Twelve : Glad with Harry.

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I looked into the car through the open window and saw Harry in it, dressed nicely. "What are you doing here all alone?" Harry asked, still seated in the car.

"I..." I didn't know what I was gonna say. Maybe I should tell him that Zain dumped me here. "I wanted some air," I told him.

"Seriously?" Harry said and chuckled.

"Yeah. I'm gonna head home soon anyway," I informed and then about to make my way.

"Hey Savannah, come on hop in."

"I wanted some air didn't I?" I was torn in getting into the car or staying put at the bus stop. Maybe Zain would come back and fetch me.

"Yes but my car has air-con plus, this place is dangerous. What if anything happens to you?"

Harry was right. The only open place there was a pub and I didn't want any strangers encounter ever. Before I realized it, Harry was already in front of me and pulling me to his car.

"I don't bite Savannah," Harry said, probably reading from my doubtful expression. I rolled my eyes playfully and then get into the car. Harry got into the other side shortly after and then started moving the car to god knows where.

"So are you going to tell me the reason why you're there at the bustop?" Harry asked me after we were in silence for a period of time.

"I wanted air," I repeated.

"Maybe Zayn have told you this before but you're not good at lying," Harry said.

"Zain was supposed to bring me out but Perrie came and he dropped me there,” I finally said as I swallowed the lump in my throat. I turned my face to the side so that I was facing the window and Harry wouldn't see me when I let my crystals drop; I couldn't control it anymore.

How foolish was I to think that Zain would come back to fetch me after he had dumped me at the bus-stop? Why was I even saving his ass from Perrie? Thinking back, I was the one who suggested for him to drop me somewhere. But I wasn't expecting him to do so.

That is my boyfriend, ladies and gentleman - A boyfriend who was willing to dump me aside so that he wouldn't get caught by his fake girlfriend. A boyfriend who didn't once speak up for me. A boyfriend whom I couldn't regard as one.

"Do you want to bake? You still haven't taught me the blueberry cupcake recipe," Harry said out of a sudden. I quickly wiped the little tears and then turned my attention to him.

"Bake now?"

"Yeah. I have nothing to do right now so we can go back to my place and bake," Harry suggested.

I thought for a while. I didn't have anywhere to go and if I were to head back to Zain's apartment, Perrie might think that I didn't have any date at all and I didn't want to deal with her at all.

"Let's go bake then," I agreed and Harry pressed harder on the accelerator.

* * *

I was surprised at the amount of baking supplies Harry had in his kitchen. His kitchen looked almost exactly like a baking shop. He had different kinds of cake pans and tins; different kind of flour and sugar, cupcakes liners as well as other varieties of flavouring and colouring.

"This is insane!" I told him loudly. "I don't even have this much of a supply back in my hometown."

"Can't you tell? I just love baking. I just couldn't find the time to bake. So what do we need?"

I listed out the ingredients to make the cupcakes and Harry didn't even have any trouble to get the ingredients out. It was like he had memorized their storage place by heart.

"Do you want to change or something before we get started?" Harry asked. He already changed into a pair of long shorts and a tank-top while I was still in my 'date' outfit.

"Do you have anything that I could wear?" I asked shyly. Harry excused himself and went to search in his room. He came back later with a dark green loose t-shirt.

"This is my smallest shirt I guess and I couldn't find any bottom for you."

It works though. I changed my blazer and bralet into Harry's shirt and let the high-waist remain on me then wasted no time into teaching Harry.

For someone like Harry whom people always called a heartthrob, I must say that Harry did a pretty impressive job in listening to my instructions and he learned everything else well and fast.

"And lastly..."

"I know, we put in the blueberries," Harry finished up for me and then poured in the whole box of blueberries -not that I minded-.

We took turns pouring a scoop into the cupcake liners before placing it in the oven. Letting the cupcakes bake, we went into the living room to have some rest.

"It is so fun baking with you and the recipe is super simple," Harry voiced out.

"Yeah. My mom taught me," I told him smiling, suddenly remembered of my mom who was back there in Vienna. I've missed her.

"My mom taught me a lot of recipes too but I can't really remember them due to work and all. I'm always busy," Harry said, "The only one I remember is the carrot cake because Louis loves them especially if I baked them and a simple chocolate mug cake."

"I love mug cakes. I tried once but I couldn't make them at my home because we didn't have microwaves."

"We can bake them later or tomorrow. I'd be willing to return you the favour of teaching me," Harry said and then offered me a smile. His dimples were so cute.

"Anyway," Harry continued, "What time do you have to be back home? I can send you and pack some of the cupcakes for you to eat."

I sighed and then quietly answered, "I don't know." Perrie was gonna spend the night and I didn't want to see her. I didn't want to face both of them together. I couldn't bear looking at my boyfriend with another girl. It was hurting me.


"Perrie will be home," I answered. There was a minute of silence before Harry spoke again.

"I didn't mean for this to be harsh but how are you Zayn's girlfriend when we all know that he is dating Perrie?"

His question broke my heart a little more. I thought Zain had told them how we met. I didn't need him to go goo-goo-gaa-gaa over our relationship. I just needed him to explain to his friends so that they wouldn't dislike me too much.

"I met him online. We've been in a long distance relationship for 4 years now. He told me that he was dating Perrie because it was the management's say. But from what I see with the two of them, it's a no fake relationship. He lied."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I told him. "Zain is not even sorry about it. He was supposed to take me out tonight. But Perrie decided to showed up at the doorstep when we were about to leave. Zain didn't even say anything. He just kept quiet and I had to be the one to come up with something. I told Perrie that I was gonna have a date and Zain was just dropping me somewhere. Zain really did left me at the bus stop and left without another word."

"And are you going to still stay with him?" Harry questioned, cautiously.

I was surprised with his question - not because he had questioned me like that but because of the question itself. Was I going to still stay with him? For how long? I had been saving his arse from letting the cat out of the bag. I shouldn't be the one doing this. Maybe I should just break down some day and then scream to Perrie that I am Zain's girlfriend and she should back off.

But I didn't want to be cruel. Perrie and I are both grown-up girls and we were both being played by the same guy. Zain was also considered lying to Perrie. Perrie didn't know anything about us at all except that I was supposedly his cousin. It would break Perrie's heart like Zain was breaking mine.

And I really think that one broken heart is enough.

"You can forget about my question," Harry said shortly after. He looked guilty probably from the sensitive question that he had fired at me.

I nodded, not wanting to extend anything and then got up to go to the kitchen because the aroma of the cupcakes was calling me. And right the moment I stepped into the kitchen, the oven ticked; the cupcakes were ready.

"The oven gloves are in the second drawer," Harry startled me but I managed to cover it up and went to the drawer to take the gloves. "I'll get it," Harry said again, taking the gloves from me. He took out the cupcakes and placed it on the stove.

"This smells heaven," Harry remarked dramatically and then sniffed the air.

"It is. Just look at the amount of blueberries you put in," I mocked playfully.

"I'm gonna taste it," Harry said and proceed on picking one of the cupcakes before I had the chance to stop him. The moment he took one, he dropped it on the counter because it was too hot.

"What do you expect Harry Styles? It's hot from the oven," I laughed.

"Don't laugh," Harry chided and then putting the oven gloves again, he brought the whole tray with the cupcakes still intact into the living room where there was a standing fan for the cupcakes to cool down.

"Harry, be patient. Let it cool for half an hour or so and then it can be consume or you might as well just burn your mouth with a lighter," I joked.

"But I'm so hungry," Harry whined.

"And you're intending to finish up the cupcakes to full yourself?" I asked, folding my arms. Harry nodded at me, jutting his bottom lip out and showing me his puppy eyes. "Suit yourself, Harry," I said and joined him on the couch.

* * *

We finished the cupcakes in 45 minutes while watching some animal documentary. Harry took most of them while I had three pieces.

I knew it was getting late and when I checked my phone, it was 10 minutes to 11. I didn't want to go home but I didn't want to burden Harry by staying. I was sure he wanted his rest.

So making the first move, I told him I wanted to leave, "I think it's time for me to make my way home."

"Alright, I'll get my car keys," Harry said, already wanting to leave a small bite of his cupcake down.

"No, it's okay. I can go by myself," I said to him.

He looked at me for a moment, stunned, and then started laughing. "My apartment is so far away from Zayn's and it's already so late. I'll send you and just let me go quickly get my keys."

I didn't get the chance to say another word because Harry disappeared into his room and then back to right in front of me. He led me out of his apartment and then to his car.

"Uhm, can we drop at a... shop? I'd like to get something," I said when the car started moving.

"What do you need? Most shops should be close by now," Harry informed.

"Hmmm, groceries store? 24 hours shop?" I inquired.

"Well, there's one down the streets," Harry said and then sped up a little because there wasn't many vehicle around though I really wished he hadn't because we reached a 24-hour mart in no time.

I got out and bought a chocolate bun - because it was the only thing that I could afford and then got back into Harry's car.

"Can you stop me at a payphone or something? I need to make a call," I told him, again when he started the car.

"You can use my phone," he offered.

"No, I'd like to make a personal call."

Harry didn't answer me but instead stopped the car in the middle of the road. "Where exactly do you want to go Savannah? I've told you that you're not good at lying."

"I just don't want to go back home," I cried.


"I don't want to face Perrie or Zain or both of them together. I cannot," I let out.

"Then where do you intend to go when you said it was time for you to leave my house?"


"Bullshit Savannah. Let's go back to my place and I'll give Zayn a call that you're staying at mine so he wouldn't worry much," Harry finalized.

I didn't respond to that as I was struggling to swallow the lump in my throat. I was such a burden for everyone here. But out of other people I knew here, I was glad I was with Harry.

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