Fifteen : Love air balloon.

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I angrily changed my clothes that I had picked out earlier. In my head, I was cursing Zain...

'Zain is stupid...

Zain is ugly...

Zain looks like a horse...

Zain eats like a crocodile...'

But I stopped when I heard another knock on my door. Hopefully it wasn't Zain again or I might just lose my temper right there and then.

With extra force, I opened the door and was surprised to find Perrie outside, smiling at me. "Can I come in?" She asked, still smiling.

"Er yeah. Sure," I answered hesitantly. My heart was beating fast and I realized I was nervous - nervous if Perrie were to ask me about Zain. Maybe she knew about our relationship, already?

Perrie smiled as she entered and then took a seat on the bed that she apparently ordered for me.

"I'm quite done actually," I told her.

"That's when you need me," she said jokingly. She took out a small pouch from her purse that she brought along. The pouch was transparent and I could easily guess what the items were inside.

Make-up products.

"Err Perrie, I don't usually wear those," I said.

"It's okay. I'm just gonna apply base and lipstick for you. Louis' and Liam's girlfriend would be joining us too and you gotta make Harry proud - for bringing such a beautiful girl with him because honestly, all the girls or I may say flings that Harry brought around before looks like mosquito."

I wasn't allowed to say anymore when Perrie started applying some cream colour liquid on my face which I believed to be the foundation. After that, she applied a light pink lipstick on my lips.

It didn't make much of a difference when I looked at myself in the mirror. Except that, my face looked a little close to flawless due to the foundation and the pink lipstick sure adds a little colour to my face. I honestly didn't like make-up too much and I was glad Perrie did just the basics.

I suddenly felt bad for ever hating on Perrie internally when she had never done anything bad to me. She was always so nice to me. Even if Perrie was Zain's girlfriend, Perrie wasn't at fault. Zain was! I wasn't the only one being cheated; Perrie was too.

"Alright, let's go," Perrie announced, tugging on my hand just on time for someone to barge into the room. It was Zain and he was wearing a panic look on his face.

"Ah, I err, was just about to call you girls out," he said.

"We're done," Perrie replied, grinning as she looked at me. I gave her an awkward smile.

"Alright, then let's go," Zain said, after several times exchanging looks between Perrie and myself.

"Yeah." Perrie removed her hand from my arm and walked forward, linking her arm with Zain's. They walked ahead while I stroll slowly at the back to the living room. When we reached there, I realized only Harry was there on the couch, playing with his phone.

"Where's the rest?" I heard Zain asked.

"Liam and Louis went to fetch Danielle and Eleanor. Niall tagged along. So we should go in your car because they will be waiting for us there at the entrance," Harry explained.

* * *

I didn't know which carnival that the boys were talking about because I had been in the car for too long and we still hadn't reach yet. At least to me, it had been too long.

Since Zain was driving, Perrie decided to sit at the passenger seat - next to Zain. Harry and I took the back seat. I totally didn't mind with Perrie sitting next to Zain but Perrie was acting a little extra whiny that night. She kept leaning towards Zain and kissing his cheek. And I was obviously upset about it, but I couldn't do anything.

"You okay?" Harry whispered to me. He had his concerned look on his face. At that point of time, I was really glad that Harry understood me. The boys knew about me and Zain and only Harry seemed to be the only one whom was sensitive about my feelings.

I nodded slightly and gave him a small smile. In return, Harry squeezed my hand in his as a reassuring sign. I didn't protest nor argue. I let my hand be in his all the way until we reached the carnival.

It was a no wonder why it was a long drive. The carnival was in a secluded area and it seemed only for people who are loaded. Everything there was so expensive and the entrance fee was £15 per person. I noticed there weren’t many people there except for a family or two.

"Where's Niall?" Harry asked when we met Louis, Liam and their girlfriend.

"He's already got in to get some candy floss," Liam answered and then looked at me. "Ah by the way, this is my girlfriend - Danielle."

I held out a hand which Danielle took gladly. She gave me a smile and introduced herself again. "Savannah," I told her my name and just my name. I knew I couldn't tell her that I was Zain's girlfriend so I just kept quiet. At the same time, I too felt jealous of Danielle. Liam proudly introduced her as his girlfriend while Zain... he did not.

"My name is Eleanor," another girl -Louis' girlfriend- said next. She had a grin on her face and held out a hand for me to shake. From the grin on her face, I could easily tell that she was a very bright and cheery person. Shaking her hand, I said my name again.

"Okay let's not waste any more time. I wanna get in," Louis voiced out. He grabbed Eleanor by the arm and led all of us to the entrance. Louis already bought tickets for all of us and gave them to the woman in charge at the entrance.

"I'm sorry sir, but there are only 7 tickets here and there are 8 of you," the woman said politely after counting the tickets.

"Really? Oh crap, I forgot about Savannah. I thought she wasn't coming - sorry about that," Louis said but his words were definitely sharp. He didn't think I was coming was wrong because he sure didn't want me to come.

I looked at Zain, hoping that he would say something. My presence sure wasn't needed there and the only thing I wanted to happen right there was Zain, taking me back home.

"It's okay. Come Savannah, I'll buy you a ticket."

I wished Zain had said that but no. It was Harry. Harry pulled me to the booth and bought a ticket for me. I didn't say anything - I just kept quiet.

The rest of the night goes unpleasantly. Other than having to feel that I wasn't wanted in the group, I also had to see my boyfriend hanging out with his girlfriend. I felt my heart broke a little every time I saw Zain smiled and laughed at something Perrie said. I wished, I was the one who had made him smile and laugh; not Perrie.

"Do you want anything?" Harry asked me after he had got down from the roller boat machine. I shook my head. Everyone had at least tried one ride and the only ride I wanted was the ride back home. "Come on Savannah, anything?"

"I'm good," I answered him and followed the group to their next game.

 "I wanna get up the love air balloon!" Perrie suddenly shrieked. I looked up to where she was pointing and was mesmerized with the twist of hot air balloon that they have. Instead of the usual hot air balloon, this love air balloon had a shape of a heart and everything else was red including the basket. I pretty sure every girl wanted to be up there with their boyfriend.

I looked at Zain who was already being pulled by Perrie towards the love air balloon's ride. Liam, Louis and their girlfriend were ahead of them.

"I'm sobbing because I don't have anyone to go up there with!" Niall cried dramatically. "Harry, gimme a call when they are done because I shall now go find some snacks or something." And with that, Niall left me with Harry.

"Do you want to go for the love air balloon ride?" Harry questioned me and again, I said no. "Wait, let me rephrase. I wanna go for that ride but it would only be fun if I have someone with me - so would you go with me?"

I couldn't say no because one, I really wanted to be up there and second, Harry was the only friend I had there. He was the one who defended me, be around me and stayed by me when my boyfriend wandered away.

"Okay," I said and Harry showed me his popular toothy grin. He happily grabbed me by the arm and brought me to the station. I looked at Zain and Perrie who was already halfway up and waving to Louis and Eleanor. I tried not to feel upset because I was gonna go up for the ride as well.

"May I know how long the ride can last?" Harry questioned the big man, probably in his forties.

"25 minutes, the longest. The longest, the priciest," the big man answered, his voice was hoarse and it sounded quite scary.

"I'll get the longest ride," Harry told the man and handed him a wad of cash before pulling me to the only love air balloon left. "Ready?" He asked me once the man closed the door to the basket. I didn't even get to answer because I felt the basket started moving upwards.

"Close your eyes if you're scared," I heard Harry said, close to my ear. I felt his arms encircled me, my forehead against his chest.

We remained in that position until I felt stable. I opened up my eyes and looked up to Harry who was smiling at me. I looked around and saw other people in their love air balloons but only one caught my eyes.

Zain and Perrie, making out.

I turned away and hid my face in Harry's chest and without my realization, I started tearing. I wanted to be up here in this love air balloon with my boyfriend, Zain, and not watching him and someone else making out.

"Savannah, I just want you to enjoy the rest of our 20 minutes up here. I know you haven't been very happy since we arrived and now, I want you to. I want to make you feel happy. I want to make you feel wanted. Trust me, Zain don't intend to make you feel upset but he had no choice. Now, let me as your friend, make it up for him," Harry whispered into my ear.

I didn't realize I was gripping so tightly to the back of his shirt until I felt my fingers numb. I continued tearing silent even though I wanted it to stop. Next, I felt Harry's hand soothingly stroking my back.

Only Harry would want me to enjoy this ride and our day at this carnival. Only Harry knew that I didn't feel happy at all since I arrived, Only Harry wanted me to feel happy. Only Harry wanted me to feel wanted. Only Harry would regard me as his friend.

Another thing that I didn't realize until I looked up into Harry's eyes was, I wished Harry was my boyfriend instead of Zain.

So, what you guys think of Savannah and Harry? :)

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