an arm around his shoulders, leading him towards his car. "How about we head back to your place and listen to the Clash?"

Jonathan smiled, nodding his head. "Kenny Rogers wants to listen to The Clash?" Kendall rolled her eyes at his joke, leaving him on the drivers side of the car as she walked towards the passengers side. "Kendall Rogers, doesn't like that Kenny Rogers so don't say that."

Jonathan chuckled as Kendall got to her door and she opened it to get in. "Well now that I know you don't like it, I might have to play some of his music..." Jonathan said, pressing a button on the radio and Kenny Rogers blasted through the speaker. Kendall groaned, throwing her head back as Jonathan chuckled.


we love changing the reason why steve and the toxic couple named tommy h and carol break jonathan's camera so they look stupid (idk if that made any sense but i'm typing this at 3am and it makes sense to me soooo)

kendall being a bad bitch and standing up for her future hubby against her ex bf and his dumb, freckle faces bsf
didn't mean to offend anyone with freckles i love freckles sm but i hate tommy😫🙏

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