The Clash

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"All right, Nana. Breakfast is ready." Kendall called out as she walked out of the kitchen and towards the dinning room where her grandma sat, reading the newspaper. Helena looked up from the paper and smiled as Kendall gave her scrambled eggs. "Thank you, sweetheart."

Kendall lost hold of the pan and almost dropped it on Marcus' missing posters, making her yelp as she quickly moved the pan. "Whoa! Whoa!" Helena eyes went wide, looking up to her granddaughter. "What?"

"Be careful of the poster." Kendall mumbled, moving the posters out if the way.

Helena sighed, nodding her head. "Yeah, okay. All right. Come on. Sit and eat." Kendall immediately shook her head, placing the empty pan in the seat. "I can't eat." Helena tilted her head, looking at her sadly. "You need you to eat, Kenny."

Kendall shook her head. "Can't. The Xerox place opens in, like, 30 minutes. Jonathan's gonna be here any minute to print our posters." Helena nodded, grabbing her wallet. "Okay. We need to make, what, 200, 300 copies? How much is a copy?  10 cents?" Kendall shook her head as the doorbell rang. "I already got the money." Kendall mumbled as she opened the door, her eyes going wide at Hopper.

"We've been waiting six hours." Kendall breathed out, making Hopper sigh as he walked in. "I know. I came as soon as I could. A little bit of trust here, all right, kid? I already went through this with the Byers. We've been searching all night. Went all the way to Cartersville."

"And?" Helena asked, turning around to look at him. "Nothing. Flo says you got a phone call?" Hopper said, walking towards the phone in the living room. Kendall slowly nodded, following after him. "Oh, yeah."

"Storm barbecued this pretty good." Hopper mumbled as he looked at the burnt phone, making Kendall's eyes go wide. "The storm?"

Hopper sighed, turning to Kendall in a slight annoyance. "What else?" "You're saying that that's not weird?" Kendall asked loudly, making Helena get up from her spot at the table, walking towards the two.

Hopper sighed, turning to Kendall. "No, it's weird. But it happened to the Byers too." Kendall's eyes widened his words as Helena crossed her arms. "Can we, like, trace who made the call?" Hopper immediately shook his head. "No, it doesn't work like that. Now, uh, you're sure it was Marcus? Because Flo said you just heard some breathing."

Kendall immediately nodded. "No. It was him. It was Mars." Hopper pulled his lips into a line. "It was probably just a prank call. It was somebody trying to scare you."

Kendall looked at the man as if he were crazy. "He said my name, Hop. Who would do that?" Hopper sighed, pointing at the turned on TV, the news taking about Will and Marcus. "Well, this thing's been on TV. It brings out all the crazies, you know. False leads, prank calls-" "But what if it was him." Helena asked the man who just shrugged. "If it was him, then he'll call again. You two thought of any person he might've visited?"

The Rogers women immediately shook their heads as Kendall mumbled a small 'No.'

The sound of a car honking from outside made Kendall sigh. "That's Jonathan. I'll be back." Helena nodded, kissing her granddaughters cheek as she ran out the door.


"You have pins, right?" Kendall asked as she and Jonathan walked into the school to hang up their brothers' missing posters. Jonathan nodded, mumbling a small yes he handed her a box of push pins.

"Oh, God, that's depressing." Kendall heard Tommy H chuckle out, making her quickly look down. "Should we say something?" Nancy asked as Kendall tried to put up posters as quick as she could.

"I don't think she speaks anymore." Steve mumbled.

Jonathan chuckled lightly, looking at Marcus' missing poster, making Kendall whip her head to Jonathan as he pointed at her poster. "You uh... it's upside down." Kendall looked at the board, her eyes going wide when she realized she put the missing poster upside down. She quickly put it right side up as she could hear Tommy and Carol chuckle. "God, look at her. She's a mess."

"Shut it, Tommy." Steve grumbled as Kendall felt someone walking towards them. Jonathan turned his head to see who was walking over, his eyes going wide as he quickly grabbed Kendall's arm. "Hey, we should go."

Kendall brows furrowed, in the middle of hanging up a poster. "What do you mean? Why?"

"Hey." A small voice spoke, making Jonathan shut his eyes as he let out a breath and Kendall's face froze, slowly turning around to Nancy. "Oh, hey." Kendall mumbled before leaning back slightly to be beside Jonathan. "That's why..."

Nancy let out an awkward cough, looking back and forth between the two teens. "I just... I wanted to say, you know, um...I'm sorry about everything. Everyone's thinking about you."

Kendall rolled her eyes, continuing to put up the posters as Jonathan waited for her. Nancy pulled her lips into a line, letting out a small huff. "It sucks."

Kendall scoffed, nodding her head as she let out a dry laugh, turning to Nancy. "Yeah. It does."

Nancy sighed, knowing she was only going to get a negative reaction from Kendall no matter what she said. "I'm sure they're fine. Will and Marcus are smart kids."

The sound of the bell ringing made Kendall smile, turning to Nancy. "You have to go. Isn't there a Chemistry test all the sophomores are taking?"

Nancy looked at the girl with wide eyes, nodding. "Yeah. Yeah um... Good luck."

Jonathan nodded as Kendall walked out of the school, making him quickly run after her as the PA spoke through the speakers. "Attention, faculty and students. At 8:00 p.m. tonight, there will be an assembly on the football field in support of Will Byers, Marcus Rogers and their families. All are encouraged to attend. Volunteer sign-ups for search parties are still available in the office."

"You okay?" Jonathan asked, looking at Kendall worriedly but she kept her head held high, nodding. "Just peachy. Where we going?"

Jonathan furrowed his brows as if he were thinking before turning to her. "How about Indianapolis?"

Kendall looked at Jonathan for a few seconds with wide eyes before nodding her head as she laughed, making Jonathan smile as they got into his car.

As soon as the car started and Jonathan started driving, "Should I Stay or Should I Go" blasted through the radio, making Kendall smile, bobbing her head to the music.

Jonathan turned to her with wide eyes, a small smile plastered on his face. "You like the Clash? Really?" Kendall turned to him as she air guitared, making him laugh. "Oh Hell yeah!"


When they got to Indianapolis, Jonathan parked in the driveway over an old beat down house. He sighed as he turned off the car, turning to Kendall. "Stay in here." The girl nodded as he hopped out of the car. She could hear Jonathan faintly scream for Will.

Kendall went to stretch her feet in the car when her feet hit something on the ground. She quickly looked down and saw a mixtape on the ground. She slowly picked it up and looked at the back to look at the list of songs.

"Take a look at this beaut!" A voice screamed, making Kendall look up and watch as Jonathan and a man walk over to the car parked beside Jonathan's. "Should've seen it when I got it. Took me a year, but it's almost done." The man said as Jonathan opened the trunk of the other car, making the man scoff. "Really? You want to check up my ass, too? I told you the same thing as I told those cops, he's not here and he never has been."

"Then why didn't you call Mom back?" Jonathan yelled and the man rolled his eyes. "I don't know, I just... I assumed she just forgot where he was. You know, he was lost or something. That boy never was very good at taking care of himself."

"This isn't some joke, all right? There's another kid missing too. There are search parties, reporters-" "Hopper's not still chief, is he?" The man interrupted. Jonathan ignored the question, making the man shake his head. "Tell your mother she's gotta get you out of that hellhole. Come out here to the city. People are more real here, you know? And then I could see you more."

This time, Jonathan scoffed, making the man chuckle. "What, you think I don't want to see you?" "I know you don't." Jonathan shot at him, making the man point at him. "See, that's your mother talkin' right there. She even know you're here?"

"Oh, great. So one kids goes missing, the other one runs wild with some chick? Some real fine parenting right there. Look, all I'm saying is, maybe I'm not the asshole, all right?" The man yelled and Jonathan rolled his eyes, pushing a missing poster into his dads chest. "Here. In case you forgot what he looks like."

Jonathan stomped towards the car, Kendall watching him with wide eyes as he got into the car, slamming the door and resting his head on the steering wheel. Kendall looked at him sadly, tilting her head slightly. "You okay?"

Jonathan hummed a yeah as he nodded. Kendall watched as his dad walked back into his house, making her sigh. "He's an asshole." Jonathan chuckled, lifting his head up to her. "Yeah, he is."

Kendall looked at him for a few seconds before looking back ahead of them. "How about we go look for the boys tonight?" Jonathan turned to her and slowly nodded. "Yeah. We'll go look for them."


"Where are you?" Jonathan whispered as Kendall flashed her flashlight on the ground, looking for something.

"This is in between your place and mine, right?" Kendall asked, turning around to point her flashlight at him as he nodded. "Yeah. We might something around here."

The sound of a sickening scream made Kendall and Jonathan's eyes go wide. They immediately turned to each other before running in the direction they heard the scream. They got to the edge of the trees and Kendall immediately recognized the backyard they were just at the edge of.

"Steve." Kendall whispered.

The pair watched as Tommy lifted Carol, ready to throw her in the pool. "One! Two! Three!" Tommy screamed as Carol shook her head. "Stop it, Tommy! Don't!"

Tommy let out a loud laugh, setting Carol down and she quickly spun around, hitting him. "You're such an asshole, Tommy."

Kendall scoffed, rolling her eyes and walking away. "Oh, God." She walked in the dirt, looking for anything suspicious on the ground.

Jonathan followed after Kendall, taking photos of their surroundings when he started taking pictures of Kendall. Kendall laughed turning to Jonathan. The boy smiled, looking at her over his camera. "You did it to me." Jonathan sang, making Kendall laugh, flipping her hair.

Kendal started making crazy poses to make Jonathan laugh as his camera continued clicking as he took photos of her, the party happening in the blurred background.

Suddenly, a sputtering sound came from the camera, making Kendall quickly stop posing and look up to him. "What is that?" Jonathan groaned, spinning the film. "It's just jammed."

A low roar followed by a shriek made Kendall jump and immediately run towards Jonathan. She looked off to the pool and noticed Barb was gone. "Maybe she left?" Kendall asked slowly and Jonathan stared at the pool with squinted eyes before slowly nodding, grabbing Kendall's hand and starting to walk away. "Yeah... Come on. We should go."

—the way i'm in love with nancy and then make my all my stranger things ocs have drama with her-🤚

@ lonely_sxcker

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