Ten : Please let me...

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Before Harry left, he placed a box of the two cupcakes on the 'Welcome' doormat. It was probably for me alone or for both me and Zain. I was about to go and grab them when Zain yanked me to him. I didn't know he could be this harsh but now he was. And the way he looked at me, was terrifying because he was looking so angry.

"Were you with him all the time? He left the studio early and he came in late too," Zain yelled almost in my face.

"I was going sightseeing on my own," I said, raising my voice slightly.

"So how did you got home with him. And that thing over there? Cupcakes or whatever... where were you guys?" Zain screamed again.

I just looked at him, dumbfounded. He was getting all angry and, I hope jealous, over Harry sending me back home when he at the same time also acted all lovey with Perrie right in front of me. How fair was that?

But then I realized another thing. Since I hadn't been in a relationship before, I didn't know exactly how to fight; how to tell him that I was unhappy with him. He wasn't honest with me...

"Answer me!" Zain yelled again and gripped onto my shoulder. He was getting a little more than harsh now and I didn't like it. "Savannah, answer me," Zain said again but this time didn't yell as loud as he did before.

"Zayn, what are you doing? You're scaring the poor girl," I was suddenly pulled away from Zain's gripped and into another pair of arms.

"You were supposed to leave," Zain said and his voice was firm.

"Yes. But with your voice booming so loudly to the lobby, I couldn't just leave knowing that you're screaming to Savannah," Harry replied in a rather soothing tone. Zain was really loud and I was glad Harry came back because I was starting to get scared of this side of Zain.

"Come on Savannah, follow me," Harry said and pulled me towards the door.

"Hey, where are you bringing her?" I heard Zain asked, suddenly getting on his protective mode again.

"You stay and relax. I will send her back once you're not mad like this anymore. Just give me a call," Harry told him and then I left with him. I followed in silence and Harry brought me back into his car - opening and closing the door for me.

I watched Harry turned around the car and got into the driver's seat but he didn't do anything. He just sat there and kept quiet. From the corner of my eyes, Harry was just looking front. Maybe he was giving me my space.

I looked down on my lap and reflected on everything that has happened not more than 5 minutes ago. Why was Zain like that? My Zain wasn't supposed to be like that. He never was like that. But then, I actually never know if he was like that. All I knew was Zain wasn't like that or very vulgar either when we chatted. I had just seen another side of Zain and I sure didn't like it.

Slowly, I felt my eyes blurring and then the crystals dropped, one at a time before I realized I was crying so heavily. Harry let me cry. He didn't interrupt me nor asks me to quieten down or be calm or whatever. He just let me.

"Can you send me home?" I asked, after a while even though I knew it was a ridiculous question to ask.

"You wanna get back up now?" Harry asked to confirm.

I shook my head. "I want to go back to Austria, my place. It's an almost 17 hour drive from here. I'll pay you. I just need to work for at least this whole week," I told Harry, desperately because I desperately wanted to go home. I didn't want to be here anymore. It was all a mistake.

"I cannot do that, Savannah," Harry said. And I looked down to my lap again, sadly.

"Then can you please find someone who can? Anyone? I'll pay up."

"No that's not what I meant. I mean, it's not up to me. Zayn is your boyfriend, isn't he? Maybe you could ask help from him? I don't want Zayn and me to argue or even raising voice at each other because of this matter," Harry explained.

Of course. Who was I kidding? Of course Harry wouldn't want to help me. I didn't have anyone around here. Everyone was Zain's friend and I didn't have the chance to be theirs. Maybe I could ask help from Nick or September. I could ask them tomorrow. But I’ve only known them for a few days…

One thing I sure had to remind myself was not to set my hopes too high.

"It's okay," I said to Harry, "I'll just go up now. Thank you for letting me sit in here. Goodnight."

I got out of the car and then waved to the window slightly because I was sure Harry could see me even though I couldn't see him because of his tinted windows.

I dragged my feet slowly to the lobby and then up to Zain's apartment. I didn't knock. I just opened the door quietly and I saw Zain in the living room, on one of the couches. His fingers were in his hair like he was gripping them.

I walked in and closed the door softly but I guess it wasn't soft enough because Zain, I believed, heard me and looked up. He got up from the couch and then in a split second, I was in his arms.

"I'm so sorry about earlier," I heard Zain muttered into my hair and right there and then, I started tearing up again. "I wasn't thinking. I was jealous and I was worried too."

He pulled away and then lifted up my chin but I kept my eyes down. "Please don't cry. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," Zain apologized again and wiped my tears away.

"It's okay," I found myself saying and then finally looked up to him. "I just want to rest right now. I'm tired."

Zain sighed but he didn't let me go. Instead, he pressed a long kiss on my forehead which caused only more tears to flow. Zain was giving me mixed signals and because I loved him so much, I just had to forgive what he did wrong.

"Has the bed in the guest room arrived?" I asked when Zain pulled away.

The looked on Zain's face told me that he wasn't expecting me to question him on the bed. But I wasn't going to sleep on his bed anymore especially after what Perrie had said. And use their bathroom.

"I didn't order any bed. I lied to Perrie. We can share my bed," Zain said. And pretend that whatever Perrie had told me didn't happen? Perhaps not. But of course, I only said that to my inner self.

"It's okay," I said again, "I'd like to sleep on the couch. Maybe I could borrow a blanket and pillow?"

"Baby don't be like this..."

"It's okay," I cut him off and said that again for the third time. "I still can manage." Moving past Zain, I went into his room and collected my bag and clothes. I got back out and placed them on one of the couches.

"What are you doing?" I heard Zain ask but I didn't answer him. I took a few clothes that I should wear to sleep and disappeared into the kitchen's bathroom. I changed then slipped out. "Savannah, talk to me," Zain pestered. There was nothing to talk about. Actually there was....just that I wasn't the one who supposed to do the talking.

I remained quiet and then took a pile of clothes to act as a pillow on Zain's carpeted floor. Luckily it was carpeted or I would be freezing to death for the night.

"Savannah, at least sleep on the couch. The floor would be too uncomfortable for you," Zain voiced out again.

"Sleep on the couch where you and your supposedly fake girlfriend had been all lovey last night? Huh?!" I screamed to Zain. I didn't know what I had found the courage to actually scream to him but I guess I didn’t look very strong because I was tearing at the same time. I didn't want to scream but Zain was pushing my limits.

Zain went silent and so did I. But I didn't wait long enough to turn and lay down on the floor. I used one of my clothes that were supposed to be my 'pillow' to cover my wet face. I hated fights and now I was involved in one. Even though it was just a verbal fight, it made my heart ache because I was fighting with someone I loved.

Soon enough, I found myself shaking tremendously while crying. I heard Zain's footsteps moved away and it just made me feel even more worthless. Zain didn't even bother to stay and wiped my tears. He just moved...

But he came back soon enough as I heard his footsteps. The next thing I felt was my head being lifted up and onto a cushion softness which I assumed a pillow. Then a blanket covered me from my toes all the way until below my chin. Lastly, I felt an arm encircled my waist and my back was flushed against something solid.

I knew it was Zain and I so badly wanted to enjoy the feeling of being in the arms of my boyfriend but I just couldn't. Because I knew without me, Zain would still get comfortable with Perrie. Because I had no slightest clue why Zain was doing this; because I was his girlfriend or because Perrie wasn't around.

I tried to wiggle out of Zain's arm but he only tightened them. "Please Savannah. I'd like to hold you to sleep. I'm really sorry. Please let me make it up to everything."

I let his words sink in before slowly turned around in his arms until I was facing him. I didn't care I look like hot mess because I was crying and I had a running nose because of it. I just had to tell Zain or I would be just hurting myself.

"Zain," I called him softly.

"Yes baby," he replied and it just made my tears ran down faster. His hand left my waist and his fingers wiped the tears on my cheek even though it was a no use because they kept flowing.

"I want to go back to Austria and I want to end this relationship. It's not working Zain," I told him and in between my heavy sobs and crying, I hoped Zain heard and understood me.

"No no no Savannah. It's working. We've worked on this for the past four years. I'm really sorry. Please, let me make it up to you."

"No Zain..." but he cut me off.

"No Savannah. We can still work things out. I know I'm a jerk. I'm really sorry. Please don't leave me and please let me make it up to you?" Zain said and he sounded and looked like he was begging.

"Please..." he said again, this time softer into my ear.

Maybe he really deserved to make it up to me? Maybe there was a reason behind all of it?

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