Eight : Excuses...

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I didn't think I wanted to stay alone and dwell.

So I kept the photo frames as they were and proceeded with my plans. Zain sure had his reasons and I of course, being a good girlfriend would have to let him explain himself even though it was hurting me. Right?

I walked around the entire street and back. It was about 5 in the afternoon now but I didn't want to go home. I was a little hungry because I didn't have lunch but I wasn't going to spend my cash on food. They were better for other uses like emergencies.

A couple walked past me, arm linking with each other and laughing and smiling as they left a bakery. I wished it was Zain and Me. I wished Zain and I didn't meet through online. I wished we would have started a relationship in a real person. Like that... things wouldn't be so complicated now.

Watching the couple moved away, I was interrupted with a very sweet and beautiful aroma. I realized that they came from the bakery that the couple just left from. I walked further front and looked up at the signage of the bakery.

Bakery Story.

Cool name, I thought. I peeked inside through the glass doors and saw a couple of people queuing up to buy what I saw, cakes and cupcakes. The workers in there was in baby pink Polo-T with black cap. And another thing that caught my eyes was the small little note at the entrance of the door.

We're Hiring!

I didn't wait any further and opened the door and walked in. The cafe seemed so amazing that I was getting curious. I have always had something for baking and who knows this might be my first step to learn more about them?

"Hi," I said approaching a petite guy who was wiping the tables. I knew he was one of the staff from what he was wearing and he couldn't be any older than 16.

"Hi, can I help you?" He asked politely, flashing me a smile.

"Uhm, I see that this cafe is hiring and I'd like to take up that position. Who am I supposed to see?"

"Oh, that. How about you have a seat while I call the owner?" the guy suggested. I nodded and he left to I guess the office to get the owner. I was slightly nervous and I would always feel like this whenever I applied for job.

"Hi, are you the one?" A woman, aged in her thirties or so approached and immediately took a seat opposite me. She looked tired that the bags under her eyes were very obvious from near but not from far because her red hair took most of the attention.

"My name is September," she said, "Cool right?"

I laughed and nodded slightly. Of course it was cool that her name was September. I had never known anyone with that name or November or December.

"So my nephew said you wanted to apply for job?" September asked.

"Yeah. I saw the note outside and thought I'd love to be working here," I told her, smiling.

"You seemed so interested," September said, "And that was also what my nephew told me."

"Oh. Uhm I, I really love baking and looking at the cakes and cupcakes here makes me already love this cafe," I said, lying a little bit.

"Aha! You're hired!" September told me, right away.


"You're hired. When do you want to start working?" September confirmed. I was hired, just like that? Don't they need to see my identification card or passports or whatsoever? She didn't even know my name. But I got the job, so I needn't worry anymore.

"I can start anytime," I told her, enthusiastically.

"September, you've got a call," the petite guy from earlier informed.

"Oh, busy," September grunted, "Nick can you please tell and show her around? I've hired her."

"Okay," Nick answered just as September walked away. "My name is Nick."

"Savannah," I said, shaking his hand.

"Our cafe starts from 10am to 10pm unless there’s a personalized event or..." Nick started telling me. He showed me around and what Bakery Story was all about. The cafe sells cakes and cupcakes from different flavoured and customers, who ordered, may choose their own topping and frosting. I already knew that the cafe was cool and amazing.

Nick showed me a bit of their kitchen and introduced me to staffs and just like that, it was already 8:30 in the night. I was told that Nick wasn't a permanent worker in the cafe. He just came to help his aunt out because they were short of staffs. Nick was only 16 though, and still schooling.

Since Nick's shift was almost over, I decided to wait up for him. I mean, he was gonna be the only friend I have in London. When his work was done, he said he could walk me home even though I declined.

"So you lived here alone?" Nick asked when we're reaching Zain's block.

"Nope. With my boyfriend, but he's always working like the sole-breadwinner so I decided to go out and find a job so that I wouldn't be so bored alone at home," I explained, slipping a lie in.

"Alright, we're here. I'll see you tomorrow at the cafe after my school?"

"Yeah sure," I said and waved him goodbye before getting the lift and up to the apartment. When I reached the door, I struggled to get the keys out of my purse but I actually didn't need it when the door was opened from inside, showing an annoying looking Zain. He was in a long pair of joggers and fitted tank-top.

"Hi," I said, grinning at him. He had been away and I kinda missed him. It was a shame that I had known how to miss him already when we were only together for a few days. And that I totally had forgotten how I was supposed to be mad at him for leaving without informing me and how I was supposed to be upset to find those pictures in his closet.

"Where were you?" Zain questioned, seriously. What? No hi, hey and I missed you?

"I went to walk around," I told him, entering the house.

"So long? I've been home since 5pm and you weren't around. Don't you think I was worried? Don't you care about how I would feel?" Zain shot me with questions, frustrated.

Oh, look who was talking.

"Then what about you? You left to Italy not informing me, not even leaving me a note that you'd be away for a while. I only came to know it because Harry dropped by. Don't you think I was worried? Don't you care about how I would feel?" I copied him.

"It was an emergency," Zain said, this time he had softened his voice.

"Whatever," I muttered and then about to go into the room to get a shower when Zain spoke again.

"I saw you with a guy from the window."

"I met him at a cafe. He's my friend," I told him. Even though I was quite upset with him, I didn't want him to get a wrong idea when he saw me with someone else.

"You just met him and instantly become friends and allowed him to walk you home?"

"He's only 16. He's no harm," I said.

"Come here," Zain said. He was standing in the living room while I was just at the hallway to the rooms. I did as told and Zain quickly engulfed me in a hug even though I was sticky. "I don't want you to get mad at me for leaving without informing you. I don't want you to find a new guy friend just to make me mad."

I pulled away and looked at him. "I forgive you about not informing me. About that guy friend, he's just a friend and I believe would be a good one. I'd like to say that maybe I could introduce you to him but then your secret would be out. I assure you, if he's bad or anything, I'll let you know. Okay?"

"Hmmm...” I heard Zain mumbled, nuzzling on top of my head. I totally loved our position until I spotted a cartoon-like figure of Perrie Edwards on Zain's arm. I pulled back immediately.

"You tattooed Perrie Edwards' face on your arm?" I asked in disbelief. My eyes widened and my hands instantly went to my mouth. I kept blinking my tears back as I remembered those photographs in Zain's closet.

"Hey listen," Zain said softly and gripped both my upper arm with his hands. "This tattoo is not permanent. It can be removed, just not yet. Relax okay? It's just for show."

I didn't want to believe him but then Zain hugged me and I felt alright again. The hug suddenly made me think that Zain wasn't lying. Maybe it was all for show and the photographs, it was kept in his closet because there was no one to show them to. He probably put it out when there's interviewers or whatsoever.

"I'm sorry okay?" Zain said when he pulled back and got to an eye-level with me. His thumb was caressing my cheek.

"Okay," I answered quietly later. Zain kissed my forehead and changed topic.

"I'm hungry. Do you want to help me and make dinner together?"

I agreed immediately as the main reason why I wanted to come to London and meet Zain was so that I could spend my time with him.

We decided to make a simple spaghetti with tomato sauce since it wouldn't take much of our time especially because we were both hungry.

I was about to tuck into my plate when we both heard the doorbell. "Are you expecting anybody?" I asked. Zain shook his head and went up to check who was at the door.

"Baby!" A voice squealed the moment Zain opened the door. I stood there, watching as Perrie Edwards hugged Zain and then kissed him right on the lips.

Was I imagining things?

"Hey Savannah," Perrie turned to me, "Fancy seeing you again."

"Uhm yeah, me too," I stuttered because honestly, I was speechless after seeing someone else kissed my boyfriend and the best part was my boyfriend didn't do anything to stop her.

"Are you guys having late dinner? Please tell me there's extra because I'm starving too," Perrie blabbered.

"What are you doing here anyway, Perrie?" Zain asked, not in a harsh tone.

"Oh I just decided to drop by and maybe sleepover. I've missed you because when we're in Italy we didn't really get to spend time with each other," Perrie whined.

"But we're gonna meet tomorrow," Zain said.

"I know. But I wanna see you tonight. Why? Don't you like to see me here, Zayn?" Perrie asked and started to pout.

"Uhm no. I just thought it was weird," Zain stated and went back to the dining table, sitting opposite me. Perrie then shamelessly took a seat on his lap. I looked down on my food instantly.

"We didn't cook any extras," Zain informed.

"Then can we share?" Perrie asked.

I didn't want to see them getting all lovey together and of course I wouldn't want to see them sharing a plate. So I did what I thought was best to excuse myself.

"Actually I just came back from dinner with a friend, so you can have my plate. I haven't touched anything," I told Perrie, putting on an act.

"Dinner with a friend? Hmm... A date?" Perrie asked, raising her eyebrows at me. I looked at Zain who was staring at me intensely.

"You can say that," I finally said.

"Woohoo! We can have a double date sometimes," Perrie suggested.

"Yeah sure but now I'm gonna shower cos I've been out all day," I told her and excused myself.

I got into Zain's room and bathroom, locked the door, turned on the shower and let my tears fall. I was starting to realize that Zain was just giving me excuses about his relationship with Perrie. I was starting to feel that they weren't actually fake dating.

And I... I was like his mistress.


I’m sorry I haven’t updated this for two weeks. I’ve been so busy. Anyway, what do you guys think of this chapter? Bakery Story is actually an awesome game that I have been playing. Anyone of you plays the game? Add me! LOL. :D

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