Eleven : I'm not supposed to be here...

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I didn't know what time was it when I woke up but I saw my phone nearby and reached for it. It was eight-thirty in the morning and I had work at ten.

Zain was still asleep and one of his hands was around my waist. I didn't want to wake him up as I as enjoying our position way too much. Last night, we just lay in silence and then I eventually fell asleep.

I placed my phone aside even though it was beeping for me to have it charged, and then leaned my back closer to Zain's chest and pretended to be asleep, which I eventually fell asleep again for a few more minutes.

I only woke up when I felt Zain untangled himself from the sheets and removed his hand from around me. I didn't get up. I still pretended to be asleep. I checked the time when Zain got into the room. It was only nine and Zain didn't have work until twelve. I wondered why he woke up so early because I knew he was a heavy-sleeper.

But after a while, I was glad Zain woke up. I quickly picked a fresh pair of clothes and took my quickest shower in the bathroom that was in the kitchen. It didn't take me more than 5 minutes and once done, I put my phone on a charger and then leave the house without informing.

* * *

At 4 when my shift ended, I decided not to linger around any longer. I decided I was still here in London; I should make the best of it. I wanted to know what Zain was gonna tell me. I was pretty sure he had his reasons and I wanted to hear him out. I was sure he would tell me tonight.

"Hey Nick, I'm going home," I told him as I took off my apron and hung it at the back of the door. I needn't worry about getting it mixed up because all of the staffs have their names on the apron. Also, I didn't have a proper uniform yet which was a normal pink t-shirt. They just allow me to wear the apron with any random t-shirt.

"Bye, Savannah," he said, waving a hand. I waved back and then walked back home slowly. Zain wouldn't be home until six to eight.

I reached the apartment in no time and walked right in. Of course it was empty. The exact same spot of me and Zain sleeping wasn't cleaned up yet. Zain was lazy, I thought. I did the cleaning and then had an apple that was in Zain's fridge.

Once I was done, I wanted to have a long shower but decided against it because I was still hungry after the apple. I didn't have anything since morning except a vanilla cupcake during lunch.

I took out a few ingredients that could make me a simple and quick Mac & Cheese. I made the roux sauce first with a huge amount of cheese before pouring my pasta in. I was done with it in within 8 minutes and dug in immediately.

It was delicious, I complimented myself. I was at my last scoop when I heard keys jingling on the outside and the next second, the door was opened revealing Zain with a few paper bags in hands.

"Savannah," Zain exclaimed immediately once he saw me and quickly shut the door with his leg and practically ran to me to give me a big hug. It made me smile, a little too wide.

"Well, hello," I choked because Zain was choking me with the hug.

"Hello," he said back as he pulled away and took me by surprise by kissing me directly on the lips for a few seconds.

"That was weird," I stated, "Like you haven't seen me in months."

"I woke up this morning and you were there and then I got out of the shower and you weren't. I went panic and I saw your phone on charged when it previously wasn't, so I didn't want to assume that you're being kidnapped or something. But I was still worried," Zain blabbered.

"I went for a morning walk and went home right after," I told him, lying. I wasn't going to tell him that I was working.

"But I left at about noon and you're not home yet," Zain said.

"I reached home at about 1. Just taking a longer walk and let myself perspire a bit."

"I called home to check if you're back but no one answered."

"I was probably in the bathroom," I kept on lying. "Why are you back so early, anyway?" I asked, changing the topic.

"That's the thing. I called and I thought you're not home. So I left work early to check on you," he explained and then leaned forward to give me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled at him.

"And these bags?" I asked.

"I bought you some clothes!" Zain told me excitedly and then went to take a seat opposite me. "I thought I wanted to bring you out tonight and not that you don't have good clothes, but I just thought of buying these anyway."

"Can I see?"

"Of course." There were about four bags and Zain passed all of them to me.

I took out the first one and smiled at the cute flower print bralet and black high-waisted jeans. "Thank you," I said. I totally admired the outfit except that I would probably put on a cardigan or jacket over the bralet.

And as though Zain heard what I was thinking, he said, "You can pair the top with blazer or something."

"Sure, I will," I said and smiled as I placed them back into the bags. I moved on to the second one. It was a black babydoll dress with a white collar and it looked super cute; like a school-girl.

"I love this one," I told him, smiling.

"I thought so too," he said.

"Thank you."

"Shut up. Stop thanking me and move on to the third one," Zain said but not in a harsh manner.

I did as told and opened up the third bag. It consisted of a long skirt in an ombre blue; the colour gets darker as it goes down and a pink blouse. The outfit was colour-blocked but the combination actually looks good.

I didn't give much of a comment for third outfit, not because I didn't like them. But just to save time. I didn't even keep it back and moved on to the forth one.

The forth one was just a plain black knee-length dress with no sleeve and black blazer. It was the simplest but I must say that it was the cutest.

"So...which one do you like the most?" Zain inquired.

"I like all of them," I told him.

"So would you wear any of them for our second date tonight?" Zain asked, looking at me hopeful. I knew by now that Zain meant every single words of him that he was gonna make it up to me. I wasn't expecting him to buy me things but going for another date tonight would means that we were gonna talk deeper into the things that was going on and of course, our feelings.

"You planned a date?"

"I already called to book the place but if you don't want to go, that's fine," Zain said, sounding like he was giving up as he let out a small sigh at the end of his sentence.

"I'd love to go," I said, wanting to bring his mood back.

"Really?" Zain asked excitedly and I was glad that I managed to bring his mood back.

"But I think I'd like to wear the first outfit which is the bralet and high-waisted jean as well as the blazer from the fourth outfit," I told him.

"You'll look beautiful anyway. So, shall we get ready?"

"Yeah. You go get a shower first while I clean my plate up," I told him, gesturing to the dirty plate right in front of me.

"Oh, come let me do it and you can start dressing up," Zain said and then reached up for the dirty plate. I didn't argue but grab my towels and then went into the bathroom that was within the kitchen.

I didn't take too long and quickly took my shower and then left the bathroom. Zain was no longer in the kitchen, which I was glad for because I was just in a piece of towel. I took the bags of outfits and went into the guest room. Luckily for me, Zain had a dressing table in there.

When I had dressed myself -without the blazer yet-, I realized that I didn't bring my bag in along to do something to my face. I went back out and collided with Zain who was about to enter.

"I thought you were still in the shower but you weren't there. You didn't come to my room so I assume you're here," Zain explained without having me to ask.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna grab my bag and do my face a bit and I'm ready," I told him, shoving the rooms topic aside. I didn't want him to bring it up for I was afraid that if I told him the reason, it would ruin our date night. Plus, it wasn't just his room.

"Are you all ready?" I asked, changing the topic and examined his clothes; a pair of jeans with checkered shirt and a black leather jacket over.

"Yeah, I just need to do my hair a bit and I'm done," he informed.

I chuckled at his obsession with his own hair. Standing on my tiptoe, I ruffled his hair playfully and said, "There it's all good now."

"I'll check it in the mirror and let you know," he said nonchalantly and then moved back into his room while I took my bag that was in the living room and brought it into the guest room.

I proceeded to powder my face a little and then sprayed a sufficient amount of perfume after doing my hair which I decided to be let down.

"You look good enough already baby, just like I do," Zain startled me when he came into the room and stood behind me.

I examined myself one more time in the mirror and then Zain through the mirror reflection. His hair was in the same position as I had ruffled. I turned around and touched his hair which was now quite stiff.

"Did you spray your hair?" I asked.

"Yeah. You're right, it looks good. I just sprayed it so that it will stay all night," he informed. I really wasn't expecting him to carry on with the messy hairstyle even though now that I was staring at him, it did look good on him. I honestly had nothing against him and his hair and hair products.

"Are you ready? You smell so good," Zain said and inhaled the hair before leaning forward to give me a kiss on the corner of my lips.

"Thank you. Yes, I'm ready. I just need the blazer," I told him and Zain moved first to grab the blazer that was still in the paper bag. He went behind me and helped my hands into the holes of the blazer. I thanked him.

"My pleasure," he said and then took my hand, kissed my knuckled and led me out.

I grabbed my phone and placed it into my back pocket of the jeans and put on my shoes which were the same covered up grey shoes.

"Crap," Zain cursed, "I forgot to get you shoes."

"It's okay. This is good. See, it goes all well," I told him, reassuring him. I didn't want him to feel that he needed to.

Zain nodded and I heard him sigh. "Ready?"

I nodded and Zain once again took my hand and towards the door. He opened the door and there stood someone who made Zain removed his hand from mine immediately and turned pale.

"Hey, I was about to knock," she said, smiling at the both of us.

"I thought you were supposed to be in Europe?" Zain asked. I could see water droplets forming on the side of his forehead.

"Yes, our flight was supposed to be last night and it got delayed to this morning and then delayed to the evening. And guess what? Airport said they wouldn't have any flights to Europe until about next week. That is so ridiculous," Perrie complained.

"So what about your show?"

"We'll have a private jet ready for us tomorrow night. So I decided I wanna spend the time until tomorrow night with you. I came straight from the airport. Are you two going somewhere?" Perrie asked.

Zain looked at me and I saw him gulped an amount of saliva. I looked at Perrie who was starting to look at the both of us curiously.

Seeing that Zain wouldn't even open his mouth to answer, I did and I had no idea why I was saving him. "I'm going somewhere. Zain is going to send me but if you'd like to spend the time with him, I can go by myself."

"So Zayn is going to just drop you off somewhere right?"

"Yes. Just at some bustop," I told her.

"Then there wouldn't be any problem. I can tag along," Perrie decided.

* * *

I didn't know where Zain was going to drop me off but I prayed it wouldn't be too far away that I didn't know how to get back to his apartment. I was seated in the back seat of his car while Perrie was in the passenger seat, babbling about things to Zain. I didn't know if he was listening but he did nod and gave his comments once in a while.

"By the way, where are you going Savannah?" Perrie asked, turning to me.

"A date," I answered, not lying at all.

"Wooooh, with whom?" Perrie gushed.

"Some guys," I said in my can't-be-bothered tone. I was angry, if you couldn't tell - I just wasn't sure who I was angry at. Perrie came and ruin my supposedly to be fun date and Zain didn't even once speak up for me.

"Oh. I hope it all goes well. You dressed up well but you should have put on some make-up on or something because your face is looking so pale - you don't even have any lip colour on," Perrie commented in a rather insulting way and of course I felt insulted.

I was about to say that I am not like her who had tons of make-up on her face and her damn fake eyelashes on when Zain announced that we were here.

"It's the stop you wanted me to drop you off right?" Zain inquired as he looked at me through the mirror.

I eyed him. He must be kidding to drop me off here. The place was so quiet and most shops were close except for an open pub,

"Yes, thanks," I said through gritted teeth when I realized that Zain wasn't going to take back his words. I got out of the car and slammed the door shut before walking towards the other end of the bustop. I heard the engine started and turned around to see Zain's car moved.

He really meant it when he left me there.

That was when I realized my mistake. I trusted Zain too much. I wasn't supposed to be here, at this damn bustop and it wouldn't happen if Zain had spoken up for me when Perrie arrived.

Heck, I wasn't even supposed to be here in London. I should be back in Austria, at this timing probably helping my mom washing the dishes after having dinner together. But I trusted Zain too much because apparently he was my boyfriend and that was how I was stuck here.

I sat on the bench and closed my eyes, hoping that it was all not real; that I was just dreaming or something. I hoped that there was gonna be some miracle.

And then my miracle came. "Savannah?"

I looked up and even though I just knew him, I told myself that I could lean on him even if not much.



I’m so sorry I haven’t update in forever…but here’s a longer chapter and thanks to everyone who’re reading this story up to his chapter J Guess, who was Savannah’s ‘miracle’?

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