Phone Calls

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Kendall Rogers had spent the night of November 6th, 1983, in her room doing her Geometry homework while she waited for her little brother, Marcus to get her home from Mike Wheelers house. But Kendall never stayed up long enough to see Marcus come home instead, she had fallen asleep on her homework.

She woke up the next morning to the sound of her alarm clock blaring. The clock read '7:00 am', meaning the girl had to get up for school. As she was getting ready, she quickly remembered her night prior. She never finished her homework.

Kendall quickly grabbed her geometry workbook and a pencil, running to the kitchen.

She stood at the stove, looking back and forth between the skillet of eggs on the burner and her homework beside her when a knock sounded on the door.

Kendall's grandmother, Helena or Lena as she liked to be called, walked towards the door.

"Oh, well hello Jonathan." Helena cooed, making Kendall slightly peak her head out from the kitchen to see Jonathan Byers at her door.

"Would you like to come in?" Lena asked. Jonathan Byers stood in the doorway awkwardly, looking around the inside of the house before slowly taking a step in.

He threw his hands in his pockets as he looked back and forth between Kendall and Lena. "My mom has been calling you guys. you haven't answered so she wanted me to check on you guys."

Helena quickly put a hand to her heart, looking at Jonathan. "Oh, I'm sorry. Kenny wasn't up yet and I was still getting ready. Is everything alright?"

Jonathan slowly nodded, turning to Kendall who stood behind her grandmother. "Did Will sleepover? He's not home."

Kendall's brows furrowed, shaking her head. "I don't know. I haven't woken up Marcus yet."

Helena groaned hitting her side slightly. "Oh, for Christ sake child! You two need to be at school in 10 minutes and you haven't even woken the poor boy up yet?"

Helena walked towards her grandsons room, leaving Kendall and Jonathan alone. Kendall was watching the ground awkwardly before clearing her throat, turning to Jonathan. "Do you want something to eat?"

Jonathan quickly shook his head. "No, it's alright. I already ate." Kendall nodded, going to look back to the ground but stopped when she saw her grandma come back into the room.

Kendall watched as her grandmother cleared her throat, turning to Jonathan. "I'm sorry Will's not here. Neither is Marcus."


"So you don't know where he might be?" Jonathan asked as he and Kendall walked to his house, thinking that the boys could be in the woods. The Rogers lived in between The Henderson's and The Byers so Will and Marcus could've been somewhere in between the two boys houses.

Kendall shook her head, looking down at the leaves she stepped on. "I don't know... He likes going to the arcade but that's on the other side of town plus it's a school day but he doesn't like going early."

Jonathan sighed, taking a picture of the tres in front of them. Kendall turned to him at the sound of the camera clicking and smiled. "Can I try?"

Jonathan looked at her cautiously before slowly giving her the camera. Kendal let out a little chuckle before bringing the camera up to her eye, taking a photo of the street before turning around to Jonathan and snapping a quick photo of him.

Jonathan groaned, sticking his hand over the lens as Kendall let out loud laughs, handing the camera back to him and shoving her hand into her bomber jacket. Jonathan turned to her, a small smile on his face as he pointed at her. "Next time I let you touch my camera, you do not take photos of me." Kendall laughed, nodding her head.


"Is Lonnie there?" Kendall heard Joyce ask as she and Jonathan looked through photos of Will for missing posters.

"Can you please—Who is this?" Joyce asked before she huffed. Cynthia, this is Joyce. Lonnie's ex-wife. I really need to speak to him. Can you please put—" Joyce cut herself off, groaning as she slammed the phone back into the wall, making Kendall jump.

"Bitch!" Joyce screamed, making Jonathan whip his head around to his mom as Helena walked up to Joyce, rubbing her arms to calm her down.

"Mom." Jonathan scolded. Joyce quickly turned around. "What?"

"You have to stay calm." Jonathan said, making Joyce scoff, going to call Lonnie again. "Lonnie, some teenager just hung up on me. Will is... is missing. I don't know where he is. I need... I just need you to call me back, please, just— Damn it! Damn it!"

Kendall looked up from the chest full of photos at the sound of a car approaching. Her eyes widened at the Chiefs truck and two police cars following after it. She quickly tapped Jonathan, pointing to the window as they both stood up.

"Mom?" Jonathan called out as he and Kendall stared out the window, not being able to take their eyes off the cars. "What?" Joyce let out breathlessly, her and Helena turning to the teens.

"Cops." Kendal whispered before running out door, hearing the three follow after her.

She skidded to a stop when she saw Hopper and Deputy Callahan pull out bikes from the back of Hopper's truck. Marcus and Will's bikes.


"They were just lying there?" Kendall asked as they followed Hopper into the Byers home. "Yeah." Hopper mumbled and Jonathan shook his head. "Did they have any blood on it, or—" "No, no, no, no, no..." Hopper grumbled, making Jonathan scoff. "If you found their bikes out there, why are you here?"

"Well, he had a key to the house, right?" Hopper asked, pushing his cigarette into the ash tray. "Yeah." Jonathan shrugged, making Hopper nod. "So... maybe he came home."

"You think I didn't check my own house?" Joyce yelled as Helena scoffed, shaking her head.

"I'm not saying that." Hopper said as he went to open the back door but stopped at the small dent in the wall. "Has this always been here?"

Joyce rolled her eyes, lighting her cigarette as she shrugged. "What? I don't know. Probably. I mean, I have two boys. Look at this place." Hopper sighed at her words, turning to Helena. "Is there any chance Marcus went h-"  "Hopper, I swear to God if you finish that sentence!" Helena said, her voice deep and low, scarring the man slightly as he shook his head.

Suddenly, The Byers dog barked from outside, startling the group slightly. Hopper looked back and forth between the dog outside and The Rogers women before sighing, pointing to Officer Powell.

"Powell can escort you girls home to make sure Marcus isn't there." Hopper said as Kendall shook her head lightly, rolling her eyes. "Unbelievable."


After Officer Powell left the Rogers home, Kendall and Helena decided to look through their chest of photos in hopes of finding a good photo of Marcus.

As Helena looked through a stack of photos, she heard a small sniffle beside her and turned her head to find Kendall with ehr hand to her mouth, silently crying. "Hey, what is it?" Helena asked and her heart quickened when Kendall didn't answer. "What is it, sweetheart?"

Kendall shook her head as she sniffled. "Nothing." Helena shook her head, wrapping her arms around her granddaughter. "Tell me. Tell me. Come on. You can tell me." Kendall slowly looked up to her grandma, wiping her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. "No. It's just... I should've been awake. I should've been there for him."

Helena felt her heart drop, shaking her head as she rubbed Kendall's back. "No. Oh, no. You can't do that to yourself. This was not your fault. Okay, Kenny? Do you hear me? He is okay. I know it. I can feel it in my heart, okay?"

Kendall sniffled, nodding her head. "Yeah." She looked down at the chest full of photos and smiled at the photo of Marcus, a huge smile on his face that Helena took on his 13th birthday right before Kendall smashed his face in the cake. "Oh, look at this. Look at this one." Kendall chuckled out, showing her grandma the photo.

Kendall felt a small laugh escape her lip. "I mean, that's it, right?" "Yeah. Yeah, it is." Helena mumbled.

The sound of the phone ringing drew the girls from their laughs. Kendall slowly got up, picking up the phone.

"Hello?" Kendall asked into the phone but was only met with static. She covered her other ear with her hand as her brows furrowed. "Hello?"

She could hear a faint mumble on the other end of the call. "Jonathan? Joyce? Hopper? Who is this?" 

Kendall was met with muffled breathing before she heard a tiny whisper. "Kenny?"

Kendall felt herself practically jump, making Helena whip around. Kendall held onto the phone tightly as she bent down slightly. "Marcus?"

Helena eyes went wide, getting up from the couch and running to Kendall. "Mars? It's Marcus?"

A faint chittering noise echoed through the phone and a heavy almost scared string of breathing grow louder.

"Kendall, honey... it's Marcus?" Helena asked, rubbing Kendall's shoulders as the teen shook her head. "Who is this?!" Kendall screamed into the phone and a loud growl made her jump slightly.

Suddenly, Kendall felt a shock on her ear, making her scream and jump away from the phone. Helena ran to the phone, her eyes widening at the burned earpiece, turning to Kendall who was still gripping her ear in pain. "Kendall, Sweetie who was it? Who was it?"

"It was him. He said my name. It was Marcus, Nana." Kendall whimpered as Helena cupped Kendall's face, combing her hair behind her ear. "Sweetheart, who was there? Who was with him?"

Kendall slowly looked up at her grandma with a scared look. "I don't know."


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