Nine : I'll leave you two alone.

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Getting out of the shower, I pulled on a pair of track pants and light blue tank-top; my usual attire for sleeping.

I wondered if Perrie was still outside or had Zain chased her home. If she were to stay for the night, where was I gonna sleep? Wait! They couldn't be sleeping together right?

I powdered myself with a Baby Johnson powder that I found on Zain's dresser to cover up any sign of that I had been crying in the shower. My eyes sure looked a little red but I could just say that I was tired.

Opening the door, I peeked into the living room. I saw Zain and Perrie all curled up against each other on the couch, watching something that was showing on the TV. Of course Zain wouldn't chase Perrie away.

Putting on a brave face, I walked out of the room and smiled at Perrie who was looking my way. "We thought you fell asleep in our bed," Perrie said, grinning. And it wasn’t hard to notice that she said our bed instead of Zain's bed.

"Oh nope, I just love taking long shower especially after I went out all day," I told her, lying.

"Perhaps Zain and I should go soap and shampoo shopping for the bathroom in the kitchen so that you don't have to use the bathroom in our room," Perrie continued and I frowned. "I mean, not that Zain and I minded if you're using our bathroom but well sometimes we used it to... you know."

I didn't have to get a straight A to know what ‘you know’ exactly meant but I just kept quiet as I watched Perrie giggled while looking at Zain who was eyeing me.

I tried my hardest not to cry. All these while, I believed that Zain and Perrie were just fake dating because I didn't see them together for real. But right now, they were curled against each other, tangled legs and Perrie's head on Zain's chest - I just couldn't take it anymore.

I was about to walk away when Perrie spoke again, "Zayn and I just ordered a new bed for the guest room. It should be here within a day or two. But for tonight, you can have the bed while Zayn and I decided we can sleep right here on the couch."

"Oh no," I said, "You guys can have the bed. Plus, it's your room. I can have the couch. I just need to borrow a pillow or something."

"It's okay Savannah," Zain spoke for the first time and it made me wince that he called me by my name instead of all the pet names he had had for me. "We can have the couch while you sleep in the bed."

He said we which means he didn’t intend on coming into the room to sleep with me. He allowed me to be in his bed while he stayed outside with another girl.

Maybe I should argue for the couch but with the threatening to tears to spill, I just went with it.

"Alright thanks. I'll just leave you two alone now. Have a goodnight." I heard Perrie replied and then I quickly went into the room and plopped myself on the bed, at the same time letting the tears fell.

I couldn't believe what just happened out there. I couldn't believe Zain let Perrie do all the talking about their room and their bed and what they fucking did in the bathroom.

Maybe coming to London was a mistake. Maybe I should have listened to my brother to not come over to so called meet my 'penpal'.

Reaching for my laptop with tears streaming down my face, I emailed my brother, telling him that I was doing fine and that I have missed him. I didn't say about when I was going to come back because to be honest, I had no clue either. I didn't have enough money to buy the flight ticket nor did I have anyone who was kind enough to drive for 14 and half hours to send me home.

I was gonna stuck here until I had find some way to get back home.

* * *

I had work at 10 and I was up as early as 7. Probably because I couldn't really sleep after all. Last night, I had fake sleeping when someone came in. It was Zain. He went to grab some pillows and blanket. But he did kiss my forehead before he left the room again.

But what's the point? He thought I was sleeping and as much as I thought kisses from him could make me less angry at him, I just couldn't.

I showered and put on a pair of black jeans with grey tight-fitting t-shirt. I haven't gotten my work attire and September told me that she would be giving them to me on my first day. I tied my hair into a pony tail and powdered my face. I didn't know how concealer works so I let my eye-bags display proudly under my eyes.

I opened the door quietly and tip-toed out but right the moment I stepped out, I wished I hadn't. There on the couch was Zain lying on his back and Perrie sprawled on top of him. One of Zain's hands was resting on Perrie's back.

Of course by now, I knew that Zain was lying all along because if they were just fake dating, they wouldn't just kiss or slept together or did anything in the bathroom. And most of all, Zain wouldn't introduce me as his cousin.

Tearing my eyes off them, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. After making sure that I had my phone, the apartment's keys and some cash with me, I walked out of the house. I applied a little more pressure when slamming the door. Perrie might think that I was having some attitude problem but I really hoped that Zain knew that I was angry, upset and disappointed.

I still had about two hours before my shift started so I walked around, looking like lost soul to kill time before I could report to September.

* * *

I was supposed to be done with work 3 hours ago, at 4 but I wanted to stay later. I wouldn't have anything else to do even if I ended early. So I might as well stay put and earned more money since September was gonna pay me by per hour.

Nick had arrived a few hours ago and even though we had two more other staffs, I decided to help out by staying. I was stationed at the counter at the moment when a guy entered. He was looking rather suspicious with a snapback topped with a beanie and a big pair of shades.

"Hi, how may I help you?" I repeated the line for the umpteenth time for that day.

"I'd like to have... eh Savannah?" The guy suddenly said my name, making me frown in confusion because I didn't really know anyone in London plus, September hadn't gotten my name tag ready. Probably seeing my confusion, the guy pulled down his shades and I instantly realized him through his green eyes.

"Harry," I exclaimed but not loud enough to attract everyone's in the cafe attention. Harry placed his shades back in place and put a finger on his lips.

"You're working here?" He asked. I nodded. "Cool, what time do you finish?"

"Actually, I'm almost done," I told him, not really lying either. September told me that I could stay working for as long as I wanted as long as I didn't exceed 8 hours of working per day. It was about 15 minutes until 6.

"Great. Then I can wait for you? But first I'd like to order," Harry said, grinning.

"Sure. What would you like?" I asked in a customer service tone, playfully.

"I'd like two red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing, two chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese icing again and two vanilla cupcakes with, any choice of your buttercream," Harry ordered. I looked at him when he said his last order.

"My choice?"

"Yes," he answered firmly. I nodded and calculated his bill. "Since you're almost done, can you send the cupcakes to me? I'll be in my car, just outside," Harry said, pointing to the Range Rover that was parked directly outside the bakery.

"Sure," I told him and returned his cash change.

I was taught about the techniques of piping icing and buttercream on cakes and cupcake when I worked in the cafe back in Austria so of course this time, I didn't have much of a problem doing Harry's order. Harry's vanilla cupcake was topped with blueberry buttercream.

Once I was done, I waved goodbye to Nick and the other staffs except September because she was nowhere to be found.

I was approaching Harry's car but I couldn't see him inside because the windows were all tinted black. Just when I was about to knock on the glass window, the door was opened from inside. I peeked in.

"Hop in, Savannah," Harry called. I did as told but opened the door just a little as to not let other people see Harry was in the car.

"Your cupcakes," I told him as I handed him the paper bag.

He thanked me. "Can I make a guess?"

"On what?"

"On what buttercream you picked for my vanilla cupcakes," Harry continued.

"Well... you can go ahead," I said, not really bothered about whether he got it right or not.

"If I guess correctly, you owe me a baking lesson," Harry decided. I frowned again but I just quickly make a deal with it. I realized Harry was the only member of One Direction who didn't mind being friends with me and I really would like to treasure our friendship like I would to mine and Nick's friendship.


"How did you guess it?" I asked, surprised that he got the correct answer without even trying hard.

"I don't know. Just a random guess plus I tasted your blueberry muffin the other day and damn it was so good," Harry complimented. "So now, you owe me a baking lesson and I want you to teach me how to make those awesome blueberry muffins."

"Fair enough. We'll just have to find a day when we're both free," I told him and he agreed immediately. Harry was so eager to learn on how to bake the muffins and it kinda reminded me of Sam, my brother. He's a guy and I must say he's quite a man now but when it comes to baking, he'd turned into a softie.

Harry and I had small talk as he decided to send me home even though the apartment wasn't even far. Harry said the Bakery Story that I was working at was his favourite place.

I invited Harry up to the apartment and I didn't think Zain would mind either. Harry decided, we could eat the cupcakes together and I found it cute when he said that; I didn't know why.

I unlocked the door and walked in with Harry tagging behind me. "I'm gonna get plates," I said over my shoulder to Harry and then I bumped into something hard.

"Hey Zaynie," I heard Harry said and looked up to find that I had banged onto Zain's chest.

"Where were you?" Zain asked and I rolled my eyes. Huh, my first attitude towards him, I thought.

"Nowhere," I answered nonchalantly.

"You were with her?" I heard Zain asked and confirmed that the question wasn't for me.

"No, I just met her at the..." I turned around and widened my eyes slightly for Harry to know that I didn't want Zain to know where he found me.

Harry scratched the back of his neck and then muttered, "I'll leave you two alone to talk."

And here came the opportunity for Zain and me to have a proper talk, hopefully without any interruption.

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